
180 lines
5.3 KiB

#include <BAN/Errors.h>
#include <BAN/Math.h>
#include <kernel/kmalloc.h>
#include <kernel/kprint.h>
#include <kernel/multiboot.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#define MB (1 << 20)
Kmalloc holds a bitmap of free/allocated chunks
When allocating n chunks, kmalloc will put the number of chunks
to address, and return pointer to the byte after the stored size
static constexpr uintptr_t s_kmalloc_base = 0x00200000;
static constexpr size_t s_kmalloc_size = 1 * MB;
static constexpr uintptr_t s_kmalloc_end = s_kmalloc_base + s_kmalloc_size;
static constexpr uintptr_t s_kmalloc_eternal_base = s_kmalloc_end;
static constexpr size_t s_kmalloc_eternal_size = 1 * MB;
static constexpr uintptr_t s_kmalloc_eternal_end = s_kmalloc_eternal_base + s_kmalloc_eternal_size;
static uintptr_t s_kmalloc_eternal_ptr = s_kmalloc_eternal_base;
static constexpr size_t s_kmalloc_default_align = alignof(max_align_t);
static constexpr size_t s_kmalloc_chunk_size = s_kmalloc_default_align;
static constexpr size_t s_kmalloc_chunks_per_size = sizeof(size_t) * 8 / s_kmalloc_chunk_size;
static constexpr size_t s_kmalloc_total_chunks = s_kmalloc_size / s_kmalloc_chunk_size;
static uint8_t s_kmalloc_bitmap[s_kmalloc_total_chunks / 8] { 0 };
static size_t s_kmalloc_free = s_kmalloc_size;
static size_t s_kmalloc_used = 0;
static size_t s_kmalloc_eternal_free = s_kmalloc_eternal_size;
static size_t s_kmalloc_eternal_used = 0;
extern "C" uintptr_t g_kernel_end;
static bool is_kmalloc_chunk_used(size_t index)
ASSERT(index < s_kmalloc_total_chunks);
return s_kmalloc_bitmap[index / 8] & (1 << (index % 8));
static uintptr_t chunk_address(size_t index)
ASSERT(index < s_kmalloc_total_chunks);
return s_kmalloc_base + s_kmalloc_chunk_size * index;
void kmalloc_initialize()
if (!(g_multiboot_info->flags & (1 << 6)))
Kernel::Panic("Kmalloc: Bootloader didn't provide a memory map");
if ((uintptr_t)&g_kernel_end > s_kmalloc_base)
Kernel::Panic("Kmalloc: Kernel end ({}) is over kmalloc base ({})", &g_kernel_end, (void*)s_kmalloc_base);
// Validate kmalloc memory
bool valid = false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < g_multiboot_info->mmap_length;)
multiboot_memory_map_t* mmmt = (multiboot_memory_map_t*)(g_multiboot_info->mmap_addr + i);
if (mmmt->type == 1)
if (mmmt->base_addr <= s_kmalloc_base && s_kmalloc_eternal_end <= mmmt->base_addr + mmmt->length)
dprintln("Total usable RAM: {}.{} MB", mmmt->length / MB, mmmt->length % MB);
valid = true;
i += mmmt->size + sizeof(uint32_t);
if (!valid)
Kernel::Panic("Kmalloc: Could not find {}.{} MB of memory",
(s_kmalloc_eternal_end - s_kmalloc_base) / MB,
(s_kmalloc_eternal_end - s_kmalloc_base) % MB
void kmalloc_dump_info()
kprintln("kmalloc: 0x{8H}->0x{8H}", s_kmalloc_base, s_kmalloc_end);
kprintln(" used: 0x{8H}", s_kmalloc_used);
kprintln(" free: 0x{8H}", s_kmalloc_free);
kprintln("kmalloc eternal: 0x{8H}->0x{8H}", s_kmalloc_eternal_base, s_kmalloc_eternal_end);
kprintln(" used: 0x{8H}", s_kmalloc_eternal_used);
kprintln(" free: 0x{8H}", s_kmalloc_eternal_free);
void* kmalloc_eternal(size_t size)
if (size_t rem = size % alignof(max_align_t))
size += alignof(max_align_t) - rem;
ASSERT(s_kmalloc_eternal_ptr + size < s_kmalloc_eternal_end);
void* result = (void*)s_kmalloc_eternal_ptr;
s_kmalloc_eternal_ptr += size;
s_kmalloc_eternal_used += size;
s_kmalloc_eternal_free -= size;
return result;
void* kmalloc(size_t size)
return kmalloc(size, s_kmalloc_default_align);
void* kmalloc(size_t size, size_t align)
if (size == 0 || size >= s_kmalloc_size)
return nullptr;
if (align == 0)
align = s_kmalloc_chunk_size;
if (align < s_kmalloc_chunk_size || align % s_kmalloc_chunk_size)
size_t new_align = BAN::Math::lcm(align, s_kmalloc_chunk_size);
dwarnln("kmalloc asked to align to {}, aliging to {} instead", align, new_align);
align = new_align;
size_t needed_chunks = (size - 1) / s_kmalloc_chunk_size + 1 + s_kmalloc_chunks_per_size;
for (size_t i = 0; i < s_kmalloc_total_chunks - needed_chunks; i++)
if (chunk_address(i + s_kmalloc_chunks_per_size) % align)
bool free = true;
for (size_t j = 0; j < needed_chunks; j++)
if (is_kmalloc_chunk_used(i + j))
free = false;
i += j;
if (free)
*(size_t*)chunk_address(i) = needed_chunks;
for (size_t j = 0; j < needed_chunks; j++)
s_kmalloc_bitmap[(i + j) / 8] |= (1 << ((i + j) % 8));
s_kmalloc_used += needed_chunks * s_kmalloc_chunk_size;
s_kmalloc_free -= needed_chunks * s_kmalloc_chunk_size;
return (void*)chunk_address(i + s_kmalloc_chunks_per_size);
dwarnln("Could not allocate {} bytes", size);
return nullptr;
void kfree(void* address)
if (!address)
ASSERT(((uintptr_t)address % s_kmalloc_chunk_size) == 0);
ASSERT(s_kmalloc_base <= (uintptr_t)address && (uintptr_t)address < s_kmalloc_end);
size_t first_chunk = ((uintptr_t)address - s_kmalloc_base) / s_kmalloc_chunk_size - s_kmalloc_chunks_per_size;
size_t size = *(size_t*)chunk_address(first_chunk);
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++)
s_kmalloc_bitmap[(first_chunk + i) / 8] &= ~(1 << ((first_chunk + i) % 8));
s_kmalloc_used -= size * s_kmalloc_chunk_size;
s_kmalloc_free += size * s_kmalloc_chunk_size;