389 lines
10 KiB
389 lines
10 KiB
#include <BAN/Errors.h>
#include <kernel/CriticalScope.h>
#include <kernel/kprint.h>
#include <kernel/Memory/kmalloc.h>
#include <kernel/Thread.h>
#define MB (1 << 20)
static constexpr size_t s_kmalloc_min_align = alignof(max_align_t);
static uint8_t s_kmalloc_storage[2 * MB];
struct kmalloc_node
void set_align(ptrdiff_t align) { m_align = align; }
void set_end(uintptr_t end) { m_size = end - (uintptr_t)m_data; }
void set_used(bool used) { m_used = used; }
bool can_align(uint32_t align) { return align < m_size; }
bool can_fit_before() { return m_align > sizeof(kmalloc_node); }
bool can_fit_after(size_t new_size) { return data() + new_size < end() - sizeof(kmalloc_node); }
void split_in_align()
uintptr_t node_end = end();
set_end(data() - sizeof(kmalloc_node));
auto* next = after();
void split_after_size(size_t size)
uintptr_t node_end = end();
set_end(data() + size);
auto* next = after();
bool used() { return m_used; }
uintptr_t size_no_align() { return m_size; }
uintptr_t size() { return size_no_align() - m_align; }
uintptr_t data_no_align() { return (uintptr_t)m_data; }
uintptr_t data() { return data_no_align() + m_align; }
uintptr_t end() { return data_no_align() + m_size; }
kmalloc_node* after() { return (kmalloc_node*)end(); }
uint32_t m_size;
uint32_t m_align;
bool m_used;
uint8_t m_padding[s_kmalloc_min_align - sizeof(m_size) - sizeof(m_align) - sizeof(m_used)];
uint8_t m_data[0];
static_assert(sizeof(kmalloc_node) == s_kmalloc_min_align);
struct kmalloc_info
const uintptr_t base = (uintptr_t)s_kmalloc_storage;
const size_t size = sizeof(s_kmalloc_storage) / 2;
const uintptr_t end = base + size;
kmalloc_node* first() { return (kmalloc_node*)base; }
kmalloc_node* from_address(void* addr)
for (auto* node = first(); node->end() < end; node = node->after())
if (node->data() == (uintptr_t)addr)
return node;
return nullptr;
size_t used = 0;
size_t free = size;
static kmalloc_info s_kmalloc_info;
template<size_t SIZE>
struct kmalloc_fixed_node
uint8_t data[SIZE - 2 * sizeof(uint16_t)];
uint16_t prev = NULL;
uint16_t next = NULL;
static constexpr uint16_t invalid = ~0;
struct kmalloc_fixed_info
using node = kmalloc_fixed_node<64>;
const uintptr_t base = s_kmalloc_info.end;
const size_t size = (uintptr_t)s_kmalloc_storage + sizeof(s_kmalloc_storage) - base;
const uintptr_t end = base + size;
const size_t node_count = size / sizeof(node);
node* free_list_head = NULL;
node* used_list_head = NULL;
node* node_at(size_t index) { return (node*)(base + index * sizeof(node)); }
uint16_t index_of(const node* p) { return ((uintptr_t)p - base) / sizeof(node); }
size_t used = 0;
size_t free = size;
static kmalloc_fixed_info s_kmalloc_fixed_info;
void kmalloc_initialize()
dprintln("kmalloc {8H}->{8H}", (uintptr_t)s_kmalloc_storage, (uintptr_t)s_kmalloc_storage + sizeof(s_kmalloc_storage));
// initialize fixed size allocations
auto& info = s_kmalloc_fixed_info;
for (size_t i = 0; i < info.node_count; i++)
auto* node = info.node_at(i);
node->next = i - 1;
node->prev = i + 1;
info.node_at(0)->next = kmalloc_fixed_info::node::invalid;
info.node_at(info.node_count - 1)->prev = kmalloc_fixed_info::node::invalid;
info.free_list_head = info.node_at(0);
info.used_list_head = nullptr;
// initial general allocations
auto& info = s_kmalloc_info;
auto* node = info.first();
void kmalloc_dump_info()
kprintln("kmalloc: 0x{8H}->0x{8H}", s_kmalloc_info.base, s_kmalloc_info.end);
kprintln(" used: 0x{8H}", s_kmalloc_info.used);
kprintln(" free: 0x{8H}", s_kmalloc_info.free);
kprintln("kmalloc fixed {} byte: 0x{8H}->0x{8H}", sizeof(kmalloc_fixed_info::node), s_kmalloc_fixed_info.base, s_kmalloc_fixed_info.end);
kprintln(" used: 0x{8H}", s_kmalloc_fixed_info.used);
kprintln(" free: 0x{8H}", s_kmalloc_fixed_info.free);
static bool is_corrupted()
auto& info = s_kmalloc_info;
auto* temp = info.first();
for (; temp->end() <= info.end; temp = temp->after());
return (uintptr_t)temp != info.end;
static void debug_dump()
auto& info = s_kmalloc_info;
uint32_t used = 0;
uint32_t free = 0;
for (auto* node = info.first(); node->data() <= info.end; node = node->after())
(node->used() ? used : free) += sizeof(kmalloc_node) + node->size_no_align();
dprintln("{} node {H} -> {H}", node->used() ? "used" : "free", node->data(), node->end());
dprintln("total used: {}", used);
dprintln("total free: {}", free);
dprintln(" {}", used + free);
static void* kmalloc_fixed()
auto& info = s_kmalloc_fixed_info;
if (!info.free_list_head)
return nullptr;
// allocate the node on top of free list
auto* node = info.free_list_head;
ASSERT(node->next == kmalloc_fixed_info::node::invalid);
// remove the node from free list
if (info.free_list_head->prev != kmalloc_fixed_info::node::invalid)
info.free_list_head = info.node_at(info.free_list_head->prev);
info.free_list_head->next = kmalloc_fixed_info::node::invalid;
derrorln("removing free list, allocated {}", info.used);
info.free_list_head = nullptr;
node->prev = kmalloc_fixed_info::node::invalid;
node->next = kmalloc_fixed_info::node::invalid;
// move the node to the top of used nodes
if (info.used_list_head)
info.used_list_head->next = info.index_of(node);
node->prev = info.index_of(info.used_list_head);
info.used_list_head = node;
info.used += sizeof(kmalloc_fixed_info::node);
info.free -= sizeof(kmalloc_fixed_info::node);
return (void*)node->data;
static void* kmalloc_impl(size_t size, size_t align)
ASSERT(align % s_kmalloc_min_align == 0);
ASSERT(size % s_kmalloc_min_align == 0);
auto& info = s_kmalloc_info;
for (auto* node = info.first(); node->end() <= info.end; node = node->after())
if (node->used())
if (auto* next = node->after(); next->end() <= info.end)
if (!next->used())
if (node->size_no_align() < size)
ptrdiff_t needed_align = 0;
if (ptrdiff_t rem = node->data_no_align() % align)
needed_align = align - rem;
if (!node->can_align(needed_align))
ASSERT(node->data() % align == 0);
if (node->size() < size)
if (node->can_fit_before())
node = node->after();
ASSERT(node->data() % align == 0);
if (node->can_fit_after(size))
ASSERT(node->data() % align == 0);
info.used += sizeof(kmalloc_node) + node->size_no_align();
info.free -= sizeof(kmalloc_node) + node->size_no_align();
return (void*)node->data();
return nullptr;
void* kmalloc(size_t size)
return kmalloc(size, s_kmalloc_min_align);
static constexpr bool is_power_of_two(size_t value)
if (value == 0)
return false;
return (value & (value - 1)) == 0;
void* kmalloc(size_t size, size_t align)
const kmalloc_info& info = s_kmalloc_info;
if (align < s_kmalloc_min_align)
align = s_kmalloc_min_align;
Kernel::CriticalScope critical;
if (size == 0 || size >= info.size)
goto no_memory;
// if the size fits into fixed node, we will try to use that since it is faster
if (align == s_kmalloc_min_align && size <= sizeof(kmalloc_fixed_info::node::data))
if (void* result = kmalloc_fixed())
return result;
if (ptrdiff_t rem = size % s_kmalloc_min_align)
size += s_kmalloc_min_align - rem;
if (void* res = kmalloc_impl(size, align))
return res;
dwarnln("could not allocate {H} bytes ({} aligned)", size, align);
dwarnln(" {6H} free (fixed)", s_kmalloc_fixed_info.free);
dwarnln(" {6H} free", s_kmalloc_info.free);
return nullptr;
void kfree(void* address)
if (address == nullptr)
uintptr_t address_uint = (uintptr_t)address;
ASSERT(address_uint % s_kmalloc_min_align == 0);
Kernel::CriticalScope critical;
if (s_kmalloc_fixed_info.base <= address_uint && address_uint < s_kmalloc_fixed_info.end)
auto& info = s_kmalloc_fixed_info;
// get node from fixed info buffer
auto* node = (kmalloc_fixed_info::node*)address;
ASSERT(node->next < info.node_count || node->next == kmalloc_fixed_info::node::invalid);
ASSERT(node->prev < info.node_count || node->prev == kmalloc_fixed_info::node::invalid);
// remove from used list
if (node->prev != kmalloc_fixed_info::node::invalid)
info.node_at(node->prev)->next = node->next;
if (node->next != kmalloc_fixed_info::node::invalid)
info.node_at(node->next)->prev = node->prev;
if (info.used_list_head == node)
info.used_list_head = info.used_list_head->prev != kmalloc_fixed_info::node::invalid ? info.node_at(info.used_list_head->prev) : nullptr;
// add to free list
node->next = kmalloc_fixed_info::node::invalid;
node->prev = kmalloc_fixed_info::node::invalid;
if (info.free_list_head)
info.free_list_head->next = info.index_of(node);
node->prev = info.index_of(info.free_list_head);
info.free_list_head = node;
info.used -= sizeof(kmalloc_fixed_info::node);
info.free += sizeof(kmalloc_fixed_info::node);
else if (s_kmalloc_info.base <= address_uint && address_uint < s_kmalloc_info.end)
auto& info = s_kmalloc_info;
auto* node = info.from_address(address);
ASSERT(node->data() == (uintptr_t)address);
ptrdiff_t size = node->size_no_align();
if (auto* next = node->after(); next->end() <= info.end)
if (!next->used())
info.used -= sizeof(kmalloc_node) + size;
info.free += sizeof(kmalloc_node) + size;
Kernel::panic("Trying to free a pointer outsize of kmalloc memory");
} |