#include "Cursor.h" #include "WindowServer.h" #include <BAN/Debug.h> #include <BAN/ScopeGuard.h> #include <LibGUI/Window.h> #include <LibInput/KeyboardLayout.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <sys/banan-os.h> #include <sys/mman.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <unistd.h> WindowServer::WindowServer(Framebuffer& framebuffer, int32_t corner_radius) : m_framebuffer(framebuffer) , m_corner_radius(corner_radius) , m_cursor({ framebuffer.width / 2, framebuffer.height / 2 }) , m_font(MUST(LibFont::Font::load("/usr/share/fonts/lat0-16.psfu"_sv))) { BAN::Vector<LibImage::Image::Color> bitmap; MUST(bitmap.resize(m_framebuffer.width * m_framebuffer.height, { 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0xFF })); m_background_image = MUST(BAN::UniqPtr<LibImage::Image>::create(m_framebuffer.width, m_framebuffer.height, BAN::move(bitmap))); MUST(m_pending_syncs.resize(m_framebuffer.height)); invalidate(m_framebuffer.area()); } BAN::ErrorOr<void> WindowServer::set_background_image(BAN::UniqPtr<LibImage::Image> image) { if (image->width() != (uint64_t)m_framebuffer.width || image->height() != (uint64_t)m_framebuffer.height) image = TRY(image->resize(m_framebuffer.width, m_framebuffer.height)); m_background_image = BAN::move(image); invalidate(m_framebuffer.area()); return {}; } void WindowServer::on_window_create(int fd, const LibGUI::WindowPacket::WindowCreate& packet) { for (auto& window : m_client_windows) { if (window->client_fd() != fd) continue; dwarnln("client with window tried to create another one"); return; } const uint32_t width = packet.width ? packet.width : m_framebuffer.width; const uint32_t height = packet.height ? packet.height : m_framebuffer.height; auto window_or_error = BAN::RefPtr<Window>::create(fd, m_font); if (window_or_error.is_error()) { dwarnln("could not create window for client: {}", window_or_error.error()); return; } auto window = window_or_error.release_value(); if (auto ret = m_client_windows.push_back(window); ret.is_error()) { dwarnln("could not create window for client: {}", ret.error()); return; } BAN::ScopeGuard window_popper([&] { m_client_windows.pop_back(); }); if (auto ret = window->initialize(packet.title, width, height); ret.is_error()) { dwarnln("could not create window for client: {}", ret.error()); return; } window->set_attributes(packet.attributes); window->set_position({ static_cast<int32_t>((m_framebuffer.width - window->client_width()) / 2), static_cast<int32_t>((m_framebuffer.height - window->client_height()) / 2), }); LibGUI::EventPacket::ResizeWindowEvent response; response.width = window->client_width(); response.height = window->client_height(); response.smo_key = window->smo_key(); if (auto ret = response.send_serialized(fd); ret.is_error()) { dwarnln("could not respond to window create request: {}", ret.error()); return; } window_popper.disable(); if (packet.attributes.focusable) set_focused_window(window); else if (m_client_windows.size() > 1) BAN::swap(m_client_windows[m_client_windows.size() - 1], m_client_windows[m_client_windows.size() - 2]); } void WindowServer::on_window_invalidate(int fd, const LibGUI::WindowPacket::WindowInvalidate& packet) { if (packet.width == 0 || packet.height == 0) return; if (m_is_fullscreen_window) { ASSERT(m_focused_window); if (m_focused_window->client_fd() != fd) return; } BAN::RefPtr<Window> target_window; for (auto& window : m_client_windows) { if (window->client_fd() != fd) continue; target_window = window; break; } if (!target_window) { dwarnln("client tried to invalidate window while not owning a window"); return; } const int32_t br_x = packet.x + packet.width - 1; const int32_t br_y = packet.y + packet.height - 1; if (!target_window->client_size().contains({ br_x, br_y })) { dwarnln("invalid Invalidate packet parameters"); return; } invalidate({ target_window->client_x() + static_cast<int32_t>(packet.x), target_window->client_y() + static_cast<int32_t>(packet.y), static_cast<int32_t>(packet.width), static_cast<int32_t>(packet.height), }); } void WindowServer::on_window_set_position(int fd, const LibGUI::WindowPacket::WindowSetPosition& packet) { if (m_is_fullscreen_window && m_focused_window->client_fd() == fd) return; BAN::RefPtr<Window> target_window; for (auto& window : m_client_windows) { if (window->client_fd() != fd) continue; target_window = window; break; } if (!target_window) { dwarnln("client tried to set window position while not owning a window"); return; } const auto old_client_area = target_window->full_area(); target_window->set_position({ .x = packet.x, .y = packet.y, }); const auto new_client_area = target_window->full_area(); invalidate(new_client_area.get_bounding_box(old_client_area)); } void WindowServer::on_window_set_attributes(int fd, const LibGUI::WindowPacket::WindowSetAttributes& packet) { BAN::RefPtr<Window> target_window; for (auto& window : m_client_windows) { if (window->client_fd() != fd) continue; target_window = window; break; } if (!target_window) { dwarnln("client tried to set window attributes while not owning a window"); return; } const auto old_client_area = target_window->full_area(); target_window->set_attributes(packet.attributes); const auto new_client_area = target_window->full_area(); invalidate(new_client_area.get_bounding_box(old_client_area)); if (!packet.attributes.focusable && m_focused_window == target_window) { m_focused_window = nullptr; for (size_t i = m_client_windows.size(); i > 0; i--) { if (auto& window = m_client_windows[i - 1]; window->get_attributes().focusable) { set_focused_window(window); break; } } } } void WindowServer::on_window_set_mouse_capture(int fd, const LibGUI::WindowPacket::WindowSetMouseCapture& packet) { if (m_is_mouse_captured && packet.captured) { ASSERT(m_focused_window); if (fd != m_focused_window->client_fd()) dwarnln("client tried to set mouse capture while other window has it already captured"); return; } BAN::RefPtr<Window> target_window; for (auto& window : m_client_windows) { if (window->client_fd() != fd) continue; target_window = window; break; } if (!target_window) { dwarnln("client tried to set mouse capture while not owning a window"); return; } if (packet.captured == m_is_mouse_captured) return; set_focused_window(target_window); m_is_mouse_captured = packet.captured; invalidate(cursor_area()); } void WindowServer::on_window_set_size(int fd, const LibGUI::WindowPacket::WindowSetSize& packet) { BAN::RefPtr<Window> target_window; for (auto& window : m_client_windows) { if (window->client_fd() != fd) continue; target_window = window; break; } if (!target_window) { dwarnln("client tried to set window size while not owning a window"); return; } const auto old_area = target_window->full_area(); const uint32_t width = packet.width ? packet.width : m_framebuffer.width; const uint32_t height = packet.height ? packet.height : m_framebuffer.height; if (auto ret = target_window->resize(width, height); ret.is_error()) { dwarnln("could not resize client window {}", ret.error()); return; } LibGUI::EventPacket::ResizeWindowEvent response; response.width = target_window->client_width(); response.height = target_window->client_height(); response.smo_key = target_window->smo_key(); if (auto ret = response.send_serialized(fd); ret.is_error()) { dwarnln("could not respond to window resize request: {}", ret.error()); return; } invalidate(target_window->full_area().get_bounding_box(old_area)); } void WindowServer::on_window_set_fullscreen(int fd, const LibGUI::WindowPacket::WindowSetFullscreen& packet) { if (m_is_fullscreen_window) { ASSERT(m_focused_window); if (m_focused_window->client_fd() != fd) dwarnln("client tried to set fullscreen window size while another window is already fullscreen"); else if (!packet.fullscreen) { m_is_fullscreen_window = false; invalidate(m_framebuffer.area()); } return; } if (!packet.fullscreen) return; BAN::RefPtr<Window> target_window; for (auto& window : m_client_windows) { if (window->client_fd() != fd) continue; target_window = window; break; } if (!target_window) { dwarnln("client tried to set window size while not owning a window"); return; } m_is_fullscreen_window = true; set_focused_window(target_window); invalidate(m_framebuffer.area()); } void WindowServer::on_key_event(LibInput::KeyEvent event) { // Mod key is not passed to clients if (event.key == LibInput::Key::Super) { m_is_mod_key_held = event.pressed(); return; } // Stop WindowServer with mod+shift+E if (m_is_mod_key_held && event.pressed() && event.shift() && event.key == LibInput::Key::E) { m_is_stopped = true; return; } // Start terminal with mod+Enter if (m_is_mod_key_held && event.pressed() && event.key == LibInput::Key::Enter) { pid_t pid = fork(); if (pid == 0) { execl("/usr/bin/Terminal", "Terminal", nullptr); exit(1); } if (pid == -1) perror("fork"); return; } // Kill window with mod+Q if (m_is_mod_key_held && event.pressed() && event.key == LibInput::Key::Q) { if (!m_focused_window) return; LibGUI::EventPacket::CloseWindowEvent packet; if (auto ret = packet.send_serialized(m_focused_window->client_fd()); ret.is_error()) dwarnln("could not send window close event: {}", ret.error()); return; } if (m_is_mod_key_held && event.pressed() && event.key == LibInput::Key::F) { if (!m_focused_window) return; m_is_fullscreen_window = !m_is_fullscreen_window; invalidate(m_framebuffer.area()); return; } // Toggle window bounce with F2 if (!m_is_fullscreen_window && event.pressed() && event.key == LibInput::Key::F2) m_is_bouncing_window = !m_is_bouncing_window; if (m_focused_window) { LibGUI::EventPacket::KeyEvent packet; packet.event = event; if (auto ret = packet.send_serialized(m_focused_window->client_fd()); ret.is_error()) dwarnln("could not send key event: {}", ret.error()); } } void WindowServer::on_mouse_button(LibInput::MouseButtonEvent event) { if (m_is_mouse_captured) { ASSERT(m_focused_window); LibGUI::EventPacket::MouseButtonEvent packet; packet.event.button = event.button; packet.event.pressed = event.pressed; packet.event.x = 0; packet.event.y = 0; if (auto ret = packet.send_serialized(m_focused_window->client_fd()); ret.is_error()) dwarnln("could not send mouse button event: {}", ret.error()); return; } BAN::RefPtr<Window> target_window; for (size_t i = m_client_windows.size(); i > 0; i--) { if (m_client_windows[i - 1]->full_area().contains(m_cursor)) { target_window = m_client_windows[i - 1]; break; } } // Ignore mouse button events which are not on top of a window if (!target_window) return; if (target_window->get_attributes().focusable) set_focused_window(target_window); // Handle window moving when mod key is held or mouse press on title bar const bool can_start_move = m_is_mod_key_held || target_window->title_text_area().contains(m_cursor); if (event.pressed && event.button == LibInput::MouseButton::Left && !m_is_moving_window && can_start_move) m_is_moving_window = target_window->get_attributes().movable; else if (m_is_moving_window && !event.pressed) m_is_moving_window = false; else if (!event.pressed && event.button == LibInput::MouseButton::Left && target_window->close_button_area().contains(m_cursor)) { // NOTE: we always have target window if code reaches here LibGUI::EventPacket::CloseWindowEvent packet; if (auto ret = packet.send_serialized(m_focused_window->client_fd()); ret.is_error()) { dwarnln("could not send close window event: {}", ret.error()); return; } } else if (target_window->client_area().contains(m_cursor)) { // NOTE: we always have target window if code reaches here LibGUI::EventPacket::MouseButtonEvent packet; packet.event.button = event.button; packet.event.pressed = event.pressed; packet.event.x = m_cursor.x - m_focused_window->client_x(); packet.event.y = m_cursor.y - m_focused_window->client_y(); if (auto ret = packet.send_serialized(m_focused_window->client_fd()); ret.is_error()) { dwarnln("could not send mouse button event: {}", ret.error()); return; } } if (m_is_fullscreen_window) m_is_moving_window = false; } void WindowServer::on_mouse_move(LibInput::MouseMoveEvent event) { if (m_is_mouse_captured) { ASSERT(m_focused_window); LibGUI::EventPacket::MouseMoveEvent packet; packet.event.x = event.rel_x; packet.event.y = -event.rel_y; if (auto ret = packet.send_serialized(m_focused_window->client_fd()); ret.is_error()) dwarnln("could not send mouse move event: {}", ret.error()); return; } const auto [new_x, new_y] = [&]() -> Position { const int32_t new_x = m_cursor.x + event.rel_x; const int32_t new_y = m_cursor.y - event.rel_y; return m_is_fullscreen_window ? Position { .x = BAN::Math::clamp(new_x, m_focused_window->client_x(), m_focused_window->client_x() + m_focused_window->client_width()), .y = BAN::Math::clamp(new_y, m_focused_window->client_y(), m_focused_window->client_y() + m_focused_window->client_height()) } : Position { .x = BAN::Math::clamp(new_x, 0, m_framebuffer.width), .y = BAN::Math::clamp(new_y, 0, m_framebuffer.height) }; }(); event.rel_x = new_x - m_cursor.x; event.rel_y = new_y - m_cursor.y; if (event.rel_x == 0 && event.rel_y == 0) return; auto old_cursor = cursor_area(); m_cursor.x = new_x; m_cursor.y = new_y; auto new_cursor = cursor_area(); invalidate(old_cursor); invalidate(new_cursor); // TODO: Really no need to loop over every window for (auto& window : m_client_windows) { auto title_bar = window->title_bar_area(); if (title_bar.get_overlap(old_cursor).has_value() || title_bar.get_overlap(new_cursor).has_value()) invalidate(title_bar); } if (m_is_moving_window) { auto old_window = m_focused_window->full_area(); m_focused_window->set_position({ m_focused_window->client_x() + event.rel_x, m_focused_window->client_y() + event.rel_y, }); auto new_window = m_focused_window->full_area(); invalidate(old_window); invalidate(new_window); return; } if (m_focused_window) { LibGUI::EventPacket::MouseMoveEvent packet; packet.event.x = m_cursor.x - m_focused_window->client_x(); packet.event.y = m_cursor.y - m_focused_window->client_y(); if (auto ret = packet.send_serialized(m_focused_window->client_fd()); ret.is_error()) { dwarnln("could not send mouse move event: {}", ret.error()); return; } } } void WindowServer::on_mouse_scroll(LibInput::MouseScrollEvent event) { if (m_focused_window) { LibGUI::EventPacket::MouseScrollEvent packet; packet.event.scroll = event.scroll; if (auto ret = packet.send_serialized(m_focused_window->client_fd()); ret.is_error()) { dwarnln("could not send mouse scroll event: {}", ret.error()); return; } } } void WindowServer::set_focused_window(BAN::RefPtr<Window> window) { ASSERT(window->get_attributes().focusable); if (m_focused_window == window) return; if (m_is_mouse_captured) { m_is_mouse_captured = false; invalidate(cursor_area()); } for (size_t i = m_client_windows.size(); i > 0; i--) { if (m_client_windows[i - 1] == window) { m_focused_window = window; m_client_windows.remove(i - 1); MUST(m_client_windows.push_back(window)); invalidate(window->full_area()); break; } } } static uint32_t alpha_blend(uint32_t color_a, uint32_t color_b) { const uint32_t a_a = color_a >> 24; const uint32_t a_b = ((color_b >> 24) * (256 - a_a)) >> 8; const uint32_t a = a_a + a_b; const uint32_t rb1 = (a_a * (color_a & 0xFF00FF)) >> 8; const uint32_t rb2 = (a_b * (color_b & 0xFF00FF)) >> 8; const uint32_t g1 = (a_a * (color_a & 0x00FF00)) >> 8; const uint32_t g2 = (a_b * (color_b & 0x00FF00)) >> 8; return (a << 24) | ((rb1 | rb2) & 0xFF00FF) | ((g1 | g2) & 0x00FF00); } void WindowServer::invalidate(Rectangle area) { ASSERT(m_background_image->width() == (uint64_t)m_framebuffer.width); ASSERT(m_background_image->height() == (uint64_t)m_framebuffer.height); const auto get_cursor_pixel = [](int32_t rel_x, int32_t rel_y) -> BAN::Optional<uint32_t> { const uint32_t offset = (rel_y * s_cursor_width + rel_x) * 4; uint32_t r = (((s_cursor_data[offset + 0] - 33) << 2) | ((s_cursor_data[offset + 1] - 33) >> 4)); uint32_t g = ((((s_cursor_data[offset + 1] - 33) & 0xF) << 4) | ((s_cursor_data[offset + 2] - 33) >> 2)); uint32_t b = ((((s_cursor_data[offset + 2] - 33) & 0x3) << 6) | ((s_cursor_data[offset + 3] - 33))); uint32_t color = (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b; if (color == 0xFF00FF) return {}; return color; }; if (m_is_fullscreen_window) { ASSERT(m_focused_window); area.x -= m_focused_window->client_x(); area.y -= m_focused_window->client_y(); const Rectangle client_area { .x = 0, .y = 0, .width = m_focused_window->client_width(), .height = m_focused_window->client_height(), }; auto focused_overlap = area.get_overlap(client_area); if (!focused_overlap.has_value()) return; area = focused_overlap.release_value(); const bool should_alpha_blend = m_focused_window->get_attributes().alpha_channel; if (client_area == m_framebuffer.area()) { if (!should_alpha_blend) { for (int32_t y = area.y; y < area.y + area.height; y++) for (int32_t x = area.x; x < area.x + area.width; x++) m_framebuffer.mmap[y * m_framebuffer.width + x] = m_focused_window->framebuffer()[y * m_focused_window->client_width() + x]; } else { for (int32_t y = area.y; y < area.y + area.height; y++) { for (int32_t x = area.x; x < area.x + area.width; x++) { const uint32_t src_pixel = m_focused_window->framebuffer()[y * m_focused_window->client_width() + x]; const uint32_t bg_pixel = m_background_image->get_color(x, y).as_argb(); m_framebuffer.mmap[y * m_framebuffer.width + x] = alpha_blend(src_pixel, bg_pixel); } } } mark_pending_sync(area); } else { auto opt_dst_area = Rectangle { .x = area.x * m_framebuffer.width / m_focused_window->client_width(), .y = area.y * m_framebuffer.height / m_focused_window->client_height(), .width = BAN::Math::div_round_up(area.width * m_framebuffer.width, m_focused_window->client_width()), .height = BAN::Math::div_round_up(area.height * m_framebuffer.height, m_focused_window->client_height()) }.get_overlap(m_framebuffer.area()); if (!opt_dst_area.has_value()) return; const auto dst_area = opt_dst_area.release_value(); for (int32_t dst_y = dst_area.y; dst_y < dst_area.y + dst_area.height; dst_y++) { for (int32_t dst_x = dst_area.x; dst_x < dst_area.x + dst_area.width; dst_x++) { const int32_t src_x = BAN::Math::clamp<int32_t>(dst_x * m_focused_window->client_width() / m_framebuffer.width, 0, m_focused_window->client_width()); const int32_t src_y = BAN::Math::clamp<int32_t>(dst_y * m_focused_window->client_height() / m_framebuffer.height, 0, m_focused_window->client_height()); const uint32_t src_pixel = m_focused_window->framebuffer()[src_y * m_focused_window->client_width() + src_x]; const uint32_t bg_pixel = m_background_image->get_color(dst_x, dst_y).as_argb(); uint32_t& dst_pixel = m_framebuffer.mmap[dst_y * m_framebuffer.width + dst_x]; dst_pixel = should_alpha_blend ? alpha_blend(src_pixel, bg_pixel) : src_pixel; } } mark_pending_sync(dst_area); } if (!m_is_mouse_captured) { const Rectangle cursor_area { .x = m_cursor.x - m_focused_window->client_x(), .y = m_cursor.y - m_focused_window->client_y(), .width = s_cursor_width, .height = s_cursor_height, }; if (!area.get_overlap(cursor_area).has_value()) return; const int32_t cursor_tl_dst_x = cursor_area.x * m_framebuffer.width / m_focused_window->client_width(); const int32_t cursor_tl_dst_y = cursor_area.y * m_framebuffer.height / m_focused_window->client_height(); for (int32_t rel_y = 0; rel_y < s_cursor_height; rel_y++) { for (int32_t rel_x = 0; rel_x < s_cursor_width; rel_x++) { const auto pixel = get_cursor_pixel(rel_x, rel_y); if (!pixel.has_value()) continue; const int32_t dst_x = cursor_tl_dst_x + rel_x; const int32_t dst_y = cursor_tl_dst_y + rel_y; if (dst_x < 0 || dst_x >= m_framebuffer.width) continue; if (dst_y < 0 || dst_y >= m_framebuffer.height) continue; m_framebuffer.mmap[dst_y * m_framebuffer.width + dst_x] = pixel.value(); } } mark_pending_sync(cursor_area); } return; } auto fb_overlap = area.get_overlap(m_framebuffer.area()); if (!fb_overlap.has_value()) return; area = fb_overlap.release_value(); for (int32_t y = area.y; y < area.y + area.height; y++) for (int32_t x = area.x; x < area.x + area.width; x++) m_framebuffer.mmap[y * m_framebuffer.width + x] = m_background_image->get_color(x, y).as_argb(); // FIXME: this loop should be inverse order and terminate // after window without alpha channel is found for (auto& pwindow : m_client_windows) { auto& window = *pwindow; const Rectangle fast_areas[] { { window.full_x() + m_corner_radius, window.full_y(), window.full_width() - 2 * m_corner_radius, m_corner_radius }, { window.full_x(), window.full_y() + m_corner_radius, window.full_width(), window.full_height() - 2 * m_corner_radius }, { window.full_x() + m_corner_radius, window.full_y() + window.full_height() - m_corner_radius, window.full_width() - 2 * m_corner_radius, m_corner_radius } }; const Position corner_centers[] { { window.full_x() + m_corner_radius, window.full_y() + m_corner_radius, }, { window.full_x() + (window.full_width() - 1) - m_corner_radius, window.full_y() + m_corner_radius, }, { window.full_x() + m_corner_radius, window.full_y() + (window.full_height() - 1) - m_corner_radius, }, { window.full_x() + (window.full_width() - 1) - m_corner_radius, window.full_y() + (window.full_height() - 1) - m_corner_radius, }, }; const Rectangle corner_areas[] { { window.full_x(), window.full_y(), m_corner_radius, m_corner_radius }, { window.full_x() + window.full_width() - m_corner_radius, window.full_y(), m_corner_radius, m_corner_radius }, { window.full_x(), window.full_y() + window.full_height() - m_corner_radius, m_corner_radius, m_corner_radius }, { window.full_x() + window.full_width() - m_corner_radius, window.full_y() + window.full_height() - m_corner_radius, m_corner_radius, m_corner_radius } }; const auto is_rounded_off = [&](const Window& window, Position pos) -> bool { if (!window.get_attributes().rounded_corners) return false; for (int32_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (!corner_areas[i].contains(pos)) continue; const int32_t dx = pos.x - corner_centers[i].x; const int32_t dy = pos.y - corner_centers[i].y; if (2 * (dy > 0) + (dx > 0) != i) continue; if (dx * dx + dy * dy >= m_corner_radius * m_corner_radius) return true; } return false; }; // window title bar if (auto title_overlap = window.title_bar_area().get_overlap(area); title_overlap.has_value()) { for (int32_t y_off = 0; y_off < title_overlap->height; y_off++) { for (int32_t x_off = 0; x_off < title_overlap->width; x_off++) { const int32_t abs_x = title_overlap->x + x_off; const int32_t abs_y = title_overlap->y + y_off; if (is_rounded_off(window, { abs_x, abs_y })) continue; const uint32_t color = window.title_bar_pixel(abs_x, abs_y, m_cursor); m_framebuffer.mmap[abs_y * m_framebuffer.width + abs_x] = color; } } } // window client area if (auto client_overlap = window.client_area().get_overlap(area); client_overlap.has_value()) { for (const auto& fast_area : fast_areas) { auto fast_overlap = client_overlap->get_overlap(fast_area); if (!fast_overlap.has_value()) continue; for (int32_t y_off = 0; y_off < fast_overlap->height; y_off++) { const int32_t abs_row_y = fast_overlap->y + y_off; const int32_t abs_row_x = fast_overlap->x; const int32_t src_row_y = abs_row_y - window.client_y(); const int32_t src_row_x = abs_row_x - window.client_x(); auto* window_row = &window.framebuffer()[src_row_y * window.client_width() + src_row_x]; auto* frameb_row = &m_framebuffer.mmap[ abs_row_y * m_framebuffer.width + abs_row_x]; const bool should_alpha_blend = window.get_attributes().alpha_channel; for (int32_t i = 0; i < fast_overlap->width; i++) { const uint32_t color_a = *window_row; const uint32_t color_b = *frameb_row; *frameb_row = should_alpha_blend ? alpha_blend(color_a, color_b) : color_a; window_row++; frameb_row++; } } } for (const auto& corner_area : corner_areas) { auto corner_overlap = client_overlap->get_overlap(corner_area); if (!corner_overlap.has_value()) continue; for (int32_t y_off = 0; y_off < corner_overlap->height; y_off++) { for (int32_t x_off = 0; x_off < corner_overlap->width; x_off++) { const int32_t abs_x = corner_overlap->x + x_off; const int32_t abs_y = corner_overlap->y + y_off; if (is_rounded_off(window, { abs_x, abs_y })) continue; const int32_t src_x = abs_x - window.client_x(); const int32_t src_y = abs_y - window.client_y(); const uint32_t color_a = window.framebuffer()[src_y * window.client_width() + src_x]; const uint32_t color_b = m_framebuffer.mmap[abs_y * m_framebuffer.width + abs_x]; const bool should_alpha_blend = window.get_attributes().alpha_channel; m_framebuffer.mmap[abs_y * m_framebuffer.width + abs_x] = should_alpha_blend ? alpha_blend(color_a, color_b) : color_a; } } } } } if (!m_is_mouse_captured) { const auto cursor = cursor_area(); if (auto overlap = cursor.get_overlap(area); overlap.has_value()) { for (int32_t y_off = 0; y_off < overlap->height; y_off++) { for (int32_t x_off = 0; x_off < overlap->width; x_off++) { const int32_t rel_x = overlap->x - m_cursor.x + x_off; const int32_t rel_y = overlap->y - m_cursor.y + y_off; const auto pixel = get_cursor_pixel(rel_x, rel_y); if (pixel.has_value()) m_framebuffer.mmap[(overlap->y + y_off) * m_framebuffer.width + (overlap->x + x_off)] = pixel.value(); } } } } mark_pending_sync(area); } void WindowServer::RangeList::add_range(const Range& range) { if (range_count == 0) { ranges[0] = range; range_count++; return; } size_t min_distance_value = SIZE_MAX; size_t min_distance_index = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < range_count; i++) { if (ranges[i].is_continuous_with(range)) { ranges[i].merge_with(range); size_t last_continuous = i; for (size_t j = i + 1; j < range_count; j++) { if (!ranges[i].is_continuous_with(ranges[j])) break; last_continuous = j; } if (last_continuous != i) { ranges[i].merge_with(ranges[last_continuous]); for (size_t j = 1; last_continuous + j < range_count; j++) ranges[i + j] = ranges[last_continuous + j]; range_count -= last_continuous - i; } return; } const auto distance = ranges[i].distance_between(range); if (distance < min_distance_value) { min_distance_value = distance; min_distance_index = i; } } if (range_count >= ranges.size()) { ranges[min_distance_index].merge_with(range); return; } size_t insert_idx = 0; for (; insert_idx < range_count; insert_idx++) if (range.start < ranges[insert_idx].start) break; for (size_t i = range_count; i > insert_idx; i--) ranges[i] = ranges[i - 1]; ranges[insert_idx] = range; range_count++; } void WindowServer::mark_pending_sync(Rectangle to_sync) { ASSERT(to_sync == to_sync.get_overlap(m_framebuffer.area()).value()); for (int32_t y_off = 0; y_off < to_sync.height; y_off++) m_pending_syncs[to_sync.y + y_off].add_range({ static_cast<uint32_t>(to_sync.x), static_cast<uint32_t>(to_sync.width) }); } void WindowServer::sync() { if (m_focused_window && m_is_bouncing_window) { static int32_t dir_x = 7; static int32_t dir_y = 4; auto old_window = m_focused_window->full_area(); m_focused_window->set_position({ m_focused_window->client_x() + dir_x, m_focused_window->client_y() + dir_y, }); auto new_window = m_focused_window->full_area(); invalidate(old_window); invalidate(new_window); if ((m_focused_window->full_x() < 0 && dir_x < 0) || (m_focused_window->full_x() + m_focused_window->full_width() >= m_framebuffer.width && dir_x > 0)) dir_x = -dir_x; if ((m_focused_window->full_y() < 0 && dir_y < 0) || (m_focused_window->full_y() + m_focused_window->full_height() >= m_framebuffer.height && dir_y > 0)) dir_y = -dir_y; } size_t range_start = 0; size_t range_count = 0; for (int32_t y = 0; y < m_framebuffer.height; y++) { auto& range_list = m_pending_syncs[y]; for (size_t i = 0; i < range_list.range_count; i++) { const size_t cur_start = y * m_framebuffer.width + range_list.ranges[i].start; const size_t cur_count = range_list.ranges[i].count; if (range_count == 0) { range_start = cur_start; range_count = cur_count; } else { const size_t distance = cur_start - (range_start + range_count); // combine nearby ranges to reduce msync calls // NOTE: value of 128 is an arbitary constant that *just* felt nice if (distance <= 128) range_count = (cur_start + cur_count) - range_start; else { msync(m_framebuffer.mmap + range_start, range_count * 4, MS_SYNC); range_start = cur_start; range_count = cur_count; } } } range_list.range_count = 0; } if (range_count) msync(m_framebuffer.mmap + range_start, range_count * 4, MS_SYNC); } Rectangle WindowServer::cursor_area() const { return { m_cursor.x, m_cursor.y, s_cursor_width, s_cursor_height }; } void WindowServer::add_client_fd(int fd) { if (auto ret = m_client_data.emplace(fd); ret.is_error()) { dwarnln("could not add client: {}", ret.error()); return; } } void WindowServer::remove_client_fd(int fd) { auto it = m_client_data.find(fd); if (it == m_client_data.end()) return; m_client_data.remove(it); if (m_is_fullscreen_window && m_focused_window->client_fd() == fd) { m_is_fullscreen_window = false; invalidate(m_framebuffer.area()); } for (size_t i = 0; i < m_client_windows.size(); i++) { auto window = m_client_windows[i]; if (window->client_fd() == fd) { auto window_area = window->full_area(); m_client_windows.remove(i); invalidate(window_area); if (window == m_focused_window) { m_focused_window = nullptr; for (size_t j = m_client_windows.size(); j > 0; j--) { auto& client_window = m_client_windows[j - 1]; if (!client_window->get_attributes().focusable) continue; set_focused_window(client_window); break; } } break; } } m_deleted_window = true; } int WindowServer::get_client_fds(fd_set& fds) const { int max_fd = 0; for (const auto& [fd, _] : m_client_data) { FD_SET(fd, &fds); max_fd = BAN::Math::max(max_fd, fd); } return max_fd; } void WindowServer::for_each_client_fd(const BAN::Function<BAN::Iteration(int, ClientData&)>& callback) { m_deleted_window = false; for (auto& [fd, cliend_data] : m_client_data) { if (m_deleted_window) break; callback(fd, cliend_data); } }