#include <BAN/Debug.h> #include <BAN/Endianness.h> #include <LibImage/PNG.h> #include <ctype.h> #define DEBUG_PNG 0 // PNG https://www.w3.org/TR/png-3/ // ZLIB https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc1950 // DEFLATE https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc1951 namespace LibImage { template<BAN::integral T> struct PODNetworkEndian { T raw; constexpr operator T() const { return BAN::network_endian_to_host(raw); } }; enum class ColourType : uint8_t { Greyscale = 0, Truecolour = 2, IndexedColour = 3, GreyscaleAlpha = 4, TruecolourAlpha = 6, }; enum class CompressionMethod : uint8_t { Deflate = 0, }; enum class FilterMethod : uint8_t { Adaptive = 0, }; enum class FilterType : uint8_t { None = 0, Sub = 1, Up = 2, Average = 3, Paeth = 4, }; enum class InterlaceMethod : uint8_t { NoInterlace = 0, Adam7 = 1, }; struct IHDR { PODNetworkEndian<uint32_t> width; PODNetworkEndian<uint32_t> height; uint8_t bit_depth; ColourType colour_type; CompressionMethod compression_method; FilterMethod filter_method; InterlaceMethod interlace_method; } __attribute__((packed)); struct ZLibStream { uint8_t cm : 4; uint8_t cinfo : 4; uint8_t fcheck : 5; uint8_t fdict : 1; uint8_t flevel : 2; }; struct PNGChunk { BAN::StringView name; BAN::ConstByteSpan data; }; class BitBuffer { public: BitBuffer(BAN::Vector<BAN::ConstByteSpan> data) : m_data(data) {} BAN::ErrorOr<uint16_t> peek_bits(uint8_t count) { ASSERT(count <= 16); while (m_bit_buffer_len < count) { if (m_data.empty()) return BAN::Error::from_errno(ENODATA); m_bit_buffer |= m_data[0][0] << m_bit_buffer_len; m_bit_buffer_len += 8; if (m_data[0].size() > 1) m_data[0] = m_data[0].slice(1); else m_data.remove(0); } return m_bit_buffer & ((1 << count) - 1); } void remove_bits(uint8_t count) { ASSERT(count <= 16); ASSERT(m_bit_buffer_len >= count); m_bit_buffer_len -= count; m_bit_buffer >>= count; } BAN::ErrorOr<uint16_t> get_bits(uint8_t count) { uint16_t result = TRY(peek_bits(count)); remove_bits(count); return result; } void skip_to_byte_boundary() { m_bit_buffer >>= m_bit_buffer_len % 8; m_bit_buffer_len -= m_bit_buffer_len % 8; } private: BAN::Vector<BAN::ConstByteSpan> m_data; uint32_t m_bit_buffer { 0 }; uint8_t m_bit_buffer_len { 0 }; }; constexpr uint16_t reverse_bits(uint16_t value, uint8_t count) { uint16_t reverse = 0; for (uint8_t bit = 0; bit < count; bit++) reverse |= ((value >> bit) & 1) << (count - bit - 1); return reverse; } class HuffmanTree { public: static constexpr uint8_t MAX_BITS = 15; struct Leaf { uint16_t code; uint8_t len; }; public: HuffmanTree() = default; HuffmanTree(BAN::Vector<Leaf>&& leaves, uint8_t min_len, uint8_t max_len, uint8_t instant_max_bit) : m_leaves(BAN::move(leaves)) , m_min_bits(min_len), m_max_bits(max_len) , m_instant_max_bit(instant_max_bit) {} uint8_t min_bits() const { return m_min_bits; } uint8_t max_bits() const { return m_max_bits; } uint8_t instant_max_bit() const { return m_instant_max_bit; } Leaf get_leaf(size_t index) const { return m_leaves[index]; } bool empty() const { return m_leaves.empty(); } static BAN::ErrorOr<HuffmanTree> create(const BAN::Vector<uint8_t>& bit_lengths) { uint16_t bl_count[MAX_BITS] {}; for (uint8_t bl : bit_lengths) bl_count[bl]++; bl_count[0] = 0; uint8_t min_bits = MAX_BITS; uint8_t max_bits = 0; for (uint8_t bits = 0; bits <= MAX_BITS; bits++) { if (bit_lengths[bits] == 0) continue; min_bits = BAN::Math::min(min_bits, bits); max_bits = BAN::Math::max(max_bits, bits); } uint8_t instant_max_bit = BAN::Math::min<uint8_t>(10, max_bits); uint16_t instant_mask = (1 << instant_max_bit) - 1; uint16_t code = 0; uint16_t next_code[MAX_BITS + 1] {}; for (uint8_t bits = 1; bits <= max_bits; bits++) { code = (code + bl_count[bits - 1]) << 1; next_code[bits] = code; } BAN::Vector<Leaf> leaves; TRY(leaves.resize(1 << max_bits)); for (uint16_t n = 0; n < bit_lengths.size(); n++) { uint8_t bits = bit_lengths[n]; if (bits == 0) continue; uint16_t canonical = next_code[bits]; next_code[bits]++; uint16_t reversed = reverse_bits(canonical, bits); leaves[reversed] = Leaf { n, bits }; if (bits <= instant_max_bit) { uint16_t step = 1 << bits; for (uint16_t spread = reversed + step; spread <= instant_mask; spread += step) leaves[spread] = Leaf { n, bits }; } } return HuffmanTree(BAN::move(leaves), min_bits, max_bits, instant_max_bit); } static BAN::ErrorOr<HuffmanTree> fixed_tree() { BAN::Vector<uint8_t> bit_lengths; TRY(bit_lengths.resize(288)); size_t i = 0; for (; i <= 143; i++) bit_lengths[i] = 8; for (; i <= 255; i++) bit_lengths[i] = 9; for (; i <= 279; i++) bit_lengths[i] = 7; for (; i <= 287; i++) bit_lengths[i] = 8; return TRY(HuffmanTree::create(bit_lengths)); } private: BAN::Vector<Leaf> m_leaves; uint8_t m_min_bits { 0 }; uint8_t m_max_bits { 0 }; uint8_t m_instant_max_bit { 0 }; }; class DeflateDecoder { public: DeflateDecoder(BAN::Vector<BAN::ConstByteSpan> data) : m_buffer(BitBuffer(BAN::move(data))) {} BAN::ErrorOr<BAN::ByteSpan> decode_stream() { while (!TRY(decode_block())) continue; m_buffer.skip_to_byte_boundary(); uint32_t checksum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) checksum = (checksum << 8) | TRY(m_buffer.get_bits(8)); if (decoded_adler32() != checksum) { dwarnln_if(DEBUG_PNG, "decode checksum does not match"); return BAN::Error::from_errno(EINVAL); } return BAN::ByteSpan(m_decoded.span()); } private: uint32_t decoded_adler32() const { uint32_t a = 1; uint32_t b = 0; for (uint8_t byte : m_decoded) { a = (a + byte) % 65521; b = (b + a) % 65521; } return (b << 16) | a; } BAN::ErrorOr<bool> decode_block() { bool bfinal = TRY(m_buffer.get_bits(1)); uint8_t btype = TRY(m_buffer.get_bits(2)); switch (btype) { case 0: TRY(decode_type0()); break; case 1: TRY(decode_type1()); break; case 2: TRY(decode_type2()); break; default: dwarnln_if(DEBUG_PNG, "Deflate block has invalid method {}", btype); return BAN::Error::from_errno(EINVAL); } return bfinal; } BAN::ErrorOr<void> decode_type0() { m_buffer.skip_to_byte_boundary(); uint16_t len = TRY(m_buffer.get_bits(16)); uint16_t nlen = TRY(m_buffer.get_bits(16)); if (len != 0xFFFF - nlen) { dwarnln_if(DEBUG_PNG, "Deflate block uncompressed data length is invalid"); return BAN::Error::from_errno(EINVAL); } TRY(m_decoded.reserve(m_decoded.size() + len)); for (uint16_t i = 0; i < len; i++) MUST(m_decoded.push_back(TRY(m_buffer.get_bits(8)))); return {}; } BAN::ErrorOr<void> decode_type1() { TRY(inflate_block(TRY(HuffmanTree::fixed_tree()), HuffmanTree())); return {}; } BAN::ErrorOr<void> decode_type2() { static constexpr uint8_t code_length_order[] { 16, 17, 18, 0, 8, 7, 9, 6, 10, 5, 11, 4, 12, 3, 13, 2, 14, 1, 15 }; const uint16_t hlit = TRY(m_buffer.get_bits(5)) + 257; const uint8_t hdist = TRY(m_buffer.get_bits(5)) + 1; const uint8_t hclen = TRY(m_buffer.get_bits(4)) + 4; HuffmanTree code_length_tree; { BAN::Vector<uint8_t> code_lengths; TRY(code_lengths.resize(19, 0)); for (uint8_t i = 0; i < hclen; i++) code_lengths[code_length_order[i]] = TRY(m_buffer.get_bits(3)); code_length_tree = TRY(HuffmanTree::create(code_lengths)); } uint16_t last_symbol = 0; BAN::Vector<uint8_t> bit_lengths; TRY(bit_lengths.reserve(288 + 32)); while (bit_lengths.size() < hlit + hdist) { uint16_t symbol = TRY(read_symbol(code_length_tree)); uint8_t count = 0; if (symbol <= 15) { count = 1; } else if (symbol == 16) { symbol = last_symbol; count = TRY(m_buffer.get_bits(2)) + 3; } else if (symbol == 17) { symbol = 0; count = TRY(m_buffer.get_bits(3)) + 3; } else if (symbol == 18) { symbol = 0; count = TRY(m_buffer.get_bits(7)) + 11; } for (uint8_t i = 0; i < count; i++) TRY(bit_lengths.push_back(symbol)); last_symbol = symbol; } TRY(bit_lengths.resize(hlit + 32, 0)); BAN::Vector<uint8_t> distance_lengths; TRY(distance_lengths.resize(32)); for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 32; i++) distance_lengths[i] = bit_lengths[hlit + i]; TRY(bit_lengths.resize(hlit)); TRY(bit_lengths.resize(288, 0)); TRY(inflate_block(TRY(HuffmanTree::create(bit_lengths)), TRY(HuffmanTree::create(distance_lengths)))); return {}; } BAN::ErrorOr<void> inflate_block(const HuffmanTree& length_tree, const HuffmanTree& distance_tree) { static constexpr uint16_t length_base[] { 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 23, 27, 31, 35, 43, 51, 59, 67, 83, 99, 115, 131, 163, 195, 227, 258 }; static constexpr uint8_t extra_length_bits[] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 0 }; static constexpr uint16_t distance_base[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 13, 17, 25, 33, 49, 65, 97, 129, 193, 257, 385, 513, 769, 1025, 1537, 2049, 3073, 4097, 6145, 8193, 12289, 16385, 24577 }; static constexpr uint8_t extra_distance_bits[] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10, 11, 11, 12, 12, 13, 13 }; uint16_t symbol; while ((symbol = TRY(read_symbol(length_tree))) != 256) { if (symbol < 256) { TRY(m_decoded.push_back(symbol)); continue; } ASSERT(symbol <= 285); symbol -= 257; const uint16_t length = length_base[symbol] + TRY(m_buffer.get_bits(extra_length_bits[symbol])); uint16_t distance_code; if (distance_tree.empty()) distance_code = reverse_bits(TRY(m_buffer.get_bits(5)), 5); else distance_code = TRY(read_symbol(distance_tree)); ASSERT(distance_code <= 30); const size_t distance = distance_base[distance_code] + TRY(m_buffer.get_bits(extra_distance_bits[distance_code])); size_t offset = m_decoded.size() - distance; for (size_t i = 0; i < length; i++) TRY(m_decoded.push_back(m_decoded[offset + i])); } return {}; } BAN::ErrorOr<uint16_t> read_symbol(const HuffmanTree& tree) { uint16_t compare = TRY(m_buffer.peek_bits(tree.max_bits())); for (uint8_t bits = tree.instant_max_bit(); bits <= tree.max_bits(); bits++) { uint16_t mask = (1 << bits) - 1; auto leaf = tree.get_leaf(compare & mask); if (leaf.len <= bits) { m_buffer.remove_bits(leaf.len); return leaf.code; } } return BAN::Error::from_errno(EINVAL); } private: BAN::Vector<uint8_t> m_decoded; BitBuffer m_buffer; }; BAN::ErrorOr<PNGChunk> read_and_take_chunk(BAN::ConstByteSpan& image_data) { if (image_data.size() < 12) { dwarnln_if(DEBUG_PNG, "PNG stream does not contain any more chunks"); return BAN::Error::from_errno(EINVAL); } uint32_t length = image_data.as<const BAN::NetworkEndian<uint32_t>>(); image_data = image_data.slice(4); if (image_data.size() < length + 8) { dwarnln_if(DEBUG_PNG, "PNG stream does not contain any more chunks"); return BAN::Error::from_errno(EINVAL); } PNGChunk result; result.name = BAN::StringView(image_data.as_span<const char>().data(), 4); image_data = image_data.slice(4); result.data = image_data.slice(0, length); image_data = image_data.slice(length); // FIXME: validate CRC image_data = image_data.slice(4); return result; } static bool validate_ihdr_colour_type_and_bit_depth(const IHDR& ihdr) { if (!BAN::Math::is_power_of_two(ihdr.bit_depth)) return false; switch (ihdr.colour_type) { case ColourType::Greyscale: if (ihdr.bit_depth < 1 || ihdr.bit_depth > 16) return false; return true; case ColourType::Truecolour: if (ihdr.bit_depth < 8 || ihdr.bit_depth > 16) return false; return true; case ColourType::IndexedColour: if (ihdr.bit_depth < 1 || ihdr.bit_depth > 8) return false; return true; case ColourType::GreyscaleAlpha: if (ihdr.bit_depth < 8 || ihdr.bit_depth > 16) return false; return true; case ColourType::TruecolourAlpha: if (ihdr.bit_depth < 8 || ihdr.bit_depth > 16) return false; return true; default: return false; } } static BAN::ErrorOr<uint64_t> parse_pixel_data(BAN::Vector<Image::Color>& color_bitmap, uint64_t image_width, uint64_t image_height, const IHDR& ihdr, const BAN::Vector<Image::Color>& palette, BAN::ByteSpan encoded_data) { ASSERT(color_bitmap.size() >= image_height * image_width); const uint8_t bits_per_channel = ihdr.bit_depth; const uint8_t channels = [&]() -> uint8_t { switch (ihdr.colour_type) { case ColourType::Greyscale: return 1; case ColourType::Truecolour: return 3; case ColourType::IndexedColour: return 1; case ColourType::GreyscaleAlpha: return 2; case ColourType::TruecolourAlpha: return 4; default: ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); } }(); const auto extract_channel = [&](auto& bit_buffer) -> uint8_t { uint16_t tmp = MUST(bit_buffer.get_bits(bits_per_channel)); switch (bits_per_channel) { case 1: return tmp * 0xFF; case 2: return tmp * 0xFF / 3; case 4: return tmp * 0xFF / 15; case 8: return tmp; case 16: return tmp & 0xFF; // NOTE: stored in big endian } ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); }; const auto extract_color = [&](auto& bit_buffer) -> Image::Color { Image::Color color; switch (ihdr.colour_type) { case ColourType::Greyscale: color.r = extract_channel(bit_buffer); color.g = color.r; color.b = color.r; color.a = 0xFF; break; case ColourType::Truecolour: color.r = extract_channel(bit_buffer); color.g = extract_channel(bit_buffer); color.b = extract_channel(bit_buffer); color.a = 0xFF; break; case ColourType::IndexedColour: color = palette[MUST(bit_buffer.get_bits(bits_per_channel))]; break; case ColourType::GreyscaleAlpha: color.r = extract_channel(bit_buffer); color.g = color.r; color.b = color.r; color.a = extract_channel(bit_buffer); break; case ColourType::TruecolourAlpha: color.r = extract_channel(bit_buffer); color.g = extract_channel(bit_buffer); color.b = extract_channel(bit_buffer); color.a = extract_channel(bit_buffer); break; } return color; }; constexpr auto paeth_predictor = [](int16_t a, int16_t b, int16_t c) -> uint8_t { const int16_t p = a + b - c; const int16_t pa = BAN::Math::abs(p - a); const int16_t pb = BAN::Math::abs(p - b); const int16_t pc = BAN::Math::abs(p - c); if (pa <= pb && pa <= pc) return a; if (pb <= pc) return b; return c; }; const uint64_t bytes_per_scanline = BAN::Math::div_round_up<uint64_t>(image_width * channels * bits_per_channel, 8); const uint64_t pitch = bytes_per_scanline + 1; if (encoded_data.size() < pitch * image_height) { dwarnln_if(DEBUG_PNG, "PNG does not contain enough image data"); return BAN::Error::from_errno(ENODATA); } BAN::Vector<uint8_t> zero_scanline; TRY(zero_scanline.resize(bytes_per_scanline, 0)); BAN::Vector<BAN::ConstByteSpan> encoded_data_wrapper; TRY(encoded_data_wrapper.push_back({})); const uint8_t filter_offset = (bits_per_channel < 8) ? 1 : channels * (bits_per_channel / 8); for (uint64_t y = 0; y < image_height; y++) { auto scanline = encoded_data.slice((y - 0) * pitch + 1, bytes_per_scanline); auto scanline_above = (y > 0) ? encoded_data.slice((y - 1) * pitch + 1, bytes_per_scanline) : BAN::ConstByteSpan(zero_scanline.span()); auto filter_type = static_cast<FilterType>(encoded_data[y * pitch]); switch (filter_type) { case FilterType::None: break; case FilterType::Sub: for (uint64_t x = filter_offset; x < bytes_per_scanline; x++) scanline[x] += scanline[x - filter_offset]; break; case FilterType::Up: for (uint64_t x = 0; x < bytes_per_scanline; x++) scanline[x] += scanline_above[x]; break; case FilterType::Average: for (uint8_t i = 0; i < filter_offset; i++) scanline[i] += scanline_above[i] / 2; for (uint64_t x = filter_offset; x < bytes_per_scanline; x++) scanline[x] += ((uint16_t)scanline[x - filter_offset] + (uint16_t)scanline_above[x]) / 2; break; case FilterType::Paeth: for (uint8_t i = 0; i < filter_offset; i++) scanline[i] += paeth_predictor(0, scanline_above[i], 0); for (uint64_t x = filter_offset; x < bytes_per_scanline; x++) scanline[x] += paeth_predictor(scanline[x - filter_offset], scanline_above[x], scanline_above[x - filter_offset]); break; default: dwarnln_if(DEBUG_PNG, "invalid filter type {}", static_cast<uint8_t>(filter_type)); return BAN::Error::from_errno(EINVAL); } encoded_data_wrapper[0] = scanline; BitBuffer bit_buffer(encoded_data_wrapper); for (uint64_t x = 0; x < image_width; x++) color_bitmap[y * image_width + x] = extract_color(bit_buffer); } return pitch * image_height; } bool probe_png(BAN::ConstByteSpan image_data) { if (image_data.size() < 8) return false; uint64_t u64_signature = image_data.as<const uint64_t>(); return u64_signature == 0x0A1A0A0D474E5089; } BAN::ErrorOr<BAN::UniqPtr<Image>> load_png(BAN::ConstByteSpan image_data) { if (!probe_png(image_data)) { dwarnln_if(DEBUG_PNG, "Invalid PNG data"); return BAN::Error::from_errno(EINVAL); } image_data = image_data.slice(8); auto ihdr_chunk = TRY(read_and_take_chunk(image_data)); if (ihdr_chunk.name != "IHDR") { dwarnln_if(DEBUG_PNG, "PNG stream does not start with IHDR chunk"); return BAN::Error::from_errno(EINVAL); } if (ihdr_chunk.data.size() != sizeof(IHDR)) { dwarnln_if(DEBUG_PNG, "PNG stream has invalid IHDR chunk size: {}, expected {}", ihdr_chunk.data.size(), sizeof(IHDR)); return BAN::Error::from_errno(EINVAL); } const auto& ihdr = ihdr_chunk.data.as<const IHDR>(); if (ihdr.width == 0 || ihdr.height == 0 || ihdr.width > 0x7FFFFFFF || ihdr.height > 0x7FFFFFFF) { dwarnln_if(DEBUG_PNG, "PNG IHDR has invalid size {}x{}", (uint32_t)ihdr.width, (uint32_t)ihdr.height); return BAN::Error::from_errno(EINVAL); } if (!validate_ihdr_colour_type_and_bit_depth(ihdr)) { dwarnln_if(DEBUG_PNG, "PNG IHDR has invalid bit depth {} for colour type {}", ihdr.bit_depth, static_cast<uint8_t>(ihdr.colour_type)); return BAN::Error::from_errno(EINVAL); } if (ihdr.compression_method != CompressionMethod::Deflate) { dwarnln_if(DEBUG_PNG, "PNG IHDR has invalid compression method {}", static_cast<uint8_t>(ihdr.compression_method)); return BAN::Error::from_errno(EINVAL); } if (ihdr.filter_method != FilterMethod::Adaptive) { dwarnln_if(DEBUG_PNG, "PNG IHDR has invalid filter method {}", static_cast<uint8_t>(ihdr.filter_method)); return BAN::Error::from_errno(EINVAL); } if (ihdr.interlace_method != InterlaceMethod::NoInterlace && ihdr.interlace_method != InterlaceMethod::Adam7) { dwarnln_if(DEBUG_PNG, "PNG IHDR has invalid interlace method {}", static_cast<uint8_t>(ihdr.interlace_method)); return BAN::Error::from_errno(EINVAL); } const uint64_t image_width = ihdr.width; const uint64_t image_height = ihdr.height; dprintln_if(DEBUG_PNG, "Decoding {}x{} PNG image", image_width, image_height); dprintln_if(DEBUG_PNG, " bit depth: {}", ihdr.bit_depth); dprintln_if(DEBUG_PNG, " colour type: {}", static_cast<uint8_t>(ihdr.colour_type)); dprintln_if(DEBUG_PNG, " compression method: {}", static_cast<uint8_t>(ihdr.compression_method)); dprintln_if(DEBUG_PNG, " filter method: {}", static_cast<uint8_t>(ihdr.filter_method)); dprintln_if(DEBUG_PNG, " interlace method: {}", static_cast<uint8_t>(ihdr.interlace_method)); BAN::Vector<Image::Color> palette; BAN::Vector<BAN::ConstByteSpan> zlib_stream; while (true) { PNGChunk chunk; if (auto ret = read_and_take_chunk(image_data); !ret.is_error()) chunk = ret.release_value(); else { dwarnln_if(DEBUG_PNG, "PNG stream does not end with IEND chunk"); return BAN::Error::from_errno(EINVAL); } if (chunk.name == "IHDR"_sv) { dwarnln_if(DEBUG_PNG, "PNG stream has IDHR chunk defined multiple times"); return BAN::Error::from_errno(EINVAL); } else if (chunk.name == "PLTE"_sv) { if (chunk.data.size() == 0 || chunk.data.size() % 3) { dwarnln_if(DEBUG_PNG, "PNG PLTE has invalid data size {}", chunk.data.size()); return BAN::Error::from_errno(EINVAL); } if (!palette.empty()) { dwarnln_if(DEBUG_PNG, "PNG PLTE defined multiple times"); return BAN::Error::from_errno(EINVAL); } if (ihdr.colour_type != ColourType::IndexedColour && ihdr.colour_type != ColourType::Truecolour && ihdr.colour_type != ColourType::TruecolourAlpha) { dwarnln_if(DEBUG_PNG, "PNG PLTE defined for colour type {} which does not use palette", static_cast<uint8_t>(ihdr.colour_type)); return BAN::Error::from_errno(EINVAL); } TRY(palette.resize(chunk.data.size() / 3)); for (size_t i = 0; i < palette.size(); i += 3) { palette[i].r = chunk.data[i + 0]; palette[i].g = chunk.data[i + 1]; palette[i].b = chunk.data[i + 2]; palette[i].a = 0xFF; } } else if (chunk.name == "IDAT"_sv) { TRY(zlib_stream.push_back(chunk.data)); } else if (chunk.name == "IEND"_sv) { break; } else if (chunk.name == "tEXt"_sv) { auto data_sv = BAN::StringView(chunk.data.as_span<const char>().data(), chunk.data.size()); if (auto idx = data_sv.find('\0'); !idx.has_value()) dwarnln_if(DEBUG_PNG, "PNG tEXt chunk does not contain null-byte"); else { auto keyword = data_sv.substring(0, idx.value()); auto text = data_sv.substring(idx.value() + 1); dprintln_if(DEBUG_PNG, "'{}': '{}'", keyword, text); } } else { bool ancillary = islower(chunk.name[0]); if (!ancillary) { dwarnln_if(DEBUG_PNG, "Unsupported critical chunk '{}'", chunk.name); return BAN::Error::from_errno(ENOTSUP); } dwarnln_if(DEBUG_PNG, "Skipping unsupported ancillary chunk '{}'", chunk.name); } } { if (zlib_stream.empty() || zlib_stream.front().size() < 2) { dwarnln_if(DEBUG_PNG, "PNG does not have zlib stream"); return BAN::Error::from_errno(EINVAL); } if (zlib_stream[0].as<const BAN::BigEndian<uint16_t>>() % 31) { dwarnln_if(DEBUG_PNG, "PNG zlib stream checksum failed"); return BAN::Error::from_errno(EINVAL); } auto zlib_header = zlib_stream[0].as<const ZLibStream>(); if (zlib_header.fdict) { dwarnln_if(DEBUG_PNG, "PNG IDAT zlib stream has fdict set"); return BAN::Error::from_errno(EINVAL); } if (zlib_header.cm != 8) { dwarnln_if(DEBUG_PNG, "PNG IDAT has invalid zlib compression method {}", (uint8_t)zlib_header.cm); return BAN::Error::from_errno(EINVAL); } zlib_stream[0] = zlib_stream[0].slice(2); } uint64_t total_size = 0; for (auto stream : zlib_stream) total_size += stream.size(); dprintln_if(DEBUG_PNG, "PNG has {} byte zlib stream", total_size); DeflateDecoder decoder(BAN::move(zlib_stream)); auto inflated_data = TRY(decoder.decode_stream()); dprintln_if(DEBUG_PNG, " uncompressed size {}", inflated_data.size()); dprintln_if(DEBUG_PNG, " compression ratio {}", (double)inflated_data.size() / total_size); BAN::Vector<Image::Color> pixel_data; TRY(pixel_data.resize(image_width * image_height)); switch (ihdr.interlace_method) { case InterlaceMethod::NoInterlace: TRY(parse_pixel_data(pixel_data, image_width, image_height, ihdr, palette, inflated_data)); break; case InterlaceMethod::Adam7: { constexpr uint8_t x_start[] { 0, 4, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0 }; constexpr uint8_t x_increment[] { 8, 8, 4, 4, 2, 2, 1 }; constexpr uint8_t y_start[] { 0, 0, 4, 0, 2, 0, 1 }; constexpr uint8_t y_increment[] { 8, 8, 8, 4, 4, 2, 2 }; BAN::Vector<Image::Color> pass_pixel_data; TRY(pass_pixel_data.resize(((image_height + 1) / 2) * image_width)); for (int pass = 0; pass < 7; pass++) { const uint64_t pass_width = BAN::Math::div_round_up<uint64_t>(image_width - x_start[pass], x_increment[pass]); const uint64_t pass_height = BAN::Math::div_round_up<uint64_t>(image_height - y_start[pass], y_increment[pass]); const uint64_t nparsed = TRY(parse_pixel_data(pass_pixel_data, pass_width, pass_height, ihdr, palette, inflated_data)); for (uint64_t y = 0; y < pass_height; y++) { for (uint64_t x = 0; x < pass_width; x++) { const uint64_t abs_x = x * x_increment[pass] + x_start[pass]; const uint64_t abs_y = y * y_increment[pass] + y_start[pass]; pixel_data[abs_y * image_width + abs_x] = pass_pixel_data[y * pass_width + x]; } } dprintln_if(DEBUG_PNG, "Adam7 pass {} done ({}x{})", pass + 1, pass_width, pass_height); inflated_data = inflated_data.slice(nparsed); } break; } default: ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); } return TRY(BAN::UniqPtr<Image>::create(image_width, image_height, BAN::move(pixel_data))); } }