578 lines
16 KiB
578 lines
16 KiB
#include <BAN/Function.h>
#include <kernel/FS/Ext2/FileSystem.h>
#include <kernel/FS/Ext2/Inode.h>
#include <kernel/Timer/Timer.h>
#define EXT2_DEBUG_PRINT 1
namespace Kernel
blksize_t Ext2Inode::blksize() const
return m_fs.block_size();
blkcnt_t Ext2Inode::blocks() const
return m_inode.blocks / (2 << m_fs.superblock().log_block_size);
uint32_t Ext2Inode::block_group() const
return (m_ino - 1) / m_fs.superblock().blocks_per_group;
BAN::ErrorOr<BAN::RefPtr<Inode>> Ext2Inode::create(Ext2FS& fs, uint32_t inode_ino)
auto inode_location = TRY(fs.locate_inode(inode_ino));
BAN::Vector<uint8_t> block_buffer;
fs.read_block(inode_location.block, block_buffer.span());
auto& inode = *(Ext2::Inode*)(block_buffer.data() + inode_location.offset);
Ext2Inode* result = new Ext2Inode(fs, inode, inode_ino);
if (result == nullptr)
return BAN::Error::from_errno(ENOMEM);
return BAN::RefPtr<Inode>::adopt(result);
#define READ_INDIRECT(block, container) \
if (block) \
m_fs.read_block(block, block_buffer.span()); \
else \
{ \
if (!allocate) \
return BAN::Error::from_error_code(ErrorCode::Ext2_Corrupted); \
memset(block_buffer.data(), 0, block_size); \
block = TRY(m_fs.reserve_free_block(block_group())); \
m_fs.write_block(container, block_buffer.span()); \
#define READ_INDIRECT_TOP(block) \
if (block) \
m_fs.read_block(block, block_buffer.span()); \
else \
{ \
if (!allocate) \
return BAN::Error::from_error_code(ErrorCode::Ext2_Corrupted); \
memset(block_buffer.data(), 0, block_size); \
block = TRY(m_fs.reserve_free_block(block_group())); \
BAN::ErrorOr<void> Ext2Inode::for_data_block_index(uint32_t asked_data_block, const BAN::Function<void(uint32_t&)>& callback, bool allocate)
const uint32_t block_size = blksize();
const uint32_t data_blocks_count = blocks();
const uint32_t blocks_per_array = block_size / sizeof(uint32_t);
ASSERT(asked_data_block < data_blocks_count);
// Direct block
if (asked_data_block < 12)
uint32_t& block = m_inode.block[asked_data_block];
uint32_t block_copy = block;
if (block != block_copy)
return {};
asked_data_block -= 12;
BAN::Vector<uint8_t> block_buffer;
// Singly indirect block
if (asked_data_block < blocks_per_array)
uint32_t& block = ((uint32_t*)block_buffer.data())[asked_data_block];
uint32_t block_copy = block;
if (block != block_copy)
m_fs.write_block(m_inode.block[12], block_buffer.span());
return {};
asked_data_block -= blocks_per_array;
// Doubly indirect blocks
if (asked_data_block < blocks_per_array * blocks_per_array)
uint32_t& direct_block = ((uint32_t*)block_buffer.data())[asked_data_block / blocks_per_array];
READ_INDIRECT(direct_block, m_inode.block[13]);
uint32_t& block = ((uint32_t*)block_buffer.data())[asked_data_block % blocks_per_array];
uint32_t block_copy = block;
if (block != block_copy)
m_fs.write_block(direct_block, block_buffer.span());
return {};
asked_data_block -= blocks_per_array * blocks_per_array;
// Triply indirect blocks
if (asked_data_block < blocks_per_array * blocks_per_array * blocks_per_array)
uint32_t& doubly_indirect_block = ((uint32_t*)block_buffer.data())[asked_data_block / (blocks_per_array * blocks_per_array)];
READ_INDIRECT(doubly_indirect_block, m_inode.block[14]);
uint32_t& singly_direct_block = ((uint32_t*)block_buffer.data())[(asked_data_block / blocks_per_array) % blocks_per_array];
READ_INDIRECT(singly_direct_block, doubly_indirect_block);
uint32_t& block = ((uint32_t*)block_buffer.data())[asked_data_block % blocks_per_array];
uint32_t block_copy = block;
if (block != block_copy)
m_fs.write_block(singly_direct_block, block_buffer.span());
return {};
BAN::ErrorOr<uint32_t> Ext2Inode::data_block_index(uint32_t asked_data_block)
uint32_t result;
TRY(for_data_block_index(asked_data_block, [&result] (uint32_t& index) { result = index; }, false));
ASSERT(result != 0);
return result;
BAN::ErrorOr<BAN::String> Ext2Inode::link_target()
if (m_inode.size < sizeof(m_inode.block))
return BAN::String((const char*)m_inode.block);
BAN::ErrorOr<size_t> Ext2Inode::read(size_t offset, void* buffer, size_t count)
// FIXME: update atime if needed
if (mode().ifdir())
return BAN::Error::from_errno(EISDIR);
if (offset >= m_inode.size)
return 0;
if (offset + count > m_inode.size)
count = m_inode.size - offset;
const uint32_t block_size = blksize();
BAN::Vector<uint8_t> block_buffer;
const uint32_t first_block = offset / block_size;
const uint32_t last_block = BAN::Math::div_round_up<uint32_t>(offset + count, block_size);
size_t n_read = 0;
for (uint32_t block = first_block; block < last_block; block++)
uint32_t block_index = TRY(data_block_index(block));
m_fs.read_block(block_index, block_buffer.span());
uint32_t copy_offset = (offset + n_read) % block_size;
uint32_t to_copy = BAN::Math::min<uint32_t>(block_size - copy_offset, count - n_read);
memcpy((uint8_t*)buffer + n_read, block_buffer.data() + copy_offset, to_copy);
n_read += to_copy;
return n_read;
BAN::ErrorOr<size_t> Ext2Inode::write(size_t offset, const void* buffer, size_t count)
if (offset >= UINT32_MAX || count == UINT32_MAX || offset + count >= UINT32_MAX)
return BAN::Error::from_errno(EOVERFLOW);
if (mode().ifdir())
return BAN::Error::from_errno(EISDIR);
if (m_inode.size < offset + count)
TRY(truncate(offset + count));
const uint32_t block_size = blksize();
BAN::Vector<uint8_t> block_buffer;
const uint8_t* u8buffer = (const uint8_t*)buffer;
// Write partial block
if (offset % block_size)
uint32_t block_index = offset / block_size;
uint32_t block_offset = offset % block_size;
uint32_t data_block_index = TRY(this->data_block_index(block_index));
uint32_t to_copy = BAN::Math::min<uint32_t>(block_size - block_offset, count);
m_fs.read_block(data_block_index, block_buffer.span());
memcpy(block_buffer.data() + block_offset, buffer, to_copy);
m_fs.write_block(data_block_index, block_buffer.span());
u8buffer += to_copy;
offset += to_copy;
count -= to_copy;
while (count >= block_size)
uint32_t data_block_index = TRY(this->data_block_index(offset / block_size));
m_fs.write_block(data_block_index, BAN::Span<const uint8_t>(u8buffer, block_size));
u8buffer += block_size;
offset += block_size;
count -= block_size;
if (count > 0)
uint32_t data_block_index = TRY(this->data_block_index(offset / block_size));
m_fs.read_block(data_block_index, block_buffer.span());
memcpy(block_buffer.data(), u8buffer, count);
m_fs.write_block(data_block_index, block_buffer.span());
return count;
BAN::ErrorOr<void> Ext2Inode::truncate(size_t new_size)
if (m_inode.size == new_size)
return {};
const uint32_t block_size = blksize();
const uint32_t current_data_blocks = blocks();
const uint32_t needed_data_blocks = BAN::Math::div_round_up<uint32_t>(new_size, block_size);
if (new_size < m_inode.size)
m_inode.size = new_size;
return {};
BAN::Vector<uint8_t> block_buffer;
if (uint32_t rem = m_inode.size % block_size)
uint32_t last_block_index = TRY(data_block_index(current_data_blocks - 1));
m_fs.read_block(last_block_index, block_buffer.span());
memset(block_buffer.data() + rem, 0, block_size - rem);
m_fs.write_block(last_block_index, block_buffer.span());
memset(block_buffer.data(), 0, block_size);
while (blocks() < needed_data_blocks)
uint32_t block_index = TRY(allocate_new_block());
m_fs.write_block(block_index, block_buffer.span());
m_inode.size = new_size;
return {};
BAN::ErrorOr<void> Ext2Inode::directory_read_next_entries(off_t offset, DirectoryEntryList* list, size_t list_size)
if (!mode().ifdir())
return BAN::Error::from_errno(ENOTDIR);
const uint32_t data_block_count = blocks();
if (offset >= data_block_count)
list->entry_count = 0;
return {};
const uint32_t block_size = blksize();
const uint32_t block_index = TRY(data_block_index(offset));
BAN::Vector<uint8_t> block_buffer;
m_fs.read_block(block_index, block_buffer.span());
// First determine if we have big enough list
const uint8_t* block_buffer_end = block_buffer.data() + block_size;
const uint8_t* entry_addr = block_buffer.data();
size_t needed_size = sizeof(DirectoryEntryList);
while (entry_addr < block_buffer_end)
auto& entry = *(Ext2::LinkedDirectoryEntry*)entry_addr;
if (entry.inode)
needed_size += sizeof(DirectoryEntry) + entry.name_len + 1;
entry_addr += entry.rec_len;
if (needed_size > list_size)
return BAN::Error::from_errno(EINVAL);
// Second fill the list
DirectoryEntry* ptr = list->array;
list->entry_count = 0;
const uint8_t* block_buffer_end = block_buffer.data() + block_size;
const uint8_t* entry_addr = block_buffer.data();
while (entry_addr < block_buffer_end)
auto& entry = *(Ext2::LinkedDirectoryEntry*)entry_addr;
if (entry.inode)
ptr->dirent.d_ino = entry.inode;
ptr->rec_len = sizeof(DirectoryEntry) + entry.name_len + 1;
memcpy(ptr->dirent.d_name, entry.name, entry.name_len);
ptr->dirent.d_name[entry.name_len] = '\0';
ptr = ptr->next();
entry_addr += entry.rec_len;
return {};
BAN::ErrorOr<void> Ext2Inode::create_file(BAN::StringView name, mode_t mode, uid_t uid, gid_t gid)
if (!this->mode().ifdir())
return BAN::Error::from_errno(ENOTDIR);
if (name.size() > 255)
return BAN::Error::from_errno(ENAMETOOLONG);
if (!(Mode(mode).ifreg()))
return BAN::Error::from_errno(EINVAL);
if (m_inode.flags & Ext2::Enum::INDEX_FL)
dwarnln("file creation to indexed directory not supported");
return BAN::Error::from_errno(ENOTSUP);
auto error_or = directory_find_inode(name);
if (!error_or.is_error())
return BAN::Error::from_errno(EEXISTS);
if (error_or.error().get_error_code() != ENOENT)
return error_or.error();
timespec current_time = SystemTimer::get().real_time();
Ext2::Inode ext2_inode
.mode = (uint16_t)mode,
.uid = (uint16_t)uid,
.size = 0,
.atime = (uint32_t)current_time.tv_sec,
.ctime = (uint32_t)current_time.tv_sec,
.mtime = (uint32_t)current_time.tv_sec,
.dtime = 0,
.gid = (uint16_t)gid,
.links_count = 5,
.blocks = 0,
.flags = 0,
.osd1 = 0,
.block = {},
.generation = 0,
.file_acl = 0,
.dir_acl = 0,
.faddr = 0,
.osd2 = {}
const uint32_t inode_index = TRY(m_fs.create_inode(ext2_inode));
const uint32_t block_size = m_fs.block_size();
BAN::Vector<uint8_t> block_buffer;
auto write_inode = [&](uint32_t entry_offset, uint32_t entry_rec_len)
auto typed_mode = Mode { mode };
uint8_t file_type = (m_fs.superblock().rev_level == Ext2::Enum::GOOD_OLD_REV) ? 0
: typed_mode.ifreg() ? Ext2::Enum::REG_FILE
: typed_mode.ifdir() ? Ext2::Enum::DIR
: typed_mode.ifchr() ? Ext2::Enum::CHRDEV
: typed_mode.ifblk() ? Ext2::Enum::BLKDEV
: typed_mode.ififo() ? Ext2::Enum::FIFO
: typed_mode.ifsock() ? Ext2::Enum::SOCK
: typed_mode.iflnk() ? Ext2::Enum::SYMLINK
: 0;
auto& new_entry = *(Ext2::LinkedDirectoryEntry*)(block_buffer.data() + entry_offset);
new_entry.inode = inode_index;
new_entry.rec_len = entry_rec_len;
new_entry.name_len = name.size();
new_entry.file_type = file_type;
memcpy(new_entry.name, name.data(), name.size());
uint32_t block_index = 0;
uint32_t entry_offset = 0;
uint32_t needed_entry_len = sizeof(Ext2::LinkedDirectoryEntry) + name.size();
if (auto rem = needed_entry_len % 4)
needed_entry_len += 4 - rem;
const uint32_t data_block_count = blocks();
if (data_block_count == 0)
goto needs_new_block;
// Try to insert inode to last data block
block_index = TRY(data_block_index(data_block_count - 1));
m_fs.read_block(block_index, block_buffer.span());
while (entry_offset < block_size)
auto& entry = *(Ext2::LinkedDirectoryEntry*)(block_buffer.data() + entry_offset);
uint32_t entry_min_rec_len = sizeof(Ext2::LinkedDirectoryEntry) + entry.name_len;
if (auto rem = entry_min_rec_len % 4)
entry_min_rec_len += 4 - rem;
if (entry.inode == 0 && needed_entry_len <= entry.rec_len)
write_inode(entry_offset, entry.rec_len);
m_fs.write_block(block_index, block_buffer.span());
return {};
else if (needed_entry_len <= entry.rec_len - entry_min_rec_len)
uint32_t new_rec_len = entry.rec_len - entry_min_rec_len;
entry.rec_len = entry_min_rec_len;
write_inode(entry_offset + entry.rec_len, new_rec_len);
m_fs.write_block(block_index, block_buffer.span());
return {};
entry_offset += entry.rec_len;
block_index = TRY(allocate_new_block());
m_fs.read_block(block_index, block_buffer.span());
write_inode(0, block_size);
m_fs.write_block(block_index, block_buffer.span());
return {};
BAN::ErrorOr<uint32_t> Ext2Inode::allocate_new_block()
uint32_t new_block_index = TRY(m_fs.reserve_free_block(block_group()));
auto set_index_func = [new_block_index] (uint32_t& index) { index = new_block_index; };
const uint32_t blocks_per_data_block = blksize() / 512;
m_inode.blocks += blocks_per_data_block;
if (auto res = for_data_block_index(blocks() - 1, set_index_func, true); res.is_error())
m_inode.blocks -= blocks_per_data_block;
return res.release_error();
return new_block_index;
BAN::ErrorOr<void> Ext2Inode::sync()
auto inode_location_or_error = m_fs.locate_inode(ino());
if (inode_location_or_error.is_error())
dwarnln("Open inode not found from filesystem");
return BAN::Error::from_error_code(ErrorCode::Ext2_Corrupted);
auto inode_location = inode_location_or_error.release_value();
const uint32_t block_size = blksize();
BAN::Vector<uint8_t> block_buffer;
m_fs.read_block(inode_location.block, block_buffer.span());
if (memcmp(block_buffer.data() + inode_location.offset, &m_inode, sizeof(Ext2::Inode)))
memcpy(block_buffer.data() + inode_location.offset, &m_inode, sizeof(Ext2::Inode));
m_fs.write_block(inode_location.block, block_buffer.span());
return {};
BAN::ErrorOr<BAN::RefPtr<Inode>> Ext2Inode::directory_find_inode(BAN::StringView file_name)
if (!mode().ifdir())
return BAN::Error::from_errno(ENOTDIR);
const uint32_t block_size = blksize();
const uint32_t data_block_count = blocks();
BAN::Vector<uint8_t> block_buffer;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < data_block_count; i++)
const uint32_t block_index = TRY(data_block_index(i));
m_fs.read_block(block_index, block_buffer.span());
const uint8_t* block_buffer_end = block_buffer.data() + block_size;
const uint8_t* entry_addr = block_buffer.data();
while (entry_addr < block_buffer_end)
const auto& entry = *(const Ext2::LinkedDirectoryEntry*)entry_addr;
BAN::StringView entry_name(entry.name, entry.name_len);
if (entry.inode && entry_name == file_name)
return TRY(Ext2Inode::create(m_fs, entry.inode));
entry_addr += entry.rec_len;
return BAN::Error::from_errno(ENOENT);
} |