Cleanup code and add arguments for compiling code
This commit is contained in:
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import argparse
from calendar import timegm
from copy import deepcopy
from datetime import date, timedelta
import subprocess
import tree_print
from build_ast import ASTnode, syntax_check_file
@ -278,6 +279,7 @@ def semantic_check(node: ASTnode, sem_data: SemData) -> None | ASTnode:
class CompileData:
def __init__(self, sem_data: SemData):
self.sem_data = sem_data
self.date_buffer_size = 128
self.string_literals = []
self.label_counter = 0
self.callables = {}
@ -299,26 +301,26 @@ class CompileData:
self.callables['__builtin_print_date'] = '''\
self.callables['__builtin_print_date'] = f'''\
pushq %rbp
movq %rsp, %rbp
subq $16, %rsp
movq %rdi, 0(%rsp)
leaq 0(%rsp), %rdi
call localtime
movq $date_buffer, %rdi
movq $(date_buffer_end - date_buffer), %rsi
movq $date_format, %rdx
movq $.date_buffer, %rdi
movq ${self.date_buffer_size}, %rsi
movq $.date_format, %rdx
movq %rax, %rcx
call strftime
movq $str_format, %rdi
movq $date_buffer, %rsi
movq $.str_format, %rdi
movq $.date_buffer, %rsi
call printf
self.callables['__builtin_get_day_attr'] = '''\
self.callables['__builtin_get_day_attr'] = f'''\
pushq %rbp
movq %rsp, %rbp
subq $16, %rsp
@ -326,12 +328,12 @@ class CompileData:
movq %rsi, 8(%rsp)
leaq 0(%rsp), %rdi
call localtime
movq $date_buffer, %rdi
movq $(date_buffer_end - date_buffer), %rsi
movq $.date_buffer, %rdi
movq ${self.date_buffer_size}, %rsi
movq 8(%rsp), %rdx
movq %rax, %rcx
call strftime
movq $date_buffer, %rdi
movq $.date_buffer, %rdi
call atoi
@ -363,31 +365,30 @@ class CompileData:
return f'-{offset}(%rbp)'
if symbol in self.sem_data.global_symbol_table:
offset = 8 * list(self.sem_data.global_symbol_table.keys()).index(symbol)
return f'(globals + {offset})'
return f'(.globals + {offset})'
assert False
def get_full_code(self) -> str:
# Data section with string literals
prefix = '.section .data\n'
prefix += 'int_format: .asciz "%lld"\n'
prefix += 'str_format: .asciz "%s"\n'
prefix += 'date_format: .asciz "%Y-%m-%d"\n'
prefix += 'day_format: .asciz "%d"\n'
prefix += 'month_format: .asciz "%m"\n'
prefix += 'year_format: .asciz "%Y"\n'
prefix += 'weekday_format: .asciz "%u"\n'
prefix += 'weeknum_format: .asciz "%W"\n'
prefix += '.int_format: .asciz "%lld"\n'
prefix += '.str_format: .asciz "%s"\n'
prefix += '.date_format: .asciz "%Y-%m-%d"\n'
prefix += '.day_format: .asciz "%d"\n'
prefix += '.month_format: .asciz "%m"\n'
prefix += '.year_format: .asciz "%Y"\n'
prefix += '.weekday_format: .asciz "%u"\n'
prefix += '.weeknum_format: .asciz "%W"\n'
for index, string in enumerate(self.string_literals):
prefix += f'S{index}: .asciz "{string}"\n'
prefix += '\n'
# BSS section for uninitialized data
prefix += '.section .bss\n'
prefix += 'date_buffer:\n'
prefix += ' .skip 128\n'
prefix += 'date_buffer_end:\n'
prefix += f'.section .bss\n'
prefix += f'.date_buffer:\n'
prefix += f' .skip {self.date_buffer_size}\n'
if len(self.sem_data.global_symbol_table) != 0:
prefix += 'globals:\n'
prefix += '.globals:\n'
prefix += f' .skip {len(sem_data.global_symbol_table) * 8}\n'
prefix += '\n'
@ -414,11 +415,11 @@ class CompileData:
def compile_print_literal(print_type: str, compile_data: CompileData) -> None:
if print_type == 'int':
compile_data.code += f' movq $int_format, %rdi\n'
compile_data.code += f' movq $.int_format, %rdi\n'
compile_data.code += f' movq %rax, %rsi\n'
compile_data.code += f' call printf\n'
elif print_type == 'string':
compile_data.code += f' movq $str_format, %rdi\n'
compile_data.code += f' movq $.str_format, %rdi\n'
compile_data.code += f' movq %rax, %rsi\n'
compile_data.code += f' call printf\n'
elif print_type == 'date':
@ -465,9 +466,9 @@ def compile_ast(node: ASTnode, compile_data: CompileData) -> None:
compile_data.scope = None
# Initialize global variables
for index, (name, variable) in enumerate(compile_data.sem_data.global_symbol_table.items()):
offset = 8 * index
address = compile_data.symbol_address(name)
compile_ast(variable, compile_data)
compile_data.code += f' movq %rax, (globals + {offset})\n'
compile_data.code += f' movq %rax, {address}\n'
# Compile program statements
for statement in node.children_statements:
compile_ast(statement, compile_data)
@ -477,9 +478,13 @@ def compile_ast(node: ASTnode, compile_data: CompileData) -> None:
address = compile_data.symbol_address(node.value)
compile_data.code += f' movq {address}, %rax\n'
case 'assignment':
if node.child_lhs.nodetype == 'attribute_write':
print_todo('Attribute write', node)
elif node.child_lhs.nodetype == 'identifier':
address = compile_data.symbol_address(node.child_lhs.value)
compile_ast(node.child_rhs, compile_data)
compile_data.code += f' movq %rax, {address}\n'
else: assert False
case 'binary_op':
assert node.value in ['+', '-', '*', '/', '<', '=']
@ -573,7 +578,7 @@ def compile_ast(node: ASTnode, compile_data: CompileData) -> None:
case 'attribute_read':
compile_ast(node.child_identifier, compile_data)
compile_data.code += f' movq %rax, %rdi\n'
compile_data.code += f' movq ${node.child_attribute.value}_format, %rsi\n'
compile_data.code += f' movq $.{node.child_attribute.value}_format, %rsi\n'
compile_data.code += f' call __builtin_get_day_attr\n'
case 'do_until':
label_loop = compile_data.get_label()
@ -639,6 +644,8 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
group.add_argument('--who', action='store_true', help='print out student IDs and NAMEs of authors')
group.add_argument('-f', '--file', help='filename to process')
parser.add_argument('-o', '--compile', help='output filename for compiled code. if not given, no compilation is done')
parser.add_argument('-a', '--assembly', help='output filename for generated assembly code')
args = parser.parse_args()
@ -651,8 +658,21 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
sem_data = SemData()
semantic_check(ast, sem_data)
#tree_print.treeprint(ast, 'unicode')
if args.debug:
tree_print.treeprint(ast, 'unicode')
compile_data = CompileData(sem_data)
compile_ast(ast, compile_data)
assembly = compile_data.get_full_code()
if args.assembly is None:
if args.compile is None:
with open(args.assembly, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file:
if args.compile is not None:
||||['gcc', '-x', 'assembler', '-o', args.compile, '-static', '-'], input=assembly, encoding='utf-8')
Reference in New Issue