#!/bin/bash set -e DISK_SIZE=$[50 * 1024 * 1024] MOUNT_DIR=/mnt truncate -s 0 $DISK_IMAGE_PATH truncate -s $DISK_SIZE $DISK_IMAGE_PATH sed -e 's/\s*\([-\+[:alnum:]]*\).*/\1/' << EOF | fdisk $DISK_IMAGE_PATH > /dev/null g # gpt n # new partition 1 # partition number 1 # default (from the beginning of the disk) +1MiB # bios boot partiton size n # new partition 2 # partition number 2 # default (right after bios boot partition) # default (to the end of disk) t # set type 1 # ... of partition 1 4 # bios boot partition t # set type 2 # ... of partition 2 20 # Linux filesystem w # write changes EOF LOOP_DEV=$(sudo losetup -f --show $DISK_IMAGE_PATH) sudo partprobe $LOOP_DEV PARTITION1=${LOOP_DEV}p1 PARTITION2=${LOOP_DEV}p2 sudo mkfs.ext2 -d $SYSROOT -b 1024 -q $PARTITION2 sudo mount $PARTITION2 $MOUNT_DIR sudo grub-install --no-floppy --target=i386-pc --modules="normal ext2 multiboot" --boot-directory=${MOUNT_DIR}/boot $LOOP_DEV sudo umount $MOUNT_DIR sudo losetup -d $LOOP_DEV