Implement phase 3 semantic checking

This commit is contained in:
Bananymous 2024-04-13 22:51:45 +03:00
parent 004ee25273
commit 91a3a0ba2e
3 changed files with 769 additions and 0 deletions

03_syntax_tree/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
#!/bin/env python3
import argparse
import datetime
import ply.lex as lex
reserved = {
'var': 'VAR',
'is': 'IS',
'unless': 'UNLESS',
'otherwise': 'OTHERWISE',
'until': 'UNTIL',
'do': 'DO',
'done': 'DONE',
'procedure': 'PROCEDURE',
'function': 'FUNCTION',
'return': 'RETURN',
'print': 'PRINT',
'end': 'END',
tokens = [
] + list(reserved.values())
def t_whitespace(t):
r'[ \t\n]+'
t.lexer.lineno += t.value.count('\n')
def t_comment(t):
t.lexer.lineno += t.value.count('\n')
t_LPAREN = r'\('
t_RPAREN = r'\)'
t_LSQUARE = r'\['
t_RSQUARE = r'\]'
t_LCURLY = r'\{'
t_RCURLY = r'\}'
t_APOSTROPHE = r'\''
t_AMPERSAND = r'&'
t_COMMA = r','
t_DOT = r'\.'
t_EQ = r'='
t_LT = r'<'
t_PLUS = r'\+'
t_MINUS = r'-'
t_MULT = r'\*'
t_DIV = r'/'
def t_STRING(t):
t.value = t.value[1:-1]
return t
def t_DATE_LITERAL(t):
t.value =
print(f'Invalid date \'{t.value}\' at line {t.lexer.lineno}')
raise SystemExit
return t
def t_INT_LITERAL(t):
t.value = int(t.value.replace('\'', ''))
return t
def t_IDENT(t):
t.type = reserved.get(t.value, 'IDENT')
return t
def t_FUNC_IDENT(t):
return t
def t_PROC_IDENT(t):
return t
def t_error(t):
print(f'Illegal character \'{t.value[0]}\' at line {t.lexer.lineno}')
raise SystemExit
lexer = lex.lex()
def tokenize_file(file_path: str):
with open(file_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file:
tok = lexer.token()
while tok:
tok = lexer.token()
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
group.add_argument('--who', action='store_true', help='print out student IDs and NAMEs of authors')
group.add_argument('-f', '--file', help='filename to process')
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.who:
print(' Student ID: 150189237')
print(' Name: Oskari Alaranta')

03_syntax_tree/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,428 @@
#!/bin/env python3
import argparse
import ply.lex as lex
import ply.yacc as yacc
import lexer
import tree_print
tokens = lexer.tokens
class ASTnode:
def __init__(self, typestr, lineno, value = None):
self.nodetype = typestr
self.lineno = lineno
if value is not None:
self.value = value
class SemData:
def __init__(self):
self.in_procedure_def = False
self.in_function_def = False
self.return_type = None
self.parent = None
def p_program1(p):
'program : statement_list'
p[0] = ASTnode('program', p.lineno(1))
p[0].children_definitions = []
p[0].children_statements = p[1].children_statements
def p_program2(p):
'program : definition_list statement_list'
p[0] = ASTnode('program', p.lineno(1))
p[0].children_definitions = p[1].children_definitions
p[0].children_statements = p[2].children_statements
def p_statement_list1(p):
'statement_list : statement'
p[0] = ASTnode('statement_list', p.lineno(1))
p[0].children_statements = [ p[1] ]
def p_statement_list2(p):
'statement_list : statement_list COMMA statement'
p[0] = p[1]
p[0].children_statements += [ p[3] ]
def p_definition_list1(p):
'definition_list : definition'
p[0] = ASTnode('definition_list', p.lineno(1))
p[0].children_definitions = [ p[1] ]
def p_definition_list2(p):
'definition_list : definition_list definition'
p[0] = p[1]
p[0].children_definitions += [ p[2] ]
def p_definition(p):
'''definition : function_definition
| procedure_definition
| variable_definition'''
p[0] = p[1]
def p_variable_definition(p):
'variable_definition : VAR IDENT EQ expression'
p[0] = ASTnode('variable_definition', p.lineno(1), p[2])
p[0].child_expression = p[4]
def p_empty(p):
'empty :'
def p_variable_definition_list1(p):
'variable_definition_list : empty'
p[0] = ASTnode('variable_definition_list', p.lineno(1))
p[0].children_definitions = []
def p_variable_definition_list2(p):
'variable_definition_list : variable_definition_list variable_definition'
p[0] = p[1]
p[0].children_definitions += [ p[2] ]
def p_function_definition(p):
'''function_definition : FUNCTION FUNC_IDENT LCURLY formal_list RCURLY RETURN IDENT variable_definition_list IS rvalue END FUNCTION'''
p[0] = ASTnode('function_definition', p.lineno(2), p[2])
p[0].children_formals = p[4].children_formals
p[0].child_return_type = ASTnode('identifier', p.lineno(7), p[7])
p[0].children_variable_definitions = p[8].children_definitions
p[0].child_value = p[10]
def p_procedure_definition1(p):
'procedure_definition : PROCEDURE PROC_IDENT LCURLY formal_list RCURLY variable_definition_list IS statement_list END PROCEDURE'
p[0] = ASTnode('procedure_definition', p.lineno(2), p[2])
p[0].children_formals = p[4].children_formals
p[0].children_variable_definitions = p[6].children_definitions
p[0].children_statements = p[8].children_statements
p[0].child_return_type = None
def p_procedure_definition2(p):
'''procedure_definition : PROCEDURE PROC_IDENT LCURLY formal_list RCURLY RETURN IDENT variable_definition_list IS statement_list END PROCEDURE'''
p[0] = ASTnode('procedure_definition', p.lineno(2), p[2])
p[0].children_formals = p[4].children_formals
p[0].children_variable_definitions = p[8].children_definitions
p[0].children_statements = p[10].children_statements
p[0].child_return_type = ASTnode('identifier', p.lineno(7), p[7])
def p_formal_list1(p):
'formal_list : empty'
p[0] = ASTnode('formal_list', p.lineno(1))
p[0].children_formals = []
def p_formal_list2(p):
'formal_list : formal_arg'
p[0] = ASTnode('formal_list', p.lineno(1))
p[0].children_formals = [ p[1] ]
def p_formal_list3(p):
'formal_list : formal_list COMMA formal_arg'
p[0] = p[1]
p[0].children_formals += [ p[3] ]
def p_formal_arg(p):
p[0] = ASTnode('formal_argument', p.lineno(1))
p[0].child_variable = ASTnode('identifier', p.lineno(1), p[1])
p[0].child_type = ASTnode('identifier', p.lineno(3), p[3])
def p_procedure_call1(p):
'procedure_call : PROC_IDENT LPAREN RPAREN'
p[0] = ASTnode('procedure_call', p.lineno(1), p[1])
p[0].children_arguments = []
def p_procedure_call(p):
'''procedure_call : PROC_IDENT LPAREN arguments RPAREN'''
p[0] = ASTnode('procedure_call', p.lineno(1), p[1])
p[0].children_arguments = p[3].children_arguments
def p_arguments1(p):
'arguments : expression'
p[0] = ASTnode('arguments', p.lineno(1))
p[0].children_arguments = [ p[1] ]
def p_arguments2(p):
'arguments : arguments COMMA expression'
p[0] = p[1]
p[0].children_arguments += [ p[3] ]
def p_assignment(p):
'assignment : lvalue EQ rvalue'
p[0] = ASTnode('assignment', p.lineno(1))
p[0].child_lhs = p[1]
p[0].child_rhs = p[3]
def p_lvalue1(p):
'lvalue : IDENT'
p[0] = ASTnode('identifier', p.lineno(1), p[1])
def p_lvalue2(p):
'lvalue : IDENT DOT IDENT'
p[0] = ASTnode('attribute_write', p.lineno(1))
p[0].child_identifier = ASTnode('identifier', p.lineno(1), p[1])
p[0].child_attribute = ASTnode('identifier', p.lineno(3), p[3])
def p_rvalue(p):
'''rvalue : expression
| unless_expression'''
p[0] = p[1]
def p_print_statement1(p):
'print_statement : PRINT print_item'
p[0] = ASTnode('print', p.lineno(1))
p[0].children_items = [ p[2] ]
def p_print_statement2(p):
'print_statement : print_statement AMPERSAND print_item'
p[0] = p[1]
p[0].children_items += [ p[3] ]
def p_print_item1(p):
'print_item : STRING'
p[0] = ASTnode('string_literal', p.lineno(1), p[1])
def p_print_item2(p):
'print_item : expression'
p[0] = p[1]
def p_statement1(p):
'''statement : procedure_call
| assignment
| print_statement'''
p[0] = p[1]
def p_statement2(p):
'statement : DO statement_list UNTIL expression'
p[0] = ASTnode('do_until', p.lineno(1))
p[0].children_statements = p[2].children_statements
p[0].child_condition = p[4]
def p_statement3(p):
'statement : DO statement_list UNLESS expression DONE'
p[0] = ASTnode('do_unless', p.lineno(1))
p[0].children_statements = p[2].children_statements
p[0].child_condition = p[4]
p[0].children_otherwise = []
def p_statement4(p):
'statement : DO statement_list UNLESS expression OTHERWISE statement_list DONE'
p[0] = ASTnode('do_unless', p.lineno(1))
p[0].children_statements = p[2].children_statements
p[0].child_condition = p[4]
p[0].children_otherwise = p[6].children_statements
def p_statement5(p):
'statement : RETURN expression'
p[0] = ASTnode('return', p.lineno(1))
p[0].child_expression = p[2]
def p_expression1(p):
'expression : simple_expr'
p[0] = p[1]
def p_expression2(p):
'''expression : expression EQ simple_expr
| expression LT simple_expr'''
p[0] = ASTnode('binary_op', p.lineno(2), p[2])
p[0].child_lhs = p[1]
p[0].child_rhs = p[3]
def p_simple_expr1(p):
'simple_expr : term'
p[0] = p[1]
def p_simple_expr2(p):
'''simple_expr : simple_expr PLUS term
| simple_expr MINUS term'''
p[0] = ASTnode('binary_op', p.lineno(2), p[2])
p[0].child_lhs = p[1]
p[0].child_rhs = p[3]
def p_term1(p):
'term : factor'
p[0] = p[1]
def p_term2(p):
'''term : term MULT factor
| term DIV factor'''
p[0] = ASTnode('binary_op', p.lineno(2), p[2])
p[0].child_lhs = p[1]
p[0].child_rhs = p[3]
def p_factor1(p):
'factor : atom'
p[0] = p[1]
def p_factor2(p):
'''factor : MINUS atom
| PLUS atom'''
p[0] = ASTnode('unary_op', p.lineno(1), p[1])
p[0].child_atom = p[2]
def p_atom1(p):
'atom : IDENT'
p[0] = ASTnode('identifier', p.lineno(1), p[1])
def p_atom2(p):
'atom : INT_LITERAL'
p[0] = ASTnode('int_literal', p.lineno(1), p[1])
def p_atom3(p):
p[0] = ASTnode('date_literal', p.lineno(1), p[1])
def p_atom4(p):
p[0] = ASTnode('attribute_read', p.lineno(1))
p[0].child_identifier = ASTnode('identifier', p.lineno(1), p[1])
p[0].child_attribute = ASTnode('identifier', p.lineno(3), p[3])
def p_atom5(p):
'atom : LPAREN expression RPAREN'
p[0] = p[2]
def p_atom6(p):
'''atom : function_call
| procedure_call'''
p[0] = p[1]
def p_function_call1(p):
'function_call : FUNC_IDENT LPAREN RPAREN'
p[0] = ASTnode('function_call', p.lineno(1), p[1])
p[0].children_arguments = []
def p_function_call2(p):
'function_call : FUNC_IDENT LPAREN arguments RPAREN'
p[0] = ASTnode('function_call', p.lineno(1), p[1])
p[0].children_arguments = p[3].children_arguments
def p_unless_expression(p):
'unless_expression : DO expression UNLESS expression OTHERWISE expression DONE'
p[0] = ASTnode('unless_expression', p.lineno(1))
p[0].child_condition = p[4]
p[0].child_true_expr = p[2]
p[0].child_false_expr = p[6]
def p_error(p):
if p is not None:
print(f"{{{p.lexer.lineno}}}:Syntax Error (token:'{p.value}')")
print('Syntax Error at the end of file')
raise SystemExit
def syntax_check_file(file_path: str, debug: bool) -> ASTnode:
parser = yacc.yacc()
with open(file_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file:
result = parser.parse(, lexer=lexer.lexer, debug=debug)
return result
def semantic_check(node: ASTnode, sem_data: SemData):
is_procedure = False
is_function = False
return_type = None
match node.nodetype:
case 'attribute_read':
if node.child_attribute.value not in ['day', 'month', 'year', 'weekday', 'weeknum']:
print(f'Semantic Error: invalid read attribute \'{node.child_attribute.value}\' at line {node.lineno}')
raise SystemExit
case 'attribute_write':
if node.child_attribute.value not in ['day', 'month', 'year']:
print(f'Semantic Error: invalid write attribute \'{node.child_attribute.value}\' at line {node.lineno}')
raise SystemExit
case 'procedure_definition':
if node.child_return_type is not None:
if node.child_return_type.value not in ['int', 'date']:
print(f'Semantic Error: procedure definition with invalid return type \'{node.child_return_type.value}\' at line {node.lineno}')
raise SystemExit
return_type = node.child_return_type.value
for formal in node.children_formals:
if formal.child_type.value not in ['int', 'date']:
print(f'Semantic Error: procedure definition with invalid argument type \'{formal.child_type.value}\' at line {formal.lineno}')
raise SystemExit
is_procedure = True
case 'function_definition':
if node.child_return_type is not None:
if node.child_return_type.value not in ['int', 'date']:
print(f'Semantic Error: function definition with invalid return type \'{node.child_return_type.value}\' at line {node.lineno}')
raise SystemExit
return_type = node.child_return_type.value
for formal in node.children_formals:
if formal.child_type.value not in ['int', 'date']:
print(f'Semantic Error: procedure definition with invalid argument type \'{formal.child_type.value}\' at line {formal.lineno}')
raise SystemExit
is_function = True
case 'procedure_call':
if sem_data.in_function_def:
print(f'Semantic Error: procedure call inside function at line {node.lineno}')
raise SystemExit
case 'return':
if not sem_data.in_procedure_def:
print(f'Semantic Error: return statement outside of procedure definition at line {node.lineno}')
raise SystemExit
if sem_data.return_type is None:
print(f'Semantic Error: return statement in returnless procedure definition at line {node.lineno}')
raise SystemExit
case 'date_literal':
# date literal can be in variable definition
if sem_data.parent.nodetype == 'variable_definition':
# right side of assignment
elif sem_data.parent.nodetype == 'assignment':
if sem_data.parent.child_lhs.nodetype == 'date_literal':
print(f'Semantic Error: invalid date literal at line {node.lineno}')
raise SystemExit
# either side of subtraction or left side of addition
elif sem_data.parent.nodetype == 'binary_op':
if sem_data.parent.value == '-':
elif sem_data.parent.value == '+':
if sem_data.parent.child_rhs.nodetype == 'date_literal':
print(f'Semantic Error: invalid date literal at line {node.lineno}')
raise SystemExit
print(f'Semantic Error: invalid date literal at line {node.lineno}')
raise SystemExit
print(f'Semantic Error: invalid date literal at line {node.lineno}')
raise SystemExit
if is_procedure or is_function:
sem_data.in_procedure_def = is_procedure
sem_data.in_function_def = is_function
sem_data.return_type = return_type
temp_parent = sem_data.parent
sem_data.parent = node
for name, child in tree_print.get_childvars(node):
if child is not None:
semantic_check(child, sem_data)
sem_data.parent = temp_parent
if is_procedure or is_function:
sem_data.in_procedure_def = False
sem_data.in_function_def = False
sem_data.return_type = None
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-d', '--debug', action='store_true', help='debug?')
group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
group.add_argument('--who', action='store_true', help='print out student IDs and NAMEs of authors')
group.add_argument('-f', '--file', help='filename to process')
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.who:
print(' Student ID: 150189237')
print(' Name: Oskari Alaranta')
ast = syntax_check_file(args.file, args.debug)
tree_print.treeprint(ast, 'unicode')
semantic_check(ast, SemData())

View File

@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Values to control the module's working
# How to recognize attributes in nodes by their names
child_prefix_default = "child_"
children_prefix_default = "children_"
value_attr = "value"
nodetype_attr = "nodetype"
lineno_attr = "lineno"
type_attr = "type"
# Finding and creating a list of all children nodes of a node, based on
# attribute names of a node
def get_childvars(node, child_prefix=child_prefix_default,
'''Return all children nodes of a tree node
This function assumes that all attributes of a node beginning with
child_prefix refer to a child node, and attributes beginning with
children_prefix refer to a LIST of child nodes. The return value is a list
of pairs (tuples), where the first element of each pair is a "label"
for the node (the name of the attribute without the child/children prefix),
and the second element is the child node itself. For child lists, the label
also contains the number of the child, or EMPTY if the list is empty
(in which case None is used as the second element, as there is no child).'''
childvars = []
# Only search for attributes if we have an object
if hasattr(node, "__dict__"):
# Iterate though all attributes of the node object
for name,val in vars(node).items():
# An attribute containing one child node
if name.startswith(child_prefix):
label = name[len(child_prefix):]
childvars.append((label, val))
# An attribute containing a child list
elif name.startswith(children_prefix):
label = name[len(children_prefix):]
# Make sure contents is not None and is a list (or actually, can
# be iterated through
if val is None:
childvars.append((label+"[NONE stored instead of a list!!!]", None))
if not hasattr(val, "__iter__"):
childvars.append((label+"[Not a list!!!]", None))
# An empty list/iterable (no nodes)
elif not val:
childvars.append((label+"[EMPTY]", None))
# A non-empty list/iterable
childvars.extend([(label+"["+str(i)+"]", child) for (i, child) in enumerate(val)])
return childvars
# Printing the syntax tree (AST)
# Strings that ASCII and Unicode trees are made out of
child_indent_uni = vertical_right_uni + horizontal_uni + horizontal_uni
last_child_indent_uni = up_right_uni + horizontal_uni + horizontal_uni
normal_indent_uni = vertical_uni + " "
last_normal_indent_uni = " "
vertical_asc = "|"
horizontal_asc = "-"
vertical_right_asc = "+"
up_right_asc = "+"
child_indent_asc = vertical_right_asc + horizontal_asc + horizontal_asc
last_child_indent_asc = up_right_asc + horizontal_asc + horizontal_asc
normal_indent_asc = vertical_asc + " "
last_normal_indent_asc = " "
# What to put to the beginning and end of dot files
dot_preamble='''digraph parsetree {
node [shape="box"]
edge [style=bold]
rankdir = TB
clusterrank = local'''
def dotnodeid(nodenum):
'''Convert node number to a dot id'''
return "N"+str(nodenum)
def treeprint_indent(node, outtype="unicode", label="", first_indent="", indent=""):
'''Print out an ASCII/Unicode version of a subtree in a tree.
node = the root of the subtree
outtype = unicode/ascii
label = the "role" of the subtree on the parent node (from attribute name)
first_indent = what to print at the beginning of the first line (indentation)
indent = what to print at the beginning of the rest of the lines (indentation)'''
# Add label (if any) to the first line after the indentation
if label:
first_indent += label + ": "
if not node:
# If node is None, just print NONE
print(first_indent + "NONE")
# If node has node type attribute, print that, otherwise try to print the whole
# node take help in finding the error
if hasattr(node, nodetype_attr):
print(first_indent + getattr(node, nodetype_attr), end="")
print(first_indent + "??? '" + str(node) + "' ???", end="")
# If node has a value attribute, print the value of the node in parenthesis
if hasattr(node, value_attr):
print(" (" + str(getattr(node, value_attr)) + ")", end="")
if hasattr(node, type_attr):
print(" :" + str(getattr(node, type_attr)), end="")
if hasattr(node, lineno_attr):
print(" #" + str(getattr(node, lineno_attr)), end="")
# Get all children of the node and iterate through them
childvars = get_childvars(node)
i = len(childvars)
for name,value in childvars:
i -= 1
if i > 0:
# Not the last child, use normal indentation
if outtype == "unicode":
first_indent = child_indent_uni
rest_indent = normal_indent_uni
first_indent = child_indent_asc
rest_indent = normal_indent_asc
# The last child, use indentation for that case
if outtype == "unicode":
first_indent = last_child_indent_uni
rest_indent = last_normal_indent_uni
first_indent = last_child_indent_asc
rest_indent = last_normal_indent_asc
# Recursively print the child subtrees, adding indentation
treeprint_indent(value, outtype, name, indent+first_indent,
def treeprint_dot(node, nodenum, nodecount):
'''Print a subtree in dot format.
nodenum = number of the node (for dot id generation)
nodecount = a list containing the maximum used id'''
nodeline = dotnodeid(nodenum)
if not node:
# None is output as an ellipse with label NONE
nodeline += ' [shape="ellipse", label="NONE"]'
# Normal nodes use the default shape
nodeline += ' [label="'
# If node has node type attribute, print that, otherwise try to print the whole
# node take help in finding the error
if hasattr(node, nodetype_attr):
nodeline += getattr(node, nodetype_attr)
nodeline += "??? '" + str(node) + "' ???"
nextnodeline = ""
# If node has a value attribute, output the value in parenthesis
if hasattr(node, value_attr):
nextnodeline += " (" + str(getattr(node, value_attr)) + ")"
if hasattr(node, type_attr):
nextnodeline += " :" + str(getattr(node, type_attr))
if hasattr(node, lineno_attr):
nextnodeline += " #" + str(getattr(node, lineno_attr))
if nextnodeline:
nodeline += "\n"+nextnodeline
nodeline += '"]'
# Get all children of the node and iterate through them
childvars = get_childvars(node)
for name,value in childvars:
# Number the child by one more than current maximum (and update maximum)
nodecount[0] += 1
childnum = nodecount[0]
# Recursively print the child subtrees
treeprint_dot(value, childnum, nodecount)
# Output the named connection between parent and child
print(dotnodeid(nodenum)+"->"+dotnodeid(childnum)+ ' [label="'+name+'"]')
def treeprint(rootnode, outtype="unicode"):
'''Prints out a tree, given its root.
The second argument is the output type:
"unicode" (default) prints a text-version of the tree using Unicode block characters.
"ascii" prints an ASCII-only version, with |, -, +.
"dot" prints a tree in dot format (can be converted to a graphical tree
using dot command in graphwiz).'''
if outtype == "dot":
treeprint_dot(rootnode, 0, [0])
treeprint_indent(rootnode, outtype)