forked from Bananymous/banan-os
LibC: Fix stdio FILE operations
Mixing read/write/ungetc was broken. This mostly fixes everything. There might still be some problems that have to be fixed
This commit is contained in:
@ -17,22 +17,20 @@ struct FILE
int fd;
mode_t mode;
int buffer_type;
bool eof;
bool error;
int pid;
int unget_char;
unsigned char inline_buffer[BUFSIZ];
unsigned char* buffer;
uint32_t buffer_rd_size; // 0 write buffer
uint32_t buffer_size;
uint32_t buffer_idx;
int buffer_type;
unsigned char inline_buffer_storage[BUFSIZ];
unsigned char* write_buffer;
uint32_t wr_buf_size;
uint32_t wr_buf_index;
unsigned char read_buffer[BUFSIZ];
uint32_t rd_buf_size;
uint32_t rd_buf_index;
unsigned char unget_buffer[12];
uint32_t unget_buf_idx;
struct ScopeLock
@ -48,7 +46,7 @@ struct ScopeLock
FILE* m_file;
FILE* const m_file;
static FILE s_files[FOPEN_MAX];
@ -60,18 +58,31 @@ FILE* stddbg = &s_files[3];
static void init_closed_file(FILE* file)
file->fd = -1;
file->mode = 0;
file->buffer_type = _IOLBF;
file->eof = false;
file->error = false;
file->pid = -1;
file->unget_char = EOF;
file->write_buffer = file->inline_buffer_storage;
file->wr_buf_size = BUFSIZ;
file->wr_buf_index = 0;
file->rd_buf_size = 0;
file->rd_buf_index = 0;
file->fd = -1;
file->mode = 0;
file->eof = false;
file->error = false;
file->pid = -1;
file->buffer = file->inline_buffer;
file->buffer_size = sizeof(file->inline_buffer);
file->buffer_idx = 0;
file->buffer_type = _IOFBF;
file->buffer_rd_size = 0;
file->unget_buf_idx = 0;
static int drop_read_buffer(FILE* file)
if (file->buffer_rd_size == 0)
return 0;
ASSERT(file->buffer_idx != 0);
if (file->buffer_idx == 1)
return 0;
if (syscall(SYS_SEEK, file->fd, file->buffer_idx - 1, SEEK_CUR) == -1)
return EOF;
file->buffer_rd_size = 0;
file->buffer_idx = 0;
return 0;
void _init_stdio()
@ -79,18 +90,21 @@ void _init_stdio()
for (size_t i = 0; i < FOPEN_MAX; i++)
s_files[STDIN_FILENO].mode = O_RDONLY;
s_files[STDIN_FILENO].mode = O_RDONLY;
s_files[STDIN_FILENO].buffer_type = _IOLBF;
s_files[STDOUT_FILENO].mode = O_WRONLY;
s_files[STDOUT_FILENO].mode = O_WRONLY;
s_files[STDOUT_FILENO].buffer_type = _IOLBF;
s_files[STDERR_FILENO].mode = O_WRONLY;
s_files[STDERR_FILENO].mode = O_WRONLY;
s_files[STDERR_FILENO].buffer_type = _IONBF;
s_files[STDDBG_FILENO].mode = O_WRONLY;
s_files[STDDBG_FILENO].mode = O_WRONLY;
s_files[STDDBG_FILENO].buffer_type = _IOLBF;
void clearerr(FILE* file)
@ -120,10 +134,12 @@ int dprintf(int fildes, const char* __restrict format, ...)
int fclose(FILE* file)
ScopeLock _(file);
int ret = (close(file->fd) == -1) ? EOF : 0;
if (fflush(file) == EOF)
return EOF;
if (close(file->fd) == -1)
return EOF;
return ret;
return 0;
static mode_t parse_mode_string(const char* mode_str)
@ -162,9 +178,9 @@ FILE* fdopen(int fd, const char* mode_str)
s_files[i].fd = fd;
s_files[i].mode = mode & O_ACCMODE;
ASSERT(s_files[i].write_buffer == s_files[i].inline_buffer_storage);
ASSERT(s_files[i].wr_buf_size == BUFSIZ);
ASSERT(s_files[i].rd_buf_size == 0);
ASSERT(s_files[i].buffer == s_files[i].inline_buffer);
ASSERT(s_files[i].buffer_size == BUFSIZ);
ASSERT(s_files[i].buffer_idx == 0);
return &s_files[i];
@ -186,27 +202,41 @@ int fflush(FILE* file)
if (file == nullptr)
int ret = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < FOPEN_MAX; i++)
if (s_files[i].fd != -1)
if (int ret = fflush(&s_files[i]); ret != 0)
return ret;
return 0;
if (int err = fflush(&s_files[i]); err != 0)
ret = err;
return ret;
ScopeLock _(file);
file->unget_char = EOF;
if (file->wr_buf_index == 0)
return 0;
if (syscall(SYS_WRITE, file->fd, file->write_buffer, file->wr_buf_index) < 0)
if (file->fd == -1)
file->error = true;
errno = EBADF;
return EOF;
file->wr_buf_index = 0;
file->unget_buf_idx = 0;
if (file->buffer_rd_size)
return drop_read_buffer(file);
size_t written = 0;
while (written < file->buffer_idx)
ssize_t nwrite = write(file->fd, file->buffer + written, file->buffer_idx - written);
if (nwrite < 0)
file->error = true;
return EOF;
written += nwrite;
file->buffer_idx = 0;
return 0;
@ -254,8 +284,11 @@ char* fgets(char* str, int size, FILE* file)
int fileno(FILE* fp)
if (fp == nullptr)
return EBADF;
if (fp->fd == -1)
errno = EBADF;
return -1;
return fp->fd;
@ -285,9 +318,8 @@ FILE* fopen(const char* pathname, const char* mode_str)
s_files[i].fd = fd;
s_files[i].mode = mode & O_ACCMODE;
ASSERT(s_files[i].write_buffer == s_files[i].inline_buffer_storage);
ASSERT(s_files[i].wr_buf_size == BUFSIZ);
ASSERT(s_files[i].rd_buf_size == 0);
ASSERT(s_files[i].buffer == s_files[i].inline_buffer);
ASSERT(s_files[i].buffer_size == BUFSIZ);
return &s_files[i];
@ -334,12 +366,13 @@ size_t fread(void* buffer, size_t size, size_t nitems, FILE* file)
if (target == 0)
return 0;
unsigned char* ubuffer = static_cast<unsigned char*>(buffer);
while (nread < target)
int ch = getc_unlocked(file);
if (ch == EOF)
static_cast<unsigned char*>(buffer)[nread++] = ch;
ubuffer[nread++] = ch;
return nread / size;
@ -395,13 +428,12 @@ int fseek(FILE* file, long offset, int whence)
int fseeko(FILE* file, off_t offset, int whence)
ScopeLock _(file);
file->unget_char = EOF;
if (fflush(file) == EOF)
return -1;
long ret = syscall(SYS_SEEK, file->fd, offset, whence);
if (ret < 0)
return -1;
file->eof = false;
file->rd_buf_size = 0;
file->rd_buf_index = 0;
return 0;
@ -418,10 +450,12 @@ long ftell(FILE* file)
off_t ftello(FILE* file)
ScopeLock _(file);
if (fflush(file) == EOF)
return -1;
long ret = syscall(SYS_TELL, file->fd);
if (ret < 0)
return -1;
return ret - (file->unget_char != EOF) - (file->rd_buf_size - file->rd_buf_index);
return ret;
int ftrylockfile(FILE*)
@ -458,38 +492,65 @@ int getchar(void)
int getc_unlocked(FILE* file)
if (file->fd == -1 || !(file->mode & O_RDONLY))
errno = EBADF;
return EOF;
if (file->eof)
return EOF;
if (file->unget_char != EOF)
// read characters from ungetc
if (file->unget_buf_idx)
int ch = file->unget_char;
file->unget_char = EOF;
return (unsigned char)ch;
unsigned char ch = file->unget_buffer[file->unget_buf_idx];
if (fseeko(file, 1, SEEK_CUR) == -1)
return EOF;
return ch;
if (file->rd_buf_index < file->rd_buf_size)
return file->read_buffer[file->rd_buf_index++];
file->rd_buf_size = 0;
file->rd_buf_index = 0;
ssize_t nread = read(file->fd, file->read_buffer, sizeof(file->read_buffer));
if (nread < 0)
// read from unbuffered file
if (file->buffer_type == _IONBF)
file->error = true;
unsigned char ch;
if (ssize_t nread = read(file->fd, &ch, 1); nread <= 0)
((nread == 0) ? file->eof : file->error) = true;
return EOF;
return ch;
// flush writable data
if (file->buffer_rd_size == 0 && file->buffer_idx)
if (fflush(file) == EOF)
return EOF;
// buffered read
if (file->buffer_idx < file->buffer_rd_size)
unsigned char ch = file->buffer[file->buffer_idx];
return ch;
if (drop_read_buffer(file) == EOF)
return EOF;
// read into buffer
ssize_t nread = read(file->fd, file->buffer, file->buffer_size);
if (nread <= 0)
((nread == 0) ? file->eof : file->error) = true;
return EOF;
if (nread == 0)
file->eof = true;
if (fseeko(file, 1 - nread, SEEK_CUR) == -1)
return EOF;
file->rd_buf_size = nread;
file->rd_buf_index = 1;
return file->read_buffer[0];
file->buffer_rd_size = nread;
file->buffer_idx = 1;
return file->buffer[0];
int getchar_unlocked(void)
@ -502,11 +563,11 @@ char* gets(char* buffer)
if (stdin->eof)
return nullptr;
unsigned char* ubuffer = (unsigned char*)buffer;
int first = fgetc(stdin);
if (first == EOF)
return nullptr;
unsigned char* ubuffer = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(buffer);
*ubuffer++ = first;
for (;;)
@ -602,9 +663,8 @@ FILE* popen(const char* command, const char* mode_str)
s_files[i].fd = read ? fds[0] : fds[1];
s_files[i].mode = (unsigned)(read ? O_RDONLY : O_WRONLY);
s_files[i].pid = pid;
ASSERT(s_files[i].write_buffer == s_files[i].inline_buffer_storage);
ASSERT(s_files[i].wr_buf_size == BUFSIZ);
ASSERT(s_files[i].rd_buf_size == 0);
ASSERT(s_files[i].buffer == s_files[i].inline_buffer);
ASSERT(s_files[i].buffer_size == BUFSIZ);
return &s_files[i];
@ -633,8 +693,29 @@ int putchar(int c)
int putc_unlocked(int c, FILE* file)
file->write_buffer[file->wr_buf_index++] = c;
if (file->buffer_type == _IONBF || (file->buffer_type == _IOLBF && c == '\n') || file->wr_buf_index >= file->wr_buf_size)
if (file->fd == -1 || !(file->mode & O_WRONLY))
errno = EBADF;
return EOF;
file->unget_buf_idx = 0;
if (file->buffer_rd_size && drop_read_buffer(file) == EOF)
return EOF;
if (file->buffer_type == _IONBF)
ssize_t nwrite = write(file->fd, &c, 1);
if (nwrite == -1)
file->error = true;
if (nwrite <= 0)
return EOF;
return (unsigned char)c;
file->buffer[file->buffer_idx] = c;
if ((file->buffer_type == _IOLBF && c == '\n') || file->buffer_idx >= file->buffer_size)
if (fflush(file) == EOF)
return EOF;
return (unsigned char)c;
@ -746,15 +827,21 @@ int setvbuf(FILE* file, char* buffer, int type, size_t size)
return -1;
if (buffer == nullptr)
if (size == 0)
type = _IONBF;
unsigned char* ubuffer = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(buffer);
if (ubuffer == nullptr)
buffer = reinterpret_cast<char*>(file->inline_buffer_storage);
size = BAN::Math::min<size_t>(size, BUFSIZ);
ubuffer = file->inline_buffer;
size = BAN::Math::min<size_t>(size, sizeof(file->inline_buffer));
ASSERT(file->buffer_rd_size == 0);
ASSERT(file->buffer_idx == 0);
file->buffer_type = type;
file->wr_buf_size = size;
file->write_buffer = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(buffer);
file->buffer_size = size;
file->buffer = ubuffer;
return 0;
@ -789,8 +876,10 @@ int sscanf(const char* s, const char* format, ...)
char* tempnam(const char*, const char*);
FILE* tmpfile(void);
FILE* tmpfile(void)
char* tmpnam(char* storage)
@ -810,11 +899,23 @@ char* tmpnam(char* storage)
int ungetc_unlocked(int c, FILE* stream)
if (c == EOF)
if (stream->fd == -1)
errno = EBADF;
return EOF;
if (stream->unget_char != EOF)
if (c == EOF || stream->unget_buf_idx >= sizeof(stream->unget_buffer))
errno = EINVAL;
return EOF;
stream->unget_char = c;
if (fseeko(stream, -1, SEEK_CUR) == -1)
return EOF;
stream->unget_buffer[stream->unget_buf_idx] = c;
stream->eof = false;
return (unsigned char)c;
@ -961,8 +1062,3 @@ int vsscanf(const char* s, const char* format, va_list arguments)
}, &s
FILE* tmpfile(void)
Reference in New Issue