#include "LibGUI/Window.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace LibGUI { struct ReceivePacket { PacketType type; BAN::Vector data_with_type; }; static BAN::ErrorOr recv_packet(int socket) { uint32_t packet_size; { const ssize_t nrecv = recv(socket, &packet_size, sizeof(uint32_t), 0); if (nrecv < 0) return BAN::Error::from_errno(errno); if (nrecv == 0) return BAN::Error::from_errno(ECONNRESET); } if (packet_size < sizeof(uint32_t)) return BAN::Error::from_literal("invalid packet, does not fit packet id"); BAN::Vector packet_data; TRY(packet_data.resize(packet_size)); size_t total_recv = 0; while (total_recv < packet_size) { const ssize_t nrecv = recv(socket, packet_data.data() + total_recv, packet_size - total_recv, 0); if (nrecv < 0) return BAN::Error::from_errno(errno); if (nrecv == 0) return BAN::Error::from_errno(ECONNRESET); total_recv += nrecv; } return ReceivePacket { *reinterpret_cast(packet_data.data()), packet_data }; } Window::~Window() { munmap(m_framebuffer_smo, m_width * m_height * 4); close(m_server_fd); } BAN::ErrorOr> Window::create(uint32_t width, uint32_t height, BAN::StringView title) { int server_fd = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (server_fd == -1) return BAN::Error::from_errno(errno); BAN::ScopeGuard server_closer([server_fd] { close(server_fd); }); if (fcntl(server_fd, F_SETFL, fcntl(server_fd, F_GETFL) | O_CLOEXEC) == -1) return BAN::Error::from_errno(errno); timespec start_time; clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &start_time); for (;;) { sockaddr_un server_address; server_address.sun_family = AF_UNIX; strcpy(server_address.sun_path, s_window_server_socket.data()); if (connect(server_fd, (sockaddr*)&server_address, sizeof(server_address)) == 0) break; timespec current_time; clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, ¤t_time); time_t duration_s = (current_time.tv_sec - start_time.tv_sec) + (current_time.tv_nsec >= start_time.tv_nsec); if (duration_s > 1) return BAN::Error::from_errno(ETIMEDOUT); timespec sleep_time; sleep_time.tv_sec = 0; sleep_time.tv_nsec = 1'000'000; nanosleep(&sleep_time, nullptr); } WindowPacket::WindowCreate create_packet; create_packet.width = width; create_packet.height = height; TRY(create_packet.title.append(title)); TRY(create_packet.send_serialized(server_fd)); const auto [response_type, response_data ] = TRY(recv_packet(server_fd)); if (response_type != PacketType::WindowCreateResponse) return BAN::Error::from_literal("Server responded with invalid packet"); const auto create_response = TRY(WindowPacket::WindowCreateResponse::deserialize(response_data.span())); void* framebuffer_addr = smo_map(create_response.smo_key); if (framebuffer_addr == nullptr) return BAN::Error::from_errno(errno); width = create_response.width; height = create_response.height; BAN::Vector framebuffer; TRY(framebuffer.resize(width * height, 0xFFFFFFFF)); auto window = TRY(BAN::UniqPtr::create( server_fd, static_cast(framebuffer_addr), BAN::move(framebuffer), width, height )); server_closer.disable(); return window; } void Window::fill_rect(int32_t x, int32_t y, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, uint32_t color) { if (!clamp_to_framebuffer(x, y, width, height)) return; for (uint32_t y_off = 0; y_off < height; y_off++) for (uint32_t x_off = 0; x_off < width; x_off++) set_pixel(x + x_off, y + y_off, color); } void Window::draw_character(uint32_t codepoint, const LibFont::Font& font, int32_t tl_x, int32_t tl_y, uint32_t color) { if (tl_y + (int32_t)font.height() < 0 || tl_y >= (int32_t)height()) return; if (tl_x + (int32_t)font.width() < 0 || tl_x >= (int32_t)width()) return; auto glyph = font.glyph(codepoint); if (glyph == nullptr) return; for (int32_t off_y = 0; off_y < (int32_t)font.height(); off_y++) { if (tl_y + off_y < 0) continue; uint32_t abs_y = tl_y + off_y; if (abs_y >= height()) break; for (int32_t off_x = 0; off_x < (int32_t)font.width(); off_x++) { if (tl_x + off_x < 0) continue; uint32_t abs_x = tl_x + off_x; if (abs_x >= width()) break; const uint8_t bitmask = 1 << (font.width() - off_x - 1); if (glyph[off_y * font.pitch()] & bitmask) set_pixel(abs_x, abs_y, color); } } } void Window::draw_text(BAN::StringView text, const LibFont::Font& font, int32_t tl_x, int32_t tl_y, uint32_t color) { for (size_t i = 0; i < text.size(); i++) draw_character(text[i], font, tl_x + (int32_t)(i * font.width()), tl_y, color); } void Window::shift_vertical(int32_t amount, uint32_t fill_color) { const uint32_t amount_abs = BAN::Math::abs(amount); if (amount_abs == 0 || amount_abs >= height()) return; uint32_t* dst = (amount > 0) ? m_framebuffer.data() + width() * amount_abs : m_framebuffer.data(); uint32_t* src = (amount < 0) ? m_framebuffer.data() + width() * amount_abs : m_framebuffer.data(); memmove(dst, src, width() * (height() - amount_abs) * 4); const uint32_t y_lo = (amount < 0) ? height() - amount_abs : 0; const uint32_t y_hi = (amount < 0) ? height() : amount_abs; for (uint32_t y = y_lo; y < y_hi; y++) for (uint32_t x = 0; x < width(); x++) set_pixel(x, y, fill_color); } void Window::copy_horizontal_slice(int32_t dst_y, int32_t src_y, uint32_t uamount, uint32_t fill_color) { int32_t amount = uamount; if (dst_y < 0) { amount -= -dst_y; src_y += -dst_y; dst_y = 0; } amount = BAN::Math::min(amount, height() - dst_y); if (amount <= 0) return; const int32_t copy_src_y = BAN::Math::clamp(src_y, 0, height()); const int32_t copy_amount = BAN::Math::clamp(src_y + amount, 0, height()) - copy_src_y; if (copy_amount > 0) { memmove( &m_framebuffer[width() * (dst_y + (copy_src_y - src_y))], &m_framebuffer[width() * copy_src_y], copy_amount * width() * 4 ); } const uint32_t fill_y_off = (src_y < copy_src_y) ? 0 : copy_amount; const uint32_t fill_amount = amount - copy_amount; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < fill_amount; i++) for (uint32_t x = 0; x < width(); x++) set_pixel(x, dst_y + fill_y_off + i, fill_color); } bool Window::clamp_to_framebuffer(int32_t& signed_x, int32_t& signed_y, uint32_t& width, uint32_t& height) const { int32_t min_x = BAN::Math::max(signed_x, 0); int32_t min_y = BAN::Math::max(signed_y, 0); int32_t max_x = BAN::Math::min(this->width(), signed_x + (int32_t)width); int32_t max_y = BAN::Math::min(this->height(), signed_y + (int32_t)height); if (min_x >= max_x) return false; if (min_y >= max_y) return false; signed_x = min_x; signed_y = min_y; width = max_x - min_x; height = max_y - min_y; return true; } bool Window::invalidate(int32_t x, int32_t y, uint32_t width, uint32_t height) { if (!clamp_to_framebuffer(x, y, width, height)) return true; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < height; i++) memcpy(&m_framebuffer_smo[(y + i) * m_width + x], &m_framebuffer[(y + i) * m_width + x], width * sizeof(uint32_t)); WindowPacket::WindowInvalidate packet; packet.x = x; packet.y = y; packet.width = width; packet.height = height; if (auto ret = packet.send_serialized(m_server_fd); ret.is_error()) { dprintln("failed to invalidate window: {}", ret.error()); return false; } return true; } bool Window::set_mouse_capture(bool captured) { WindowPacket::WindowSetMouseCapture packet; packet.captured = captured; if (auto ret = packet.send_serialized(m_server_fd); ret.is_error()) { dprintln("failed to set mouse capture: {}", ret.error()); return false; } return true; } bool Window::set_position(int32_t x, int32_t y) { WindowPacket::WindowSetPosition packet; packet.x = x; packet.y = y; if (auto ret = packet.send_serialized(m_server_fd); ret.is_error()) { dprintln("failed to set window position: {}", ret.error()); return false; } return true; } bool Window::set_attributes(Attributes attributes) { WindowPacket::WindowSetAttributes packet; packet.attributes = attributes; if (auto ret = packet.send_serialized(m_server_fd); ret.is_error()) { dprintln("failed to set window attributes: {}", ret.error()); return false; } m_attributes = attributes; return true; } #define TRY_OR_BREAK(...) ({ auto&& e = (__VA_ARGS__); if (e.is_error()) break; e.release_value(); }) void Window::poll_events() { for (;;) { fd_set fds; FD_ZERO(&fds); FD_SET(m_server_fd, &fds); timeval timeout { .tv_sec = 0, .tv_usec = 0 }; select(m_server_fd + 1, &fds, nullptr, nullptr, &timeout); if (!FD_ISSET(m_server_fd, &fds)) break; auto packet_or_error = recv_packet(m_server_fd); if (packet_or_error.is_error()) break; const auto [packet_type, packet_data] = packet_or_error.release_value(); switch (packet_type) { case PacketType::DestroyWindowEvent: exit(1); case PacketType::CloseWindowEvent: if (m_close_window_event_callback) m_close_window_event_callback(); else exit(0); break; case PacketType::KeyEvent: if (m_key_event_callback) m_key_event_callback(TRY_OR_BREAK(EventPacket::KeyEvent::deserialize(packet_data.span())).event); break; case PacketType::MouseButtonEvent: if (m_mouse_button_event_callback) m_mouse_button_event_callback(TRY_OR_BREAK(EventPacket::MouseButtonEvent::deserialize(packet_data.span())).event); break; case PacketType::MouseMoveEvent: if (m_mouse_move_event_callback) m_mouse_move_event_callback(TRY_OR_BREAK(EventPacket::MouseMoveEvent::deserialize(packet_data.span())).event); break; case PacketType::MouseScrollEvent: if (m_mouse_scroll_event_callback) m_mouse_scroll_event_callback(TRY_OR_BREAK(EventPacket::MouseScrollEvent::deserialize(packet_data.span())).event); break; default: break; } } } }