test-sort: Test more algorithms and cleanup output format

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Bananymous 2024-02-01 15:05:17 +02:00
parent d054e5b4b7
commit 7cb71ec6fb
1 changed files with 28 additions and 17 deletions

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@ -16,26 +16,37 @@ bool is_sorted(BAN::Vector<T>& vec)
#define CURRENT_NS() ({ timespec ts; clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts); ts.tv_sec * 1'000'000'000 + ts.tv_nsec; })
#define TEST(name, function, count) do { \
BAN::Vector<int> ivec(count, 0); \
for (int& i : ivec) \
i = rand() % 100; \
uint64_t start_ns = CURRENT_NS(); \
function(ivec.begin(), ivec.end()); \
uint64_t end_ns = CURRENT_NS(); \
uint64_t dur_us = (end_ns - start_ns) / 1000; \
printf(name " (" #count "): %s\n", is_sorted(ivec) ? "success" : "fail"); \
printf(" took %" PRIu64 ".%03" PRIu64 " ms\n", dur_us / 1000, dur_us % 1000); \
#define TEST_ALGORITHM(ms, function) do { \
uint64_t duration_us = 0; \
printf(#function "\n"); \
for (size_t size = 100; duration_us < ms * 1000; size *= 10) { \
BAN::Vector<unsigned> data(size, 0); \
for (auto& val : data) \
val = rand() % 100; \
uint64_t start_ns = CURRENT_NS(); \
(void)function(data.begin(), data.end()); \
uint64_t stop_ns = CURRENT_NS(); \
if (!is_sorted(data)) { \
printf(" \e[31mFAILED!\e[m\n"); \
break; \
} \
duration_us = (stop_ns - start_ns) / 1'000; \
printf(" %5d.%03d ms (%zu)\n", \
(int)(duration_us / 1000), \
(int)(duration_us % 1000), \
size \
); \
} \
} while (0)
int main()
TEST("exchange sort", BAN::sort::exchange_sort, 100);
TEST("exchange sort", BAN::sort::exchange_sort, 1000);
TEST("exchange sort", BAN::sort::exchange_sort, 10000);
TEST("quick sort", BAN::sort::quick_sort, 100);
TEST("quick sort", BAN::sort::quick_sort, 1000);
TEST("quick sort", BAN::sort::quick_sort, 10000);
TEST_ALGORITHM(100, BAN::sort::exchange_sort);
TEST_ALGORITHM(100, BAN::sort::quick_sort);
TEST_ALGORITHM(100, BAN::sort::insertion_sort);
TEST_ALGORITHM(100, BAN::sort::heap_sort);
TEST_ALGORITHM(100, BAN::sort::intro_sort);
TEST_ALGORITHM(1000, BAN::sort::sort);
TEST_ALGORITHM(1000, BAN::sort::radix_sort);