LibGUI: Implement attributes for windows

Windows can now change whether they have title bar, rounded corners,
alpha channel and whether they are movable. Also windows can also change
their own position
This commit is contained in:
Bananymous 2024-10-18 03:32:12 +03:00
parent d7e5c56e94
commit d266c7f93b
10 changed files with 184 additions and 27 deletions

View File

@ -65,9 +65,6 @@ namespace LibGUI
BAN::ErrorOr<BAN::UniqPtr<Window>> Window::create(uint32_t width, uint32_t height, BAN::StringView title)
BAN::Vector<uint32_t> framebuffer;
TRY(framebuffer.resize(width * height, 0xFF000000));
int server_fd = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
if (server_fd == -1)
return BAN::Error::from_errno(errno);
@ -113,6 +110,11 @@ namespace LibGUI
void* framebuffer_addr = smo_map(create_response.smo_key);
if (framebuffer_addr == nullptr)
return BAN::Error::from_errno(errno);
width = create_response.width;
height = create_response.height;
BAN::Vector<uint32_t> framebuffer;
TRY(framebuffer.resize(width * height, 0xFFFFFFFF));
auto window = TRY(BAN::UniqPtr<Window>::create(
@ -258,13 +260,46 @@ namespace LibGUI
if (auto ret = packet.send_serialized(m_server_fd); ret.is_error())
dprintln("Failed to send packet: {}", ret.error().get_message());
dprintln("failed to invalidate window: {}", ret.error());
return false;
return true;
bool Window::set_position(int32_t x, int32_t y)
WindowPacket::WindowSetPosition packet;
packet.x = x;
packet.y = y;
if (auto ret = packet.send_serialized(m_server_fd); ret.is_error())
dprintln("failed to set window position: {}", ret.error());
return false;
return true;
bool Window::set_attributes(Attributes attributes)
WindowPacket::WindowSetAttributes packet;
packet.title_bar = attributes.title_bar;
packet.movable = attributes.movable;
packet.rounded_corners = attributes.rounded_corners;
packet.alpha_channel = attributes.alpha_channel;
if (auto ret = packet.send_serialized(m_server_fd); ret.is_error())
dprintln("failed to set window attributes: {}", ret.error());
return false;
m_attributes = attributes;
return true;
#define TRY_OR_BREAK(...) ({ auto&& e = (__VA_ARGS__); if (e.is_error()) break; e.release_value(); })
void Window::poll_events()

View File

@ -160,6 +160,8 @@ namespace LibGUI
@ -179,6 +181,8 @@ namespace LibGUI
uint32_t, width,
uint32_t, height,
long, smo_key
@ -189,6 +193,18 @@ namespace LibGUI
uint32_t, height
int32_t, x,
int32_t, y
bool, title_bar,
bool, rounded_corners,
bool, movable,
bool, alpha_channel
namespace EventPacket

View File

@ -13,6 +13,15 @@ namespace LibGUI
class Window
struct Attributes
bool title_bar { true };
bool movable { true };
bool rounded_corners { true };
bool alpha_channel { false };
@ -49,6 +58,11 @@ namespace LibGUI
bool invalidate(int32_t x, int32_t y, uint32_t width, uint32_t height);
bool invalidate() { return invalidate(0, 0, width(), height()); }
bool set_position(int32_t x, int32_t y);
Attributes get_attributes() const { return m_attributes; }
bool set_attributes(Attributes attributes);
uint32_t width() const { return m_width; }
uint32_t height() const { return m_height; }
@ -75,6 +89,8 @@ namespace LibGUI
int m_server_fd;
Attributes m_attributes;
BAN::Vector<uint32_t> m_framebuffer;
uint32_t* m_framebuffer_smo;
uint32_t m_width;

View File

@ -111,6 +111,11 @@ void Terminal::run()
m_fg_color = s_colors_bright[7];
m_window = MUST(LibGUI::Window::create(600, 400, "Terminal"_sv));
auto attributes = m_window->get_attributes();
attributes.alpha_channel = true;

View File

@ -29,6 +29,8 @@ struct Rectangle
BAN::Optional<Rectangle> get_overlap(Rectangle other) const
if (height == 0 || width == 0 || other.width == 0 || other.height == 0)
return {};
const auto min_x = BAN::Math::max(x, other.x);
const auto min_y = BAN::Math::max(y, other.y);
const auto max_x = BAN::Math::min(x + width, other.x + other.width);

View File

@ -19,7 +19,8 @@ Window::Window(int fd, Rectangle area, long smo_key, BAN::StringView title, cons
m_fb_addr = static_cast<uint32_t*>(smo_map(smo_key));
memset(m_fb_addr, 0, client_width() * client_height() * 4);
memset(m_fb_addr, 0xFF, client_width() * client_height() * 4);

View File

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
#include <BAN/String.h>
#include <LibFont/Font.h>
#include <LibGUI/Window.h>
class Window : public BAN::RefCounted<Window>
@ -29,9 +30,9 @@ public:
Rectangle client_area() const { return m_client_area; }
int32_t title_bar_x() const { return client_x(); }
int32_t title_bar_y() const { return client_y() - title_bar_height(); }
int32_t title_bar_y() const { return m_attributes.title_bar ? client_y() - title_bar_height() : client_y(); }
int32_t title_bar_width() const { return client_width(); }
int32_t title_bar_height() const { return m_title_bar_height; }
int32_t title_bar_height() const { return m_attributes.title_bar ? m_title_bar_height : 0; }
Rectangle title_bar_size() const { return { 0, 0, title_bar_width(), title_bar_height() }; }
Rectangle title_bar_area() const { return { title_bar_x(), title_bar_y(), title_bar_width(), title_bar_height() }; }
@ -42,6 +43,9 @@ public:
Rectangle full_size() const { return { 0, 0, full_width(), full_height() }; }
Rectangle full_area() const { return { full_x(), full_y(), full_width(), full_height() }; }
LibGUI::Window::Attributes get_attributes() const { return m_attributes; };
void set_attributes(LibGUI::Window::Attributes attributes) { m_attributes = attributes; };
const uint32_t* framebuffer() const { return m_fb_addr; }
uint32_t title_bar_pixel(int32_t abs_x, int32_t abs_y, Position cursor) const
@ -65,12 +69,14 @@ private:
static constexpr int32_t m_title_bar_height { 20 };
const int m_client_fd { -1 };
Rectangle m_client_area { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
long m_smo_key { 0 };
uint32_t* m_fb_addr { nullptr };
uint32_t* m_title_bar_data { nullptr };
const int m_client_fd { -1 };
Rectangle m_client_area { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
long m_smo_key { 0 };
uint32_t* m_fb_addr { nullptr };
uint32_t* m_title_bar_data { nullptr };
BAN::String m_title;
LibGUI::Window::Attributes m_attributes;
friend class BAN::RefPtr<Window>;

View File

@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ WindowServer::WindowServer(Framebuffer& framebuffer, int32_t corner_radius)
BAN::ErrorOr<void> WindowServer::set_background_image(BAN::UniqPtr<LibImage::Image> image)
if (image->width() != (uint64_t)m_framebuffer.width || image->height() != (uint64_t)m_framebuffer.height)
image = TRY(image->resize(m_framebuffer.width, m_framebuffer.height, LibImage::Image::ResizeAlgorithm::Linear));
image = TRY(image->resize(m_framebuffer.width, m_framebuffer.height));
m_background_image = BAN::move(image);
return {};
@ -43,7 +43,10 @@ void WindowServer::on_window_create(int fd, const LibGUI::WindowPacket::WindowCr
const size_t window_fb_bytes = packet.width * packet.height * 4;
const uint32_t width = packet.width ? packet.width : m_framebuffer.width;
const uint32_t height = packet.height ? packet.height : m_framebuffer.height;
const size_t window_fb_bytes = width * height * 4;
long smo_key = smo_create(window_fb_bytes, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE);
if (smo_key == -1)
@ -54,10 +57,10 @@ void WindowServer::on_window_create(int fd, const LibGUI::WindowPacket::WindowCr
BAN::ScopeGuard smo_deleter([smo_key] { smo_delete(smo_key); });
Rectangle window_area {
static_cast<int32_t>((m_framebuffer.width - packet.width) / 2),
static_cast<int32_t>((m_framebuffer.height - packet.height) / 2),
static_cast<int32_t>((m_framebuffer.width - width) / 2),
static_cast<int32_t>((m_framebuffer.height - height) / 2),
// Window::Window(int fd, Rectangle area, long smo_key, BAN::StringView title, const LibFont::Font& font)
@ -83,6 +86,8 @@ void WindowServer::on_window_create(int fd, const LibGUI::WindowPacket::WindowCr
BAN::ScopeGuard window_popper([&] { m_client_windows.pop_back(); });
LibGUI::WindowPacket::WindowCreateResponse response;
response.width = width;
response.height = height;
response.smo_key = smo_key;
if (auto ret = response.send_serialized(fd); ret.is_error())
@ -132,6 +137,60 @@ void WindowServer::on_window_invalidate(int fd, const LibGUI::WindowPacket::Wind
void WindowServer::on_window_set_position(int fd, const LibGUI::WindowPacket::WindowSetPosition& packet)
BAN::RefPtr<Window> target_window;
for (auto& window : m_client_windows)
if (window->client_fd() != fd)
target_window = window;
if (!target_window)
dwarnln("client tried to set window position while not owning a window");
const auto old_client_area = target_window->full_area();
.x = packet.x,
.y = packet.y,
const auto new_client_area = target_window->full_area();
void WindowServer::on_window_set_attributes(int fd, const LibGUI::WindowPacket::WindowSetAttributes& packet)
BAN::RefPtr<Window> target_window;
for (auto& window : m_client_windows)
if (window->client_fd() != fd)
target_window = window;
if (!target_window)
dwarnln("client tried to set window attributes while not owning a window");
const auto old_client_area = target_window->full_area();
.title_bar = packet.title_bar,
.movable = packet.movable,
.rounded_corners = packet.rounded_corners,
.alpha_channel = packet.alpha_channel,
const auto new_client_area = target_window->full_area();
void WindowServer::on_key_event(LibInput::KeyEvent event)
// Mod key is not passed to clients
@ -204,7 +263,7 @@ void WindowServer::on_mouse_button(LibInput::MouseButtonEvent event)
// Handle window moving when mod key is held or mouse press on title bar
const bool can_start_move = m_is_mod_key_held || target_window->title_text_area().contains(m_cursor);
if (event.pressed && event.button == LibInput::MouseButton::Left && !m_is_moving_window && can_start_move)
m_is_moving_window = true;
m_is_moving_window = target_window->get_attributes().movable;
else if (m_is_moving_window && !event.pressed)
m_is_moving_window = false;
else if (!event.pressed && event.button == LibInput::MouseButton::Left && target_window->close_button_area().contains(m_cursor))
@ -354,6 +413,8 @@ void WindowServer::invalidate(Rectangle area)
m_framebuffer.mmap[y * m_framebuffer.width + x] = 0xFF101010;
// FIXME: this loop should be inverse order and terminate
// after window without alpha channel is found
for (auto& pwindow : m_client_windows)
auto& window = *pwindow;
@ -426,8 +487,10 @@ void WindowServer::invalidate(Rectangle area)
const auto is_rounded_off =
[&](Position pos) -> bool
[&](const Window& window, Position pos) -> bool
if (!window.get_attributes().rounded_corners)
return false;
for (int32_t i = 0; i < 4; i++)
if (!corner_areas[i].contains(pos))
@ -451,7 +514,7 @@ void WindowServer::invalidate(Rectangle area)
const int32_t abs_x = title_overlap->x + x_off;
const int32_t abs_y = title_overlap->y + y_off;
if (is_rounded_off({ abs_x, abs_y }))
if (is_rounded_off(window, { abs_x, abs_y }))
const uint32_t color = window.title_bar_pixel(abs_x, abs_y, m_cursor);
@ -479,12 +542,14 @@ void WindowServer::invalidate(Rectangle area)
auto* window_row = &window.framebuffer()[src_row_y * window.client_width() + src_row_x];
auto* frameb_row = &m_framebuffer.mmap[ abs_row_y * m_framebuffer.width + abs_row_x];
const bool should_alpha_blend = window.get_attributes().alpha_channel;
for (int32_t i = 0; i < fast_overlap->width; i++)
const uint32_t color_a = *window_row;
const uint32_t color_b = *frameb_row;
*frameb_row = alpha_blend(color_a, color_b);
*frameb_row = should_alpha_blend
? alpha_blend(color_a, color_b)
: color_a;
@ -502,7 +567,7 @@ void WindowServer::invalidate(Rectangle area)
const int32_t abs_x = corner_overlap->x + x_off;
const int32_t abs_y = corner_overlap->y + y_off;
if (is_rounded_off({ abs_x, abs_y }))
if (is_rounded_off(window, { abs_x, abs_y }))
const int32_t src_x = abs_x - window.client_x();
@ -511,7 +576,10 @@ void WindowServer::invalidate(Rectangle area)
const uint32_t color_a = window.framebuffer()[src_y * window.client_width() + src_x];
const uint32_t color_b = m_framebuffer.mmap[abs_y * m_framebuffer.width + abs_x];
m_framebuffer.mmap[abs_y * m_framebuffer.width + abs_x] = alpha_blend(color_a, color_b);
const bool should_alpha_blend = window.get_attributes().alpha_channel;
m_framebuffer.mmap[abs_y * m_framebuffer.width + abs_x] = should_alpha_blend
? alpha_blend(color_a, color_b)
: color_a;

View File

@ -32,6 +32,8 @@ public:
void on_window_create(int fd, const LibGUI::WindowPacket::WindowCreate&);
void on_window_invalidate(int fd, const LibGUI::WindowPacket::WindowInvalidate&);
void on_window_set_position(int fd, const LibGUI::WindowPacket::WindowSetPosition&);
void on_window_set_attributes(int fd, const LibGUI::WindowPacket::WindowSetAttributes&);
void on_key_event(LibInput::KeyEvent event);
void on_mouse_button(LibInput::MouseButtonEvent event);

View File

@ -335,15 +335,21 @@ int main()
switch (*reinterpret_cast<LibGUI::PacketType*>(
case LibGUI::PacketType::WindowCreate:
if (auto ret = LibGUI::WindowPacket::WindowCreate::deserialize(client_data.packet_buffer.span()); !ret.is_error())
window_server.on_window_create(fd, ret.release_value());
case LibGUI::PacketType::WindowInvalidate:
if (auto ret = LibGUI::WindowPacket::WindowInvalidate::deserialize(client_data.packet_buffer.span()); !ret.is_error())
window_server.on_window_invalidate(fd, ret.release_value());
case LibGUI::PacketType::WindowSetPosition:
if (auto ret = LibGUI::WindowPacket::WindowSetPosition::deserialize(client_data.packet_buffer.span()); !ret.is_error())
window_server.on_window_set_position(fd, ret.release_value());
case LibGUI::PacketType::WindowSetAttributes:
if (auto ret = LibGUI::WindowPacket::WindowSetAttributes::deserialize(client_data.packet_buffer.span()); !ret.is_error())
window_server.on_window_set_attributes(fd, ret.release_value());
dprintln("unhandled packet type: {}", *reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(;