
107 lines
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#pragma once
#include <stdint.h>
namespace LibInput
Key Code:
bits 4:0 column (from left)
bits 7:5 row (from top)
#define BANAN_CONSTEVAL_STATIC_ASSERT(cond) do { int dummy = 1 / (cond); } while (false)
consteval uint8_t keycode_function(uint8_t index)
return index;
consteval uint8_t keycode_normal(uint8_t row, uint8_t col)
return ((row + 1) << 5) | col;
consteval uint8_t keycode_numpad(uint8_t row, uint8_t col)
return ((row + 1) << 5) | (col + 0b11111 - 8);
enum class Key
Invalid, None,
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z,
A_Ring, A_Umlaut, O_Umlaut,
_0, _1, _2, _3, _4, _5, _6, _7, _8, _9,
F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7, F8, F9, F10, F11, F12,
Insert, PrintScreen, Delete, Home, End, PageUp, PageDown, Enter, Space,
ExclamationMark, DoubleQuote, Hashtag, Currency, Percent, Ampersand, Slash, Section, Half,
OpenParenthesis, CloseParenthesis, OpenSquareBracket, CloseSquareBracket, OpenCurlyBracket, CloseCurlyBracket,
Equals, QuestionMark, Plus, BackSlash, Acute, BackTick, TwoDots, Cedilla, Backspace, AtSign, Pound, Dollar, Euro,
Escape, Tab, CapsLock, LeftShift, LeftCtrl, Super, LeftAlt, RightAlt, AltGr = RightAlt, RightCtrl, RightShift,
SingleQuote, Asterix, Caret, Tilde, ArrowUp, ArrowDown, ArrowLeft, ArrowRight,
Comma, Semicolon, Period, Colon, Hyphen, Underscore, NumLock, ScrollLock, LessThan, GreaterThan, Pipe, Negation, BrokenBar,
Numpad0, Numpad1, Numpad2, Numpad3, Numpad4, Numpad5, Numpad6, Numpad7, Numpad8, Numpad9,
NumpadPlus, NumpadMinus, NumpadMultiply, NumpadDivide, NumpadEnter, NumpadDecimal,
VolumeMute, VolumeUp, VolumeDown, Calculator, MediaPlayPause, MediaStop, MediaPrevious, MediaNext,
// KeyEvent with general keycode
struct RawKeyEvent
uint16_t modifier;
uint8_t keycode;
// KeyEvent with key parsed from keycode
struct KeyEvent
enum Modifier : uint16_t
LShift = (1 << 0),
RShift = (1 << 1),
LCtrl = (1 << 2),
RCtrl = (1 << 3),
LAlt = (1 << 4),
RAlt = (1 << 5),
CapsLock = (1 << 6),
NumLock = (1 << 7),
ScrollLock = (1 << 8),
Pressed = (1 << 9),
bool lshift() const { return modifier & Modifier::LShift; }
bool rshift() const { return modifier & Modifier::RShift; }
bool shift() const { return lshift() || rshift(); }
bool lctrl() const { return modifier & Modifier::LCtrl; }
bool rctrl() const { return modifier & Modifier::RCtrl; }
bool ctrl() const { return lctrl() || rctrl(); }
bool lalt() const { return modifier & Modifier::LAlt; }
bool ralt() const { return modifier & Modifier::RAlt; }
bool alt() const { return lalt() || ralt(); }
bool caps_lock() const { return modifier & Modifier::CapsLock; }
bool num_lock() const { return modifier & Modifier::NumLock; }
bool scroll_lock() const { return modifier & Modifier::ScrollLock; }
bool pressed() const { return modifier & Modifier::Pressed; }
bool released() const { return !pressed(); }
uint16_t modifier;
Key key;
const char* key_to_utf8(Key key, uint16_t modifier);
const char* key_to_utf8_ansi(Key key, uint16_t modifier);