#include "Terminal.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static constexpr uint32_t s_colors_dark[] { 0xCC'000000, 0xCC'FF0000, 0xCC'00FF00, 0xCC'FFFF00, 0xCC'0000FF, 0xCC'FF00FF, 0xCC'00FFFF, 0xCC'BFBFBF, }; static constexpr uint32_t s_colors_bright[] { 0xCC'3F3F3F, 0xCC'FF7F7F, 0xCC'7FFF7F, 0xCC'FFFF7F, 0xCC'7F7FFF, 0xCC'FF7FFF, 0xCC'7FFFFF, 0xCC'FFFFFF, }; void Terminal::start_shell() { int pts_master = posix_openpt(O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY); if (pts_master == -1) { dwarnln("posix_openpt: {}", strerror(errno)); exit(1); } if (grantpt(pts_master) == -1) { dwarnln("grantpt: {}", strerror(errno)); exit(1); } if (unlockpt(pts_master) == -1) { dwarnln("unlockpt: {}", strerror(errno)); exit(1); } pid_t shell_pid = fork(); if (shell_pid == 0) { if (setsid() == -1) { dwarnln("setsid: {}", strerror(errno)); exit(1); } char* pts_slave_name = ptsname(pts_master); if (pts_slave_name == nullptr) { dwarnln("ptsname: {}", strerror(errno)); exit(1); } int pts_slave = open(pts_slave_name, O_RDWR); if (pts_slave == -1) { dwarnln("open: {}", strerror(errno)); exit(1); } if (dup2(pts_slave, STDIN_FILENO) == -1 || dup2(pts_slave, STDOUT_FILENO) == -1 || dup2(pts_slave, STDERR_FILENO) == -1) { dwarnln("dup2: {}", strerror(errno)); exit(1); } close(pts_slave); close(pts_master); execl("/bin/Shell", "Shell", NULL); exit(1); } if (shell_pid == -1) { dwarnln("fork: {}", strerror(errno)); exit(1); } m_shell_info = { .pts_master = pts_master, .pid = shell_pid }; } static volatile bool s_shell_exited = false; void Terminal::run() { signal(SIGCHLD, [](int) { s_shell_exited = true; }); start_shell(); m_bg_color = s_colors_dark[0]; m_fg_color = s_colors_bright[7]; m_window = MUST(LibGUI::Window::create(600, 400, "Terminal"_sv)); m_window->fill(m_bg_color); m_window->invalidate(); m_font = MUST(LibFont::Font::load("/usr/share/fonts/lat0-16.psfu"_sv)); { timespec ts; clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts); m_cursor_blink_shown = true; m_cursor_blink_ms = ts.tv_sec * 1'000 + ts.tv_nsec / 1'000'000; } MUST(m_cursor_buffer.resize(m_font.width() * m_font.height(), m_bg_color)); show_cursor(); m_window->set_key_event_callback([&](LibGUI::EventPacket::KeyEvent event) { on_key_event(event); }); const int max_fd = BAN::Math::max(m_shell_info.pts_master, m_window->server_fd()); while (!s_shell_exited) { fd_set fds; FD_ZERO(&fds); FD_SET(m_shell_info.pts_master, &fds); FD_SET(m_window->server_fd(), &fds); timespec ts; clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts); const uint64_t current_ms = ts.tv_sec * 1'000 + ts.tv_nsec / 1'000'000; const uint64_t ms_until_blink = 500 - BAN::Math::min(current_ms - m_cursor_blink_ms, 500); timeval timeout; timeout.tv_sec = ms_until_blink / 1'000; timeout.tv_usec = ms_until_blink * 1'000; if (select(max_fd + 1, &fds, nullptr, nullptr, &timeout) == 0) { m_cursor_blink_shown = !m_cursor_blink_shown; m_cursor_blink_ms = current_ms + ms_until_blink; } m_got_key_event = false; hide_cursor(); if (FD_ISSET(m_shell_info.pts_master, &fds)) if (!read_shell()) break; if (FD_ISSET(m_window->server_fd(), &fds)) m_window->poll_events(); if (m_got_key_event) { m_cursor_blink_shown = true; m_cursor_blink_ms = current_ms; } show_cursor(); } } void Terminal::hide_cursor() { const uint32_t cursor_base_x = m_cursor.x * m_font.width(); const uint32_t cursor_base_y = m_cursor.y * m_font.height(); for (uint32_t y = 0; y < m_font.height(); y++) for (uint32_t x = 0; x < m_font.width(); x++) m_window->set_pixel(cursor_base_x + x, cursor_base_y + y, m_cursor_buffer[y * m_font.width() + x]); m_window->invalidate(cursor_base_x, cursor_base_y, m_font.width(), m_font.height()); } void Terminal::show_cursor() { const uint32_t cursor_base_x = m_cursor.x * m_font.width(); const uint32_t cursor_base_y = m_cursor.y * m_font.height(); for (uint32_t y = 0; y < m_font.height(); y++) for (uint32_t x = 0; x < m_font.width(); x++) m_cursor_buffer[y * m_font.width() + x] = m_window->get_pixel(cursor_base_x + x, cursor_base_y + y); if (m_cursor_shown && m_cursor_blink_shown) { for (uint32_t y = m_font.height() * 13 / 16; y < m_font.height() - 1; y++) for (uint32_t x = 0; x < m_font.width(); x++) m_window->set_pixel(cursor_base_x + x, cursor_base_y + y, 0xFFFFFFFF); m_window->invalidate(cursor_base_x, cursor_base_y, m_font.width(), m_font.height()); } } bool Terminal::read_shell() { char buffer[512]; ssize_t nread = read(m_shell_info.pts_master, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); if (nread < 0) dwarnln("read: {}", strerror(errno)); if (nread <= 0) return false; Rectangle should_invalidate; ssize_t i = 0; while (i < nread) { // all ansi escape codes must be handled if (buffer[i] == '\e') { while (i < nread) { char ch = buffer[i++]; should_invalidate = should_invalidate.get_bounding_box(putchar(ch)); if (isalpha(ch)) break; } continue; } // find the next ansi escape code or end of buffer size_t non_ansi_end = i; while (non_ansi_end < nread && buffer[non_ansi_end] != '\e') non_ansi_end++; // we only need to process maximum of `rows()` newlines. // anything before that would get overwritten anyway size_t start = non_ansi_end; size_t newline_count = 0; while (start > i && newline_count < rows()) newline_count += (buffer[--start] == '\n'); // do possible scrolling already in here, so `putchar()` doesnt // have to scroll up to `rows()` times if (m_cursor.y + newline_count >= rows()) { const uint32_t scroll = m_cursor.y + newline_count - rows() + 1; m_cursor.y -= scroll; m_window->shift_vertical(-scroll * (int32_t)m_font.height()); m_window->fill_rect(0, m_window->height() - scroll * m_font.height(), m_window->width(), scroll * m_font.height(), m_bg_color); should_invalidate = { 0, 0, m_window->width(), m_window->height() }; } i = start; for (i = start; i < non_ansi_end; i++) should_invalidate = should_invalidate.get_bounding_box(putchar(buffer[i])); } if (should_invalidate.height && should_invalidate.width) { m_window->invalidate( should_invalidate.x, should_invalidate.y, should_invalidate.width, should_invalidate.height ); } return true; } void Terminal::handle_sgr() { switch (m_csi_info.fields[0]) { case -1: case 0: m_bg_color = s_colors_dark[0]; m_fg_color = s_colors_bright[7]; break; case 30: case 31: case 32: case 33: case 34: case 35: case 36: case 37: m_fg_color = s_colors_dark[m_csi_info.fields[0] - 30]; break; case 40: case 41: case 42: case 43: case 44: case 45: case 46: case 47: m_bg_color = s_colors_dark[m_csi_info.fields[0] - 40]; break; case 90: case 91: case 92: case 93: case 94: case 95: case 96: case 97: m_fg_color = s_colors_bright[m_csi_info.fields[0] - 90]; break; case 100: case 101: case 102: case 103: case 104: case 105: case 106: case 107: m_bg_color = s_colors_bright[m_csi_info.fields[0] - 100]; break; default: dprintln("TODO: SGR {}", m_csi_info.fields[0]); break; } } void Terminal::handle_csi(char ch) { if (ch == ';') { m_csi_info.index++; return; } if (ch == '?') { m_csi_info.question = true; return; } if (isdigit(ch)) { if (m_csi_info.index <= 1) { auto& field = m_csi_info.fields[m_csi_info.index]; field = (BAN::Math::max(field, 0) * 10) + (ch - '0'); } return; } switch (ch) { case 'C': if (m_csi_info.fields[0] == -1) m_csi_info.fields[0] = 1; m_cursor.x = BAN::Math::clamp(m_cursor.x + m_csi_info.fields[0], 0, cols() - 1); break; case 'D': if (m_csi_info.fields[0] == -1) m_csi_info.fields[0] = 1; m_cursor.x = BAN::Math::clamp((int32_t)m_cursor.x - m_csi_info.fields[0], 0, cols() - 1); break; case 'G': m_cursor.x = BAN::Math::clamp(m_csi_info.fields[0], 1, cols()) - 1; break; case 'H': m_cursor.y = BAN::Math::clamp(m_csi_info.fields[0], 1, rows()) - 1; m_cursor.x = BAN::Math::clamp(m_csi_info.fields[1], 1, cols()) - 1; break; case 'J': { uint32_t rects[2][4] { { (uint32_t)-1 }, { (uint32_t)-1 } }; if (m_csi_info.fields[0] == -1 || m_csi_info.fields[0] == 0) { rects[0][0] = m_cursor.x * m_font.width(); rects[0][1] = m_cursor.y * m_font.height(); rects[0][2] = m_window->width() - rects[0][0]; rects[0][3] = m_font.height(); rects[1][0] = 0; rects[1][1] = (m_cursor.y + 1) * m_font.height(); rects[1][2] = m_window->width(); rects[1][3] = m_window->height() - rects[1][1]; } else if (m_csi_info.fields[0] == 1) { rects[0][0] = 0; rects[0][1] = m_cursor.y * m_font.height(); rects[0][2] = m_cursor.x * m_font.width(); rects[0][3] = m_font.height(); rects[1][0] = 0; rects[1][1] = 0; rects[1][2] = m_window->width(); rects[1][3] = m_cursor.y * m_font.height(); } else { rects[0][0] = 0; rects[0][1] = 0; rects[0][2] = m_window->width(); rects[0][3] = m_window->height(); } for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { if (rects[i][0] == (uint32_t)-1) continue; m_window->fill_rect(rects[i][0], rects[i][1], rects[i][2], rects[i][3], m_bg_color); m_window->invalidate(rects[i][0], rects[i][1], rects[i][2], rects[i][3]); } break; } case 'K': { m_csi_info.fields[0] = BAN::Math::max(m_csi_info.fields[0], 0); uint32_t rect[4]; rect[0] = (m_csi_info.fields[0] == 0) ? m_cursor.x * m_font.width() : 0; rect[1] = m_cursor.y * m_font.height(); rect[2] = (m_csi_info.fields[0] == 1) ? m_cursor.x * m_font.width() : m_window->width() - rect[0]; rect[3] = m_font.height(); m_window->fill_rect(rect[0], rect[1], rect[2], rect[3], m_bg_color); m_window->invalidate(rect[0], rect[1], rect[2], rect[3]); break; } case 'm': handle_sgr(); break; case 's': m_saved_cursor = m_cursor; break; case 'u': m_cursor = m_saved_cursor; break; case 'h': case 'l': if (!m_csi_info.question || m_csi_info.fields[0] != 25) { dprintln("invalid ANSI CSI ?{}{}", m_csi_info.fields[0], (char)ch); break; } m_cursor_shown = (ch == 'h'); break; default: dprintln("TODO: CSI {}", ch); break; } m_state = State::Normal; } Rectangle Terminal::putchar(uint8_t ch) { if (m_state == State::ESC) { if (ch != '[') { dprintln("unknown escape character 0x{2H}", ch); m_state = State::Normal; return {}; } m_state = State::CSI; m_csi_info.index = 0; m_csi_info.fields[0] = -1; m_csi_info.fields[1] = -1; m_csi_info.question = false; return {}; } if (m_state == State::CSI) { if (ch < 0x20 || ch > 0xFE) { dprintln("invalid CSI 0x{2H}", ch); m_state = State::Normal; return {}; } handle_csi(ch); return {}; } m_utf8_bytes[m_utf8_index++] = ch; const size_t utf8_len = BAN::UTF8::byte_length(m_utf8_bytes[0]); if (utf8_len == 0) { dwarnln("invalid utf8 leading byte 0x{2H}", ch); m_utf8_index = 0; return {}; } if (m_utf8_index < utf8_len) return {}; const uint32_t codepoint = BAN::UTF8::to_codepoint(m_utf8_bytes); m_utf8_index = 0; if (codepoint == BAN::UTF8::invalid) { char utf8_hex[20]; char* ptr = utf8_hex; for (uint8_t i = 0; i < utf8_len; i++) { *ptr++ = '0'; *ptr++ = 'x'; *ptr++ = (m_utf8_bytes[i] >> 4) < 10 ? (m_utf8_bytes[i] >> 4) + '0' : (m_utf8_bytes[i] >> 4) - 10 + 'A'; *ptr++ = (m_utf8_bytes[i] & 0xF) < 10 ? (m_utf8_bytes[i] & 0xF) + '0' : (m_utf8_bytes[i] & 0xF) - 10 + 'A'; *ptr++ = ' '; } *--ptr = '\0'; dwarnln("invalid utf8 {}", utf8_hex); return {}; } Rectangle should_invalidate; switch (codepoint) { case '\e': m_state = State::ESC; break; case '\n': m_cursor.x = 0; m_cursor.y++; break; case '\r': m_cursor.x = 0; break; case '\b': if (m_cursor.x > 0) m_cursor.x--; break; default: { const uint32_t cell_w = m_font.width(); const uint32_t cell_h = m_font.height(); const uint32_t cell_x = m_cursor.x * cell_w; const uint32_t cell_y = m_cursor.y * cell_h; m_window->fill_rect(cell_x, cell_y, cell_w, cell_h, m_bg_color); m_window->draw_character(codepoint, m_font, cell_x, cell_y, m_fg_color); should_invalidate = { cell_x, cell_y, cell_w, cell_h }; m_cursor.x++; break; } } if (m_cursor.x >= cols()) { m_cursor.x = 0; m_cursor.y++; } // scrolling is already handled in `read_shell()` ASSERT(m_cursor.y < rows()); return should_invalidate; } void Terminal::on_key_event(LibGUI::EventPacket::KeyEvent event) { if (event.released()) return; if (const char* text = LibInput::key_to_utf8_ansi(event.key, event.modifier)) write(m_shell_info.pts_master, text, strlen(text)); m_got_key_event = true; }