set(USERSPACE_LIBRARIES LibC LibELF LibFont LibGUI LibImage LibInput ) foreach(library ${USERSPACE_LIBRARIES}) add_subdirectory(${library}) endforeach() add_custom_target(libraries) foreach(library ${USERSPACE_LIBRARIES}) string(TOLOWER ${library} library_lower) if (TARGET ${library_lower} AND NOT ${library_lower} STREQUAL "libc") add_dependencies(libraries ${library_lower}) # This is to allow cmake to link when libc updates target_link_options(${library_lower} PRIVATE -nolibc) # Default compile options target_compile_options(${library_lower} PRIVATE -g -O2 -Wall -Wextra -Werror) # set SONAME as cmake doesn't set it for some reason?? set_target_properties(${library_lower} PROPERTIES LINK_FLAGS "-Wl,-soname,${library_lower}.so") endif() endforeach()