## Code structure
Each major component and library has its own subdirectory (kernel, userspace, libc, ...). Each directory contains directory *include*, which has **all** of the header files of the component. Every header is included by its absolute path.
To build for other architectures set environment variable BANAN\_ARCH=*arch* (e.g. BANAN\_ARCH=i686).
To change the bootloader you can set environment variable BANAN\_BOOTLOADER; supported values are BANAN (my custom bootloader) and GRUB.
To run with UEFI set environment variable BANAN\_UEFI\_BOOT=1. You will also have to set OVMF\_PATH to the correct OVMF (default */usr/share/ovmf/x64/OVMF.fd*).
If you have corrupted your disk image or want to create new one, you can either manually delete *build/banan-os.img* and build system will automatically create you a new one or you can run the following command.
I have also created shell completion script for zsh. You can either copy the file in _script/shell-completion/zsh/\_bos_ to _/usr/share/zsh/site-functions/_ or add the _script/shell-completion/zsh_ to your fpath in _.zshrc_.
As the upstream is hosted on my server https://git.bananymous.com/Bananymous/banan-os, please contact me about account creation ([email](mailto:oskari.alaranta@bananymous.com), [discord](https://discord.gg/ehjGySwYdK)) and I will add a account for you. This is done to limit the people with access to the server.
As this is mostly a learning experience for me, I would appreciate if you first contacted me about adding new features (email, discord, issue, ...). Bug fixes are always welcome!
Commit message should be formatted followingly
1. First line is of the form "_Subject: Description_", where _Subject_ tells the area touched (Kernel, Shell, BuildSystem, ...) and _Description_ is brief description of the change done. First line should fit fully in 70 characters.
2. Body of the message should further describe the change and reasoning behind the change.
All commits should pass the pre-commit hook defined in _.pre-commit-config.yaml_. For instructions on how to setup pre-commit, please see https://pre-commit.com/#install.