2024-07-22 00:33:50 +03:00
#include <kernel/InterruptController.h>
2024-03-07 16:05:29 +02:00
#include <kernel/Memory/kmalloc.h>
2024-03-03 22:30:06 +02:00
#include <kernel/Processor.h>
2024-07-22 00:33:50 +03:00
#include <kernel/Terminal/TerminalDriver.h>
2024-03-08 23:24:18 +02:00
#include <kernel/Thread.h>
2024-07-22 00:33:50 +03:00
#include <kernel/Timer/Timer.h>
extern Kernel::TerminalDriver* g_terminal_driver;
2024-03-07 16:05:29 +02:00
2024-03-03 22:30:06 +02:00
namespace Kernel
2024-03-07 16:05:29 +02:00
static constexpr uint32_t MSR_IA32_GS_BASE = 0xC0000101;
2024-07-22 00:33:50 +03:00
ProcessorID Processor::s_bsb_id { PROCESSOR_NONE };
BAN::Atomic<uint8_t> Processor::s_processor_count { 0 };
BAN::Atomic<bool> Processor::s_is_smp_enabled { false };
BAN::Atomic<bool> Processor::s_should_print_cpu_load { false };
static BAN::Atomic<uint8_t> s_processors_created { 0 };
2024-03-06 00:36:09 +02:00
2024-07-22 00:33:50 +03:00
// 32 bit milli seconds are definitely enough as APs start on boot
2024-07-23 02:28:52 +03:00
static BAN::Atomic<uint32_t> s_first_ap_ready_ms { static_cast<uint32_t>(-1) };
2024-03-07 16:05:29 +02:00
2024-07-22 00:33:50 +03:00
static BAN::Array<Processor, 0xFF> s_processors;
static BAN::Array<ProcessorID, 0xFF> s_processor_ids { PROCESSOR_NONE };
ProcessorID Processor::read_processor_id()
2024-03-07 16:05:29 +02:00
2024-03-22 13:33:13 +02:00
uint32_t id;
2024-03-07 16:05:29 +02:00
asm volatile(
"movl $1, %%eax;"
"shrl $24, %%ebx;"
2024-03-22 13:33:13 +02:00
: "=b"(id)
:: "eax", "ecx", "edx"
2024-03-07 16:05:29 +02:00
2024-07-22 00:33:50 +03:00
return ProcessorID(id);
2024-03-07 16:05:29 +02:00
2024-03-03 22:30:06 +02:00
Processor& Processor::create(ProcessorID id)
2024-03-06 00:36:09 +02:00
// bsb is the first processor
2024-07-22 00:33:50 +03:00
if (s_bsb_id == PROCESSOR_NONE && id == PROCESSOR_NONE)
2024-03-07 16:05:29 +02:00
s_bsb_id = id = read_processor_id();
2024-07-22 00:33:50 +03:00
if (s_bsb_id == PROCESSOR_NONE || id == PROCESSOR_NONE || id.m_id >= s_processors.size())
Kernel::panic("Trying to initialize invalid processor {}", id.m_id);
2024-03-06 00:36:09 +02:00
2024-07-22 00:33:50 +03:00
auto& processor = s_processors[id.m_id];
2024-03-03 22:30:06 +02:00
2024-03-07 16:05:29 +02:00
ASSERT(processor.m_id == PROCESSOR_NONE);
processor.m_id = id;
2024-03-06 00:02:18 +02:00
2024-03-07 16:05:29 +02:00
processor.m_stack = kmalloc(s_stack_size, 4096, true);
2024-03-03 22:30:06 +02:00
2024-03-26 13:59:09 +02:00
processor.m_gdt = GDT::create(&processor);
2024-03-07 16:05:29 +02:00
2024-03-09 23:49:31 +02:00
processor.m_idt = IDT::create();
2024-03-07 16:05:29 +02:00
2024-07-22 00:33:50 +03:00
processor.m_scheduler = MUST(Scheduler::create());
SMPMessage* smp_storage = new SMPMessage[0x1000];
for (size_t i = 0; i < 0xFFF; i++)
smp_storage[i].next = &smp_storage[i + 1];
smp_storage[0xFFF].next = nullptr;
processor.m_smp_pending = nullptr;
processor.m_smp_free = smp_storage;
2024-03-07 16:05:29 +02:00
return processor;
2024-03-03 22:30:06 +02:00
2024-03-07 16:05:29 +02:00
Processor& Processor::initialize()
2024-03-06 00:02:18 +02:00
2024-03-07 16:05:29 +02:00
auto id = read_processor_id();
2024-07-22 00:33:50 +03:00
auto& processor = s_processors[id.m_id];
2024-03-07 16:05:29 +02:00
2024-03-26 13:59:09 +02:00
// initialize GS
#if ARCH(x86_64)
2024-03-07 16:05:29 +02:00
// set gs base to pointer to this processor
uint64_t ptr = reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(&processor);
2024-03-22 13:33:13 +02:00
uint32_t ptr_hi = ptr >> 32;
uint32_t ptr_lo = ptr & 0xFFFFFFFF;
asm volatile("wrmsr" :: "d"(ptr_hi), "a"(ptr_lo), "c"(MSR_IA32_GS_BASE));
2024-03-26 13:59:09 +02:00
#elif ARCH(i686)
asm volatile("movw $0x28, %%ax; movw %%ax, %%gs" ::: "ax");
2024-03-06 00:45:54 +02:00
2024-03-07 16:05:29 +02:00
return processor;
2024-03-06 00:02:18 +02:00
2024-07-22 00:33:50 +03:00
ProcessorID Processor::id_from_index(size_t index)
2024-03-08 23:24:18 +02:00
2024-07-22 00:33:50 +03:00
ASSERT(index < s_processor_count);
ASSERT(s_processor_ids[index] != PROCESSOR_NONE);
return s_processor_ids[index];
2024-03-08 23:24:18 +02:00
2024-07-22 00:33:50 +03:00
void Processor::wait_until_processors_ready()
2024-03-29 18:02:12 +02:00
2024-07-22 00:33:50 +03:00
if (s_processors_created == 1)
s_processor_ids[0] = current_id();
// wait until bsb is ready
if (current_is_bsb())
s_processor_count = 1;
s_processor_ids[0] = current_id();
// single processor system
if (s_processors_created == 1)
// wait until first AP is ready
const uint64_t timeout_ms = SystemTimer::get().ms_since_boot() + 1000;
2024-07-23 02:28:52 +03:00
while (s_first_ap_ready_ms == static_cast<uint32_t>(-1))
2024-07-22 00:33:50 +03:00
if (SystemTimer::get().ms_since_boot() >= timeout_ms)
dprintln("Could not initialize any APs :(");
// wait until bsb is ready, it shall get index 0
while (s_processor_count == 0)
auto lookup_index = s_processor_count++;
ASSERT(s_processor_ids[lookup_index] == PROCESSOR_NONE);
s_processor_ids[lookup_index] = current_id();
2024-07-23 02:28:52 +03:00
uint32_t expected = static_cast<uint32_t>(-1);
2024-07-22 00:33:50 +03:00
s_first_ap_ready_ms.compare_exchange(expected, SystemTimer::get().ms_since_boot());
// wait until all processors are initialized
const uint32_t timeout_ms = s_first_ap_ready_ms + 1000;
while (s_processor_count < s_processors_created)
if (SystemTimer::get().ms_since_boot() >= timeout_ms)
if (current_is_bsb())
dprintln("Could not initialize {} processors :(", s_processors_created - s_processor_count);
s_is_smp_enabled = true;
2024-03-29 18:02:12 +02:00
2024-07-22 00:33:50 +03:00
void Processor::handle_ipi()
2024-03-29 18:02:12 +02:00
2024-07-22 00:33:50 +03:00
2024-03-29 18:02:12 +02:00
2024-07-22 00:33:50 +03:00
template<typename F>
void with_atomic_lock(BAN::Atomic<bool>& lock, F callback)
2024-03-29 18:02:12 +02:00
2024-07-22 00:33:50 +03:00
bool expected = false;
while (!lock.compare_exchange(expected, true, BAN::MemoryOrder::memory_order_acquire))
expected = false;
lock.store(false, BAN::MemoryOrder::memory_order_release);
2024-03-29 18:02:12 +02:00
2024-07-22 00:33:50 +03:00
void Processor::handle_smp_messages()
2024-03-29 18:02:12 +02:00
2024-07-22 00:33:50 +03:00
auto state = get_interrupt_state();
auto processor_id = current_id();
auto& processor = s_processors[processor_id.m_id];
SMPMessage* pending = nullptr;
pending = processor.m_smp_pending;
processor.m_smp_pending = nullptr;
if (pending)
// reverse smp message queue from LIFO to FIFO
SMPMessage* reversed = nullptr;
for (SMPMessage* message = pending; message;)
SMPMessage* next = message->next;
message->next = reversed;
reversed = message;
message = next;
pending = reversed;
SMPMessage* last_handled = nullptr;
// handle messages
for (auto* message = pending; message; message = message->next)
switch (message->type)
case SMPMessage::Type::FlushTLB:
for (size_t i = 0; i < message->flush_tlb.page_count; i++)
asm volatile("invlpg (%0)" :: "r"(message->flush_tlb.vaddr + i * PAGE_SIZE) : "memory");
case SMPMessage::Type::NewThread:
2024-07-24 00:31:01 +03:00
2024-07-22 00:33:50 +03:00
case SMPMessage::Type::UnblockThread:
2024-07-24 00:31:01 +03:00
2024-07-22 00:33:50 +03:00
last_handled = message;
last_handled->next = processor.m_smp_free;
processor.m_smp_free = pending;
void Processor::send_smp_message(ProcessorID processor_id, const SMPMessage& message, bool send_ipi)
ASSERT(processor_id != current_id());
auto state = get_interrupt_state();
auto& processor = s_processors[processor_id.m_id];
// take free message slot
SMPMessage* storage = nullptr;
storage = processor.m_smp_free;
ASSERT(storage && storage->next);
processor.m_smp_free = storage->next;
// write message
*storage = message;
// push message to pending queue
storage->next = processor.m_smp_pending;
processor.m_smp_pending = storage;
if (send_ipi)
void Processor::broadcast_smp_message(const SMPMessage& message)
if (!is_smp_enabled())
auto state = get_interrupt_state();
for (size_t i = 0; i < Processor::count(); i++)
auto processor_id = s_processor_ids[i];
if (processor_id != current_id())
send_smp_message(processor_id, message, false);
void Processor::yield()
auto state = get_interrupt_state();
2024-07-22 00:43:13 +03:00
auto& processor_info = s_processors[current_id().as_u32()];
constexpr uint64_t load_update_interval_ns = 1'000'000'000;
const uint64_t current_ns = SystemTimer::get().ns_since_boot();
if (scheduler().is_idle())
processor_info.m_idle_ns += current_ns - processor_info.m_start_ns;
if (current_ns >= processor_info.m_next_update_ns)
if (s_should_print_cpu_load && g_terminal_driver)
const uint64_t duration_ns = current_ns - processor_info.m_last_update_ns;
const uint64_t load_x1000 = 100'000 * (duration_ns - processor_info.m_idle_ns) / duration_ns;
uint32_t x = g_terminal_driver->width() - 16;
uint32_t y = current_id().as_u32();
const auto proc_putc =
[&x, y](char ch)
if (x < g_terminal_driver->width() && y < g_terminal_driver->height())
g_terminal_driver->putchar_at(ch, x++, y, TerminalColor::BRIGHT_WHITE, TerminalColor::BLACK);
BAN::Formatter::print(proc_putc, "CPU { 2}: { 3}.{3}%", current_id(), load_x1000 / 1000, load_x1000 % 1000);
processor_info.m_idle_ns = 0;
processor_info.m_last_update_ns = current_ns;
processor_info.m_next_update_ns += load_update_interval_ns;
2024-07-22 00:33:50 +03:00
#if ARCH(x86_64)
asm volatile(
"movq %%rsp, %%rcx;"
"movq %[load_sp], %%rsp;"
"int %[yield];"
"movq %%rcx, %%rsp;"
// NOTE: This is offset by 2 pointers since interrupt without PL change
// does not push SP and SS. This allows accessing "whole" interrupt stack.
:: [load_sp]"r"(Processor::current_stack_top() - 2 * sizeof(uintptr_t)),
2024-09-27 15:31:31 +03:00
2024-07-22 00:33:50 +03:00
: "memory", "rcx"
#elif ARCH(i686)
asm volatile(
"movl %%esp, %%ecx;"
"movl %[load_sp], %%esp;"
"int %[yield];"
"movl %%ecx, %%esp;"
// NOTE: This is offset by 2 pointers since interrupt without PL change
// does not push SP and SS. This allows accessing "whole" interrupt stack.
:: [load_sp]"r"(Processor::current_stack_top() - 2 * sizeof(uintptr_t)),
2024-09-27 15:31:31 +03:00
2024-07-22 00:33:50 +03:00
: "memory", "ecx"
2024-07-22 00:43:13 +03:00
processor_info.m_start_ns = SystemTimer::get().ns_since_boot();
2024-07-22 00:33:50 +03:00
2024-03-29 18:02:12 +02:00
2024-03-03 22:30:06 +02:00