#include "Alias.h" #include "Builtin.h" #include "Input.h" #include <BAN/ScopeGuard.h> #include <BAN/Sort.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <dirent.h> #include <pwd.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <unistd.h> static struct termios s_original_termios; static struct termios s_raw_termios; static bool s_termios_initialized { false }; static BAN::String s_history_path; static BAN::Vector<BAN::String> s_history; static constexpr size_t s_history_max_size = 1000; static BAN::Vector<BAN::String> list_matching_entries(BAN::StringView path, BAN::StringView start, bool require_executable) { ASSERT(path.size() < PATH_MAX); char path_cstr[PATH_MAX]; memcpy(path_cstr, path.data(), path.size()); path_cstr[path.size()] = '\0'; DIR* dirp = opendir(path_cstr); if (dirp == nullptr) return {}; BAN::Vector<BAN::String> result; dirent* entry; while ((entry = readdir(dirp))) { if (entry->d_name[0] == '.' && !start.starts_with("."_sv)) continue; if (strncmp(entry->d_name, start.data(), start.size())) continue; struct stat st; if (fstatat(dirfd(dirp), entry->d_name, &st, 0)) continue; if (require_executable) { if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) continue; if (!(st.st_mode & (S_IXUSR | S_IXGRP | S_IXUSR))) continue; } MUST(result.emplace_back(entry->d_name + start.size())); if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) MUST(result.back().push_back('/')); } closedir(dirp); return BAN::move(result); } struct TabCompletion { bool should_escape_spaces { false }; BAN::StringView prefix; BAN::Vector<BAN::String> completions; }; static TabCompletion list_tab_completion_entries(BAN::StringView current_input) { enum class CompletionType { Command, File, }; BAN::StringView prefix = current_input; BAN::String last_argument; CompletionType completion_type = CompletionType::Command; bool should_escape_spaces = true; for (size_t i = 0; i < current_input.size(); i++) { if (current_input[i] == '\\') { i++; if (i < current_input.size()) MUST(last_argument.push_back(current_input[i])); } else if (isspace(current_input[i]) || current_input[i] == ';' || current_input[i] == '|' || current_input.substring(i).starts_with("&&"_sv)) { if (!isspace(current_input[i])) completion_type = CompletionType::Command; else if (!last_argument.empty()) completion_type = CompletionType::File; if (auto rest = current_input.substring(i); rest.starts_with("||"_sv) || rest.starts_with("&&"_sv)) i++; prefix = current_input.substring(i + 1); last_argument.clear(); should_escape_spaces = true; } else if (current_input[i] == '\'' || current_input[i] == '"') { const char quote_type = current_input[i++]; while (i < current_input.size() && current_input[i] != quote_type) MUST(last_argument.push_back(current_input[i++])); should_escape_spaces = false; } else { MUST(last_argument.push_back(current_input[i])); } } if (last_argument.sv().contains('/')) completion_type = CompletionType::File; BAN::Vector<BAN::String> result; switch (completion_type) { case CompletionType::Command: { const char* path_env = getenv("PATH"); if (path_env) { auto splitted_path_env = MUST(BAN::StringView(path_env).split(':')); for (auto path : splitted_path_env) { auto matching_entries = list_matching_entries(path, last_argument, true); MUST(result.reserve(result.size() + matching_entries.size())); for (auto&& entry : matching_entries) MUST(result.push_back(BAN::move(entry))); } } Builtin::get().for_each_builtin( [&](BAN::StringView name, const Builtin::BuiltinCommand&) -> BAN::Iteration { if (name.starts_with(last_argument)) MUST(result.emplace_back(name.substring(last_argument.size()))); return BAN::Iteration::Continue; } ); Alias::get().for_each_alias( [&](BAN::StringView name, BAN::StringView) -> BAN::Iteration { if (name.starts_with(last_argument)) MUST(result.emplace_back(name.substring(last_argument.size()))); return BAN::Iteration::Continue; } ); break; } case CompletionType::File: { BAN::String dir_path; if (last_argument.sv().starts_with("/"_sv)) MUST(dir_path.push_back('/')); else { char cwd_buffer[PATH_MAX]; if (getcwd(cwd_buffer, sizeof(cwd_buffer)) == nullptr) return {}; MUST(dir_path.reserve(strlen(cwd_buffer) + 1)); MUST(dir_path.append(cwd_buffer)); MUST(dir_path.push_back('/')); } auto match_against = last_argument.sv(); if (auto idx = match_against.rfind('/'); idx.has_value()) { MUST(dir_path.append(match_against.substring(0, idx.value()))); match_against = match_against.substring(idx.value() + 1); } result = list_matching_entries(dir_path, match_against, false); break; } } if (auto idx = prefix.rfind('/'); idx.has_value()) prefix = prefix.substring(idx.value() + 1); return { should_escape_spaces, prefix, BAN::move(result) }; } static int character_length(BAN::StringView prompt) { int length { 0 }; bool in_escape { false }; for (char c : prompt) { if (in_escape) { if (isalpha(c)) in_escape = false; } else { if (c == '\e') in_escape = true; else if (((uint8_t)c & 0xC0) != 0x80) length++; } } return length; } BAN::String Input::parse_ps1_prompt() { const char* raw_prompt = getenv("PS1"); if (raw_prompt == nullptr) return "$ "_sv; BAN::String prompt; for (int i = 0; raw_prompt[i]; i++) { char ch = raw_prompt[i]; if (ch == '\\') { switch (raw_prompt[++i]) { case 'e': MUST(prompt.push_back('\e')); break; case 'n': MUST(prompt.push_back('\n')); break; case '\\': MUST(prompt.push_back('\\')); break; case '~': { char buffer[256]; if (getcwd(buffer, sizeof(buffer)) == nullptr) strcpy(buffer, strerrorname_np(errno)); const char* home = getenv("HOME"); size_t home_len = home ? strlen(home) : 0; if (home && strncmp(buffer, home, home_len) == 0) { MUST(prompt.push_back('~')); MUST(prompt.append(buffer + home_len)); } else { MUST(prompt.append(buffer)); } break; } case 'u': { static char* username = nullptr; if (username == nullptr) { auto* passwd = getpwuid(geteuid()); if (passwd == nullptr) break; username = new char[strlen(passwd->pw_name) + 1]; strcpy(username, passwd->pw_name); endpwent(); } MUST(prompt.append(username)); break; } case 'h': { MUST(prompt.append(m_hostname)); break; } case '\0': MUST(prompt.push_back('\\')); break; default: MUST(prompt.push_back('\\')); MUST(prompt.push_back(*raw_prompt)); break; } } else { MUST(prompt.push_back(ch)); } } return prompt; } BAN::Optional<BAN::String> Input::get_input(BAN::Optional<BAN::StringView> custom_prompt) { tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &s_raw_termios); BAN::ScopeGuard _([] { tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &s_original_termios); }); BAN::String ps1_prompt; if (!custom_prompt.has_value()) ps1_prompt = parse_ps1_prompt(); const auto print_prompt = [&]() { if (custom_prompt.has_value()) printf("%.*s", (int)custom_prompt->size(), custom_prompt->data()); else printf("%.*s", (int)ps1_prompt.size(), ps1_prompt.data()); }; const auto prompt_length = [&]() -> int { if (custom_prompt.has_value()) return custom_prompt->size(); return character_length(ps1_prompt); }; print_prompt(); fflush(stdout); while (true) { int chi = getchar(); if (chi == EOF) { if (errno != EINTR) { perror("getchar"); exit(1); } clearerr(stdin); m_buffers = s_history; MUST(m_buffers.emplace_back(""_sv)); m_buffer_index = m_buffers.size() - 1; m_buffer_col = 0; putchar('\n'); print_prompt(); fflush(stdout); continue; } uint8_t ch = chi; if (ch != '\t') { m_tab_completions.clear(); m_tab_index.clear(); } if (m_waiting_utf8 > 0) { m_waiting_utf8--; ASSERT((ch & 0xC0) == 0x80); putchar(ch); MUST(m_buffers[m_buffer_index].insert(ch, m_buffer_col++)); if (m_waiting_utf8 == 0) { printf("\e[s%s\e[u", m_buffers[m_buffer_index].data() + m_buffer_col); fflush(stdout); } continue; } else if (ch & 0x80) { if ((ch & 0xE0) == 0xC0) m_waiting_utf8 = 1; else if ((ch & 0xF0) == 0xE0) m_waiting_utf8 = 2; else if ((ch & 0xF8) == 0xF0) m_waiting_utf8 = 3; else ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); putchar(ch); MUST(m_buffers[m_buffer_index].insert(ch, m_buffer_col++)); continue; } switch (ch) { case '\e': { ch = getchar(); if (ch != '[') break; ch = getchar(); int value = 0; while (isdigit(ch)) { value = (value * 10) + (ch - '0'); ch = getchar(); } switch (ch) { case 'A': if (m_buffer_index > 0) { m_buffer_index--; m_buffer_col = m_buffers[m_buffer_index].size(); printf("\e[%dG%s\e[K", prompt_length() + 1, m_buffers[m_buffer_index].data()); fflush(stdout); } break; case 'B': if (m_buffer_index < m_buffers.size() - 1) { m_buffer_index++; m_buffer_col = m_buffers[m_buffer_index].size(); printf("\e[%dG%s\e[K", prompt_length() + 1, m_buffers[m_buffer_index].data()); fflush(stdout); } break; case 'C': if (m_buffer_col < m_buffers[m_buffer_index].size()) { m_buffer_col++; while ((m_buffers[m_buffer_index][m_buffer_col - 1] & 0xC0) == 0x80) m_buffer_col++; printf("\e[C"); fflush(stdout); } break; case 'D': if (m_buffer_col > 0) { while ((m_buffers[m_buffer_index][m_buffer_col - 1] & 0xC0) == 0x80) m_buffer_col--; m_buffer_col--; printf("\e[D"); fflush(stdout); } break; case '~': switch (value) { case 3: // delete if (m_buffer_col >= m_buffers[m_buffer_index].size()) break; m_buffers[m_buffer_index].remove(m_buffer_col); while (m_buffer_col < m_buffers[m_buffer_index].size() && (m_buffers[m_buffer_index][m_buffer_col] & 0xC0) == 0x80) m_buffers[m_buffer_index].remove(m_buffer_col); printf("\e[s%s \e[u", m_buffers[m_buffer_index].data() + m_buffer_col); fflush(stdout); break; } break; } break; } case '\x0C': // ^L { int x = prompt_length() + character_length(m_buffers[m_buffer_index].sv().substring(m_buffer_col)) + 1; printf("\e[H\e[J"); print_prompt(); printf("%s\e[u\e[1;%dH", m_buffers[m_buffer_index].data(), x); fflush(stdout); break; } case '\b': if (m_buffer_col <= 0) break; while ((m_buffers[m_buffer_index][m_buffer_col - 1] & 0xC0) == 0x80) m_buffers[m_buffer_index].remove(--m_buffer_col); m_buffers[m_buffer_index].remove(--m_buffer_col); printf("\b\e[s%s \e[u", m_buffers[m_buffer_index].data() + m_buffer_col); fflush(stdout); break; case '\x01': // ^A m_buffer_col = 0; printf("\e[%dG", prompt_length() + 1); fflush(stdout); break; case '\x03': // ^C putchar('\n'); print_prompt(); fflush(stdout); m_buffers[m_buffer_index].clear(); m_buffer_col = 0; break; case '\x04': // ^D if (!m_buffers[m_buffer_index].empty()) break; putchar('\n'); return {}; case '\x7F': if (m_buffer_col >= m_buffers[m_buffer_index].size()) break; m_buffers[m_buffer_index].remove(m_buffer_col); while (m_buffer_col < m_buffers[m_buffer_index].size() && (m_buffers[m_buffer_index][m_buffer_col] & 0xC0) == 0x80) m_buffers[m_buffer_index].remove(m_buffer_col); printf("\e[s%s \e[u", m_buffers[m_buffer_index].data() + m_buffer_col); fflush(stdout); break; case '\n': { BAN::String input; MUST(input.append(m_buffers[m_buffer_index])); if (!m_buffers[m_buffer_index].empty()) { MUST(s_history.push_back(m_buffers[m_buffer_index])); if (s_history.size() > s_history_max_size) s_history.remove(0); m_buffers = s_history; MUST(m_buffers.emplace_back(""_sv)); } m_buffer_index = m_buffers.size() - 1; m_buffer_col = 0; putchar('\n'); return input; } case '\t': { // FIXME: tab completion is really hacked together currently. // this should ask token parser about the current parse state // and do completions based on that, not raw strings if (m_buffer_col != m_buffers[m_buffer_index].size()) continue; if (m_tab_completions.has_value()) { ASSERT(m_tab_completions->size() >= 2); if (!m_tab_index.has_value()) m_tab_index = 0; else { MUST(m_buffers[m_buffer_index].resize(m_tab_completion_keep)); m_buffer_col = m_tab_completion_keep; *m_tab_index = (*m_tab_index + 1) % m_tab_completions->size(); } MUST(m_buffers[m_buffer_index].append(m_tab_completions.value()[*m_tab_index])); m_buffer_col += m_tab_completions.value()[*m_tab_index].size(); printf("\e[%dG%s\e[K", prompt_length() + 1, m_buffers[m_buffer_index].data()); fflush(stdout); break; } m_tab_completion_keep = m_buffer_col; auto [should_escape_spaces, prefix, completions] = list_tab_completion_entries(m_buffers[m_buffer_index].sv().substring(0, m_tab_completion_keep)); BAN::sort::sort(completions.begin(), completions.end(), [](const BAN::String& a, const BAN::String& b) { if (auto cmp = strcmp(a.data(), b.data())) return cmp < 0; return a.size() < b.size(); } ); for (size_t i = 1; i < completions.size();) { if (completions[i - 1] == completions[i]) completions.remove(i); else i++; } if (completions.empty()) break; size_t all_match_len = 0; for (;;) { if (completions.front().size() <= all_match_len) break; const char target = completions.front()[all_match_len]; bool all_matched = true; for (const auto& completion : completions) { if (completion.size() > all_match_len && completion[all_match_len] == target) continue; all_matched = false; break; } if (!all_matched) break; all_match_len++; } if (all_match_len) { auto completion = completions.front().sv().substring(0, all_match_len); BAN::String temp_escaped; if (should_escape_spaces) { MUST(temp_escaped.append(completion)); for (size_t i = 0; i < temp_escaped.size(); i++) { if (!isspace(temp_escaped[i])) continue; MUST(temp_escaped.insert('\\', i)); i++; } completion = temp_escaped.sv(); if (!m_buffers[m_buffer_index].empty() && m_buffers[m_buffer_index].back() == '\\' && completion.front() == '\\') completion = completion.substring(1); } m_buffer_col += completion.size(); MUST(m_buffers[m_buffer_index].append(completion)); printf("%.*s", (int)completion.size(), completion.data()); fflush(stdout); break; } if (completions.size() == 1) { ASSERT(all_match_len == completions.front().size()); break; } printf("\n"); for (size_t i = 0; i < completions.size(); i++) { if (i != 0) printf(" "); const char* format = completions[i].sv().contains(' ') ? "'%.*s%s'" : "%.*s%s"; printf(format, (int)prefix.size(), prefix.data(), completions[i].data()); } printf("\n"); print_prompt(); printf("%s", m_buffers[m_buffer_index].data()); fflush(stdout); if (should_escape_spaces) { for (auto& completion : completions) { for (size_t i = 0; i < completion.size(); i++) { if (!isspace(completion[i])) continue; MUST(completion.insert('\\', i)); i++; } } } m_tab_completion_keep = m_buffer_col; m_tab_completions = BAN::move(completions); break; } default: MUST(m_buffers[m_buffer_index].insert(ch, m_buffer_col++)); if (m_buffer_col == m_buffers[m_buffer_index].size()) putchar(ch); else printf("%c\e[s%s\e[u", ch, m_buffers[m_buffer_index].data() + m_buffer_col); fflush(stdout); break; } } } Input::Input() { if (!s_termios_initialized) { tcgetattr(0, &s_original_termios); s_raw_termios = s_original_termios; s_raw_termios.c_lflag &= ~(ECHO | ICANON); atexit([] { tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &s_original_termios); }); s_termios_initialized = true; } char hostname_buffer[HOST_NAME_MAX]; if (gethostname(hostname_buffer, sizeof(hostname_buffer)) == 0) { MUST(m_hostname.append(hostname_buffer)); } if (const char* home_env = getenv("HOME")) { MUST(s_history_path.append(home_env)); MUST(s_history_path.append("/.shell_history")); atexit([] { FILE* history_fp = fopen(s_history_path.data(), "w"); if (history_fp == nullptr) return; for (const auto& line : s_history) { fwrite(line.data(), line.size(), 1, history_fp); fputc('\n', history_fp); } fclose(history_fp); }); FILE* history_fp = fopen(s_history_path.data(), "r"); if (history_fp == nullptr) goto history_initialized; char buffer[128]; BAN::String current_line; while (fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), history_fp)) { MUST(current_line.append(buffer)); if (current_line.back() != '\n') continue; current_line.pop_back(); MUST(s_history.push_back(BAN::move(current_line))); if (s_history.size() > s_history_max_size) s_history.remove(0); current_line.clear(); } fclose(history_fp); if (!current_line.empty()) { MUST(s_history.push_back(BAN::move(current_line))); if (s_history.size() > s_history_max_size) s_history.remove(0); } } history_initialized: m_buffers = s_history; MUST(m_buffers.emplace_back(""_sv)); m_buffer_index = m_buffers.size() - 1; }