#include "Cursor.h" #include "WindowServer.h" #include #include #include #include #include void WindowServer::add_window(int fd, BAN::RefPtr window) { MUST(m_windows_ordered.insert(0, window)); MUST(m_windows.insert(fd, window)); set_focused_window(window); } void WindowServer::for_each_window(const BAN::Function& callback) { BAN::Vector deleted_windows; for (auto it = m_windows.begin(); it != m_windows.end(); it++) { auto ret = callback(it->key, *it->value); if (it->value->is_deleted()) MUST(deleted_windows.push_back(it->key)); if (ret == BAN::Iteration::Break) break; ASSERT(ret == BAN::Iteration::Continue); } for (int fd : deleted_windows) { auto window = m_windows[fd]; m_windows.remove(fd); for (size_t i = 0; i < m_windows_ordered.size(); i++) { if (m_windows_ordered[i] == window) { m_windows_ordered.remove(i); break; } } } } void WindowServer::on_key_event(LibInput::KeyEvent event) { // Mod key is not passed to clients if (event.key == LibInput::Key::Super) { m_is_mod_key_held = event.pressed(); return; } // Quick hack to stop the window server if (event.pressed() && event.key == LibInput::Key::Escape) exit(0); if (m_focused_window) { LibGUI::EventPacket packet; packet.type = LibGUI::EventPacket::Type::KeyEvent; packet.key_event = event; send(m_focused_window->client_fd(), &packet, sizeof(packet), 0); } } void WindowServer::on_mouse_button(LibInput::MouseButtonEvent event) { BAN::RefPtr target_window; for (size_t i = m_windows_ordered.size(); i > 0; i--) { if (m_windows_ordered[i - 1]->full_area().contains(m_cursor)) { target_window = m_windows_ordered[i - 1]; break; } } // Ignore mouse button events which are not on top of a window if (!target_window) return; set_focused_window(target_window); // Handle window moving when mod key is held or mouse press on title bar if (event.pressed && event.button == LibInput::MouseButton::Left && !m_is_moving_window && (target_window->title_bar_area().contains(m_cursor) || m_is_mod_key_held)) m_is_moving_window = true; else if (m_is_moving_window && !event.pressed) m_is_moving_window = false; else if (target_window->client_area().contains(m_cursor)) { // NOTE: we always have target window if code reaches here LibGUI::EventPacket packet; packet.type = LibGUI::EventPacket::Type::MouseButtonEvent; packet.mouse_button_event.button = event.button; packet.mouse_button_event.pressed = event.pressed; packet.mouse_button_event.x = m_cursor.x - m_focused_window->client_x(); packet.mouse_button_event.y = m_cursor.y - m_focused_window->client_y(); send(m_focused_window->client_fd(), &packet, sizeof(packet), 0); } } void WindowServer::on_mouse_move(LibInput::MouseMoveEvent event) { const int32_t new_x = BAN::Math::clamp(m_cursor.x + event.rel_x, 0, m_framebuffer.width); const int32_t new_y = BAN::Math::clamp(m_cursor.y - event.rel_y, 0, m_framebuffer.height); event.rel_x = new_x - m_cursor.x; event.rel_y = new_y - m_cursor.y; if (event.rel_x == 0 && event.rel_y == 0) return; auto old_cursor = cursor_area(); m_cursor.x = new_x; m_cursor.y = new_y; auto new_cursor = cursor_area(); invalidate(old_cursor); invalidate(new_cursor); // TODO: Really no need to loop over every window for (auto& window : m_windows_ordered) { auto title_bar = window->title_bar_area(); if (title_bar.get_overlap(old_cursor).has_value() || title_bar.get_overlap(new_cursor).has_value()) invalidate(title_bar); } if (m_is_moving_window) { auto old_window = m_focused_window->full_area(); m_focused_window->set_position({ m_focused_window->client_x() + event.rel_x, m_focused_window->client_y() + event.rel_y, }); auto new_window = m_focused_window->full_area(); invalidate(old_window); invalidate(new_window); return; } if (m_focused_window) { LibGUI::EventPacket packet; packet.type = LibGUI::EventPacket::Type::MouseMoveEvent; packet.mouse_move_event.x = m_cursor.x - m_focused_window->client_x(); packet.mouse_move_event.y = m_cursor.y - m_focused_window->client_y(); send(m_focused_window->client_fd(), &packet, sizeof(packet), 0); } } void WindowServer::on_mouse_scroll(LibInput::MouseScrollEvent event) { if (m_focused_window) { LibGUI::EventPacket packet; packet.type = LibGUI::EventPacket::Type::MouseScrollEvent; packet.mouse_scroll_event = event; send(m_focused_window->client_fd(), &packet, sizeof(packet), 0); } } void WindowServer::set_focused_window(BAN::RefPtr window) { if (m_focused_window == window) return; for (size_t i = m_windows_ordered.size(); i > 0; i--) { if (m_windows_ordered[i - 1] == window) { m_focused_window = window; m_windows_ordered.remove(i - 1); MUST(m_windows_ordered.push_back(window)); invalidate(window->full_area()); break; } } } void WindowServer::invalidate(Rectangle area) { auto fb_overlap = area.get_overlap(m_framebuffer.area()); if (!fb_overlap.has_value()) return; area = fb_overlap.release_value(); for (int32_t y = area.y; y < area.y + area.height; y++) memset(&m_framebuffer.mmap[y * m_framebuffer.width + area.x], 0, area.width * 4); for (auto& pwindow : m_windows_ordered) { auto& window = *pwindow; // window title bar if (auto overlap = window.title_bar_area().get_overlap(area); overlap.has_value()) { for (int32_t y_off = 0; y_off < overlap->height; y_off++) { for (int32_t x_off = 0; x_off < overlap->width; x_off++) { uint32_t pixel = window.title_bar_pixel( overlap->x + x_off, overlap->y + y_off, m_cursor ); m_framebuffer.mmap[(overlap->y + y_off) * m_framebuffer.width + overlap->x + x_off] = pixel; } } } // window client area if (auto overlap = window.client_area().get_overlap(area); overlap.has_value()) { const int32_t src_x = overlap->x - window.client_x(); const int32_t src_y = overlap->y - window.client_y(); for (int32_t y_off = 0; y_off < overlap->height; y_off++) { memcpy( &m_framebuffer.mmap[(overlap->y + y_off) * m_framebuffer.width + overlap->x], &window.framebuffer()[(src_y + y_off) * window.client_width() + src_x], overlap->width * 4 ); } } } auto cursor = cursor_area(); if (auto overlap = cursor.get_overlap(area); overlap.has_value()) { for (int32_t y_off = 0; y_off < overlap->height; y_off++) { for (int32_t x_off = 0; x_off < overlap->width; x_off++) { const int32_t rel_x = overlap->x - m_cursor.x + x_off; const int32_t rel_y = overlap->y - m_cursor.y + y_off; const uint32_t offset = (rel_y * s_cursor_width + rel_x) * 4; uint32_t r = (((s_cursor_data[offset + 0] - 33) << 2) | ((s_cursor_data[offset + 1] - 33) >> 4)); uint32_t g = ((((s_cursor_data[offset + 1] - 33) & 0xF) << 4) | ((s_cursor_data[offset + 2] - 33) >> 2)); uint32_t b = ((((s_cursor_data[offset + 2] - 33) & 0x3) << 6) | ((s_cursor_data[offset + 3] - 33))); uint32_t color = (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b; if (color != 0xFF00FF) m_framebuffer.mmap[(overlap->y + y_off) * m_framebuffer.width + (overlap->x + x_off)] = color; } } } uintptr_t mmap_start = reinterpret_cast(m_framebuffer.mmap) + area.y * m_framebuffer.width * 4; uintptr_t mmap_end = mmap_start + (area.height + 1) * m_framebuffer.width * 4; mmap_start &= ~(uintptr_t)0xFFF; msync(reinterpret_cast(mmap_start), mmap_end - mmap_start, MS_SYNC); } Rectangle WindowServer::cursor_area() const { return { m_cursor.x, m_cursor.y, s_cursor_width, s_cursor_height }; }