#include "WindowServer.h" #include <BAN/Debug.h> #include <BAN/ScopeGuard.h> #include <LibGUI/Window.h> #include <LibInput/KeyboardLayout.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <sys/banan-os.h> #include <sys/mman.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <sys/select.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <sys/un.h> #include <unistd.h> struct Config { BAN::UniqPtr<LibImage::Image> background_image; int32_t corner_radius = 0; }; BAN::Optional<BAN::String> file_read_line(FILE* file) { BAN::String line; char buffer[128]; while (fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), file)) { MUST(line.append(buffer)); if (line.back() == '\n') { line.pop_back(); return BAN::move(line); } } if (line.empty()) return {}; return BAN::move(line); } Config parse_config() { Config config; auto home_env = getenv("HOME"); if (!home_env) { dprintln("HOME environment variable not set"); return config; } auto config_path = MUST(BAN::String::formatted("{}/.config/WindowServer.conf", home_env)); FILE* fconfig = fopen(config_path.data(), "r"); if (!fconfig) { dprintln("Could not open '{}'", config_path); return config; } BAN::ScopeGuard _([fconfig] { fclose(fconfig); }); while (true) { auto line = file_read_line(fconfig); if (!line.has_value()) break; if (line->empty()) continue; auto parts = MUST(line->sv().split('=')); if (parts.size() != 2) { dwarnln("Invalid config line: {}", line.value()); break; } auto variable = parts[0]; auto value = parts[1]; if (variable == "bg"_sv) { auto image = LibImage::Image::load_from_file(value); if (image.is_error()) dwarnln("Could not load image: {}", image.error()); else config.background_image = image.release_value(); } else if (variable == "corner-radius"_sv) { char* endptr = nullptr; long long corner_radius = strtoll(value.data(), &endptr, 0); if (corner_radius < 0 || corner_radius == LONG_MAX || corner_radius >= INT32_MAX) dwarnln("invalid corner-radius: '{}'", value); else config.corner_radius = corner_radius; } else { dwarnln("Unknown config variable: {}", variable); break; } } return config; } int open_server_fd() { struct stat st; if (stat(LibGUI::s_window_server_socket.data(), &st) != -1) unlink(LibGUI::s_window_server_socket.data()); int server_fd = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM | SOCK_CLOEXEC, 0); if (server_fd == -1) { perror("socket"); exit(1); } sockaddr_un server_addr; server_addr.sun_family = AF_UNIX; strcpy(server_addr.sun_path, LibGUI::s_window_server_socket.data()); if (bind(server_fd, (sockaddr*)&server_addr, sizeof(server_addr)) == -1) { perror("bind"); exit(1); } if (chmod(LibGUI::s_window_server_socket.data(), 0777) == -1) { perror("chmod"); exit(1); } if (listen(server_fd, SOMAXCONN) == -1) { perror("listen"); exit(1); } return server_fd; } int main() { srand(time(nullptr)); int server_fd = open_server_fd(); auto framebuffer = open_framebuffer(); if (framebuffer.bpp != 32) { dwarnln("Window server requires 32 bpp"); return 1; } if (tty_ctrl(STDIN_FILENO, TTY_CMD_UNSET, TTY_FLAG_ENABLE_INPUT) == -1) { perror("tty_ctrl"); exit(1); } atexit([]() { tty_ctrl(STDIN_FILENO, TTY_CMD_SET, TTY_FLAG_ENABLE_INPUT); }); constexpr int non_terminating_signals[] { SIGCHLD, SIGCONT, SIGSTOP, SIGTSTP, SIGTTIN, SIGTTOU, }; for (int sig = _SIGMIN; sig <= _SIGMAX; sig++) signal(sig, exit); for (int sig : non_terminating_signals) signal(sig, SIG_DFL); MUST(LibInput::KeyboardLayout::initialize()); MUST(LibInput::KeyboardLayout::get().load_from_file("/usr/share/keymaps/us.keymap"_sv)); int keyboard_fd = open("/dev/keyboard", O_RDONLY | O_CLOEXEC); if (keyboard_fd == -1) perror("open"); int mouse_fd = open("/dev/mouse", O_RDONLY | O_CLOEXEC); if (mouse_fd == -1) perror("open"); dprintln("Window server started"); auto config = parse_config(); WindowServer window_server(framebuffer, config.corner_radius); if (config.background_image) if (auto ret = window_server.set_background_image(BAN::move(config.background_image)); ret.is_error()) dwarnln("Could not set background image: {}", ret.error()); const auto get_current_us = []() -> uint64_t { timespec current_ts; clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, ¤t_ts); return (current_ts.tv_sec * 1'000'000) + (current_ts.tv_nsec / 1'000); }; constexpr uint64_t sync_interval_us = 1'000'000 / 60; uint64_t last_sync_us = 0; while (!window_server.is_stopped()) { const auto current_us = get_current_us(); if (current_us - last_sync_us > sync_interval_us) { window_server.sync(); last_sync_us += sync_interval_us; } int max_fd = server_fd; fd_set fds; FD_ZERO(&fds); FD_SET(server_fd, &fds); if (keyboard_fd != -1) { FD_SET(keyboard_fd, &fds); max_fd = BAN::Math::max(max_fd, keyboard_fd); } if (mouse_fd != -1) { FD_SET(mouse_fd, &fds); max_fd = BAN::Math::max(max_fd, mouse_fd); } max_fd = BAN::Math::max(max_fd, window_server.get_client_fds(fds)); timeval select_timeout {}; if (auto current_us = get_current_us(); current_us - last_sync_us < sync_interval_us) select_timeout.tv_usec = sync_interval_us - (current_us - last_sync_us); int nselect = select(max_fd + 1, &fds, nullptr, nullptr, &select_timeout); if (nselect == 0) continue; if (nselect == -1) { dwarnln("select: {}", strerror(errno)); break; } if (FD_ISSET(server_fd, &fds)) { int window_fd = accept4(server_fd, nullptr, nullptr, SOCK_CLOEXEC); if (window_fd == -1) { dwarnln("accept: {}", strerror(errno)); continue; } window_server.add_client_fd(window_fd); } if (keyboard_fd != -1 && FD_ISSET(keyboard_fd, &fds)) { LibInput::RawKeyEvent event; if (read(keyboard_fd, &event, sizeof(event)) == -1) { perror("read"); continue; } window_server.on_key_event(LibInput::KeyboardLayout::get().key_event_from_raw(event)); } if (mouse_fd != -1 && FD_ISSET(mouse_fd, &fds)) { LibInput::MouseEvent event; if (read(mouse_fd, &event, sizeof(event)) == -1) { perror("read"); continue; } switch (event.type) { case LibInput::MouseEventType::MouseButtonEvent: window_server.on_mouse_button(event.button_event); break; case LibInput::MouseEventType::MouseMoveEvent: window_server.on_mouse_move(event.move_event); break; case LibInput::MouseEventType::MouseScrollEvent: window_server.on_mouse_scroll(event.scroll_event); break; } } window_server.for_each_client_fd( [&](int fd, WindowServer::ClientData& client_data) -> BAN::Iteration { if (!FD_ISSET(fd, &fds)) return BAN::Iteration::Continue; if (client_data.packet_buffer.empty()) { uint32_t packet_size; const ssize_t nrecv = recv(fd, &packet_size, sizeof(uint32_t), 0); if (nrecv < 0) dwarnln("recv: {}", strerror(errno)); if (nrecv > 0 && nrecv != sizeof(uint32_t)) dwarnln("could not read packet size with a single recv call, closing connection..."); if (nrecv != sizeof(uint32_t)) { window_server.remove_client_fd(fd); return BAN::Iteration::Continue; } if (packet_size < 4) { dwarnln("client sent invalid packet, closing connection..."); return BAN::Iteration::Continue; } // this is a bit harsh, but i don't want to work on skipping streaming packets if (client_data.packet_buffer.resize(packet_size).is_error()) { dwarnln("could not allocate memory for client packet, closing connection..."); window_server.remove_client_fd(fd); return BAN::Iteration::Continue; } client_data.packet_buffer_nread = 0; return BAN::Iteration::Continue; } const ssize_t nrecv = recv( fd, client_data.packet_buffer.data() + client_data.packet_buffer_nread, client_data.packet_buffer.size() - client_data.packet_buffer_nread, 0 ); if (nrecv < 0) dwarnln("recv: {}", strerror(errno)); if (nrecv <= 0) { window_server.remove_client_fd(fd); return BAN::Iteration::Continue; } client_data.packet_buffer_nread += nrecv; if (client_data.packet_buffer_nread < client_data.packet_buffer.size()) return BAN::Iteration::Continue; ASSERT(client_data.packet_buffer.size() >= sizeof(uint32_t)); switch (*reinterpret_cast<LibGUI::PacketType*>(client_data.packet_buffer.data())) { case LibGUI::PacketType::WindowCreate: if (auto ret = LibGUI::WindowPacket::WindowCreate::deserialize(client_data.packet_buffer.span()); !ret.is_error()) window_server.on_window_create(fd, ret.release_value()); break; case LibGUI::PacketType::WindowInvalidate: if (auto ret = LibGUI::WindowPacket::WindowInvalidate::deserialize(client_data.packet_buffer.span()); !ret.is_error()) window_server.on_window_invalidate(fd, ret.release_value()); break; case LibGUI::PacketType::WindowSetPosition: if (auto ret = LibGUI::WindowPacket::WindowSetPosition::deserialize(client_data.packet_buffer.span()); !ret.is_error()) window_server.on_window_set_position(fd, ret.release_value()); break; case LibGUI::PacketType::WindowSetAttributes: if (auto ret = LibGUI::WindowPacket::WindowSetAttributes::deserialize(client_data.packet_buffer.span()); !ret.is_error()) window_server.on_window_set_attributes(fd, ret.release_value()); break; case LibGUI::PacketType::WindowSetMouseCapture: if (auto ret = LibGUI::WindowPacket::WindowSetMouseCapture::deserialize(client_data.packet_buffer.span()); !ret.is_error()) window_server.on_window_set_mouse_capture(fd, ret.release_value()); break; case LibGUI::PacketType::WindowSetSize: if (auto ret = LibGUI::WindowPacket::WindowSetSize::deserialize(client_data.packet_buffer.span()); !ret.is_error()) window_server.on_window_set_size(fd, ret.release_value()); break; case LibGUI::PacketType::WindowSetFullscreen: if (auto ret = LibGUI::WindowPacket::WindowSetFullscreen::deserialize(client_data.packet_buffer.span()); !ret.is_error()) window_server.on_window_set_fullscreen(fd, ret.release_value()); break; default: dprintln("unhandled packet type: {}", *reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(client_data.packet_buffer.data())); } client_data.packet_buffer.clear(); client_data.packet_buffer_nread = 0; return BAN::Iteration::Continue; } ); } }